The Storm God

Chapter 3794 It's done! (Please subscribe!)

Oneiroi Morpheus?

Hearing this, Aiya was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect that this alarm was aimed at that guy...

But think about it.

With Xiao Wang's situation at the time, it was impossible to kill Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and exile in the turbulent flow of time and space was already played by the Great Wall.

For a boss of that realm, this level of harm is nothing at all, it is nothing more than harassment and delay.


The other party came back too fast.

Didn't Xiao Wang say that it would take about three or four months to conservatively estimate? It's only been a month or so?


Could the opponent become stronger again in the turbulent flow of time and space?

Think here.

Aiya couldn't help looking at Xiao Wang, his eyes were full of doubts and inquiries, Xiao Wang instantly understood, and then replied: "Boss Aiya, to be honest, I don't really understand things about that realm..."


"One thing I can be sure of is that in the time-space turbulent storm that was exiled, there is so much chaos that there is no chance of improvement."

"Because if you are not careful, you will be affected by turbulent currents, either rapidly aging and dying, or time flowing back to the previous weak state."

"If you want to stay unharmed, you can only use your strength, and there are countless things to contend with. As for why Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, came back so soon..."

"I suspect that he was lucky. He happened to encounter a more urgent node gap, and then forcibly opened the barrier of time and space to come back."

"But according to my research and understanding, this kind of situation is generally very rare. Could it be related to Mr.'s retreat and enlightenment?"


During the period when Bai Xiaofei retreated to comprehend the mysteries of the space-time shuttle device, no matter whether it was Aya or Xiao Wang, anyone whose strength reached a certain level could almost sense the frequent fluctuations in the power of the world law.

Even sometimes, there will be extremely subtle freezes in time and space, as if a movie is playing and suddenly freezes.

Everyone guessed that this was probably caused by Bai Xiaofei's retreat and comprehension. After all, the entire small universe belongs to Bai Xiaofei.

With the continuous upgrading of Bai Xiaofei's power, his power of cosmic law will naturally become stronger.

Just like when the driver of the computer is upgraded, there may be some phenomena such as stuttering and flickering, the upgrading and strengthening of the universe will also have similar symptoms.


Bai Xiaofei retreated to comprehend the power of the laws of space and time, but in his own small universe, logically speaking, it shouldn't affect the outside world.


Soon, everyone thought of a possibility.

Bai Xiaofei's retreat has reached a critical stage, and it may become normal at any time, which will lead to a slight loss of control over the power of the law of time and space.

And this kind of time and space may not be very obvious to the inside of the small universe, but it is different to the outer universe.

In particular, the chief culprit for the exile of Oneiroi Morpheus is also the space-time shuttle device that Bai Xiaofei has comprehended.

It is very possible that there was some resonance between the two, which made Morpheus, the Oneiroi, jump out of the time-space turbulent storm of exile in advance.

"That's all!"

After figuring everything out, Aya shook her head helplessly, and sighed: "Those are not important now, the key is what do we do next?"


Sinestro frowned and said, "The combination of the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion has already put us under a lot of pressure, and now we add another Oneiroi Lord Morpheus..."

This is simply too difficult!

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Of course.

The benefits are not without.

At least now everyone has clearly known the news of the return of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, and they can deploy corresponding action plans in a targeted manner in the future.

Compared with the previous uncertainty, this provides Aya and others with a lot of convenience and the possibility of taking the initiative.


The current Oneiroi Lord Murphys is no better than before.

Not to mention his own strength, as far as those subordinates, many of them have taken refuge in Bai Xiaofei.

Today's Oneiroi Lord Murphys is almost a bare-bones commander.

In addition to his identity in the reincarnation space and the many equipment from other worlds he may have hidden, his own strength is considered the biggest threat.

And these.

In the past, it might have been a relatively big threat to Bai Xiaofei and others, but now it is not necessarily so.

Sinestro, Aya, and their strengths have all improved very quickly.

Several members of the fantasy team are also well-suited for the second echelon, and can help Bai Xiaofei share a lot of pressure.


There is another little king in the camp.

As long as the anti-monitor Mobius is successfully integrated into the brand-new anti-surveillance mech, Xiao Wang's strength can be instantly promoted to the first echelon.

When Bai Xiaofei comprehends and exits the test, his strength will increase greatly.

One more comparison to Morpheus, the God of Dreams...

Each other trades off...


If the two sides really face each other, I am afraid that it will not be Bai Xiaofei and others who will suffer, but it will be the turn of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Of course, he can't be completely underestimated, after all, that guy also has a powerful ally - Apocalypse.

And Apocalypse now cooperates with the Black Lantern Corps...

Taken together.

In terms of overall strength, Bai Xiaofei is still under some pressure, but in terms of top combat power, he can basically be on par with the enemy.

Sinestro can hold Darkseid for a short time.

Aiya, Xiao Wang, any of them can compete with Scarface, and even restrain and crush each other, so that Scarface can't take advantage of it at all.

After all, they are all special intelligent life forms.

And the secondary second echelon.

On Bai Xiaofei's side, there are Long Zhan and others from the Dream Team, Mog, Walker, Abin Sur, and other indigenous characters, who can barely squeeze in now to confront some difficult enemies.

There is no need to count and explain the rest of the third echelon, because it doesn't make much sense.

Not to mention the quantity and quality of the Lanterns, just the sentinel hunters of the Mechanical Legion are enough for Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion to drink a pot.


Apocalypse and the Black Lantern cooperated to conduct secret affairs in the mechanical fortress, but Aya and Sinestro were very concerned.

If the other party really develops some powerful mechanical warriors, the advantage of the mechanical legion will inevitably be weakened to a certain extent.

Once the two sides go to war, with the help of the Black Lantern Apocalypse, it will inevitably be more difficult and difficult to deal with.


Those are little things.

As long as Bai Xiaofei can successfully see through the power of the law of time and space, he can raise his strength to a higher level again.

A top boss who surpasses the strongest combat power of the opponent can definitely control the direction of the entire battle situation with his own power.

To this.

Sinestro, Aya and the others were full of confidence.

And in the next half month, they didn't stay idle, and they all launched various actions and plans.


this day.

Just when everyone is busy.


The whole world stopped abruptly, time condensed, space became stagnant, and in the dark, a vast force emerged spontaneously.

This change came and went quickly.

Almost instantly.

Many people don't even have any induction.

But some powerful masters, such as Sinestro, Aya and others, clearly felt it.

"This is done?!"

Aiya and the others were overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, they were in different positions, and at some point, a familiar figure appeared beside them.

And this person is obviously Bai Xiaofei.


Looking at Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared.

Sinestro and the others immediately sensed that something was wrong, and after careful sensing, they all frowned: "What's going on? The strength of Mister seems to be far worse than before..."

"It shouldn't be!"

"Could it be that something went wrong during the process of retreat and enlightenment?"

"But it's dropped too much!"


Everyone is full of doubts.


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