The Storm God

Chapter 3795 Time clone! (Please subscribe!)

"This is my time clone."

Bai Xiaofei seemed to see everyone's doubts, so he took the initiative to explain: "The strength is only about one percent of mine."

"Time clone?"

When everyone heard this, they became even more puzzled.

Doppelgänger, they understand.

Even some people have similar means.

For example, Sinestro, whether it is the power of the green light or the power of the yellow light, can create an energy clone of a certain strength.


What the hell is a time clone?

They were puzzled.

Of course.

It's not that no one can understand one or two.

Special artificial intelligence beings like Aya and Xiao Wang probably understand some of them.

But what exactly is going on, I don't understand at all.

To describe it in one sentence, half understand it!


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Then he explained: "The so-called time clone is to use certain factors in time to create a clone at a specific position..."

"in short."

"As long as I have appeared by your side, in theory, I can create a time clone..."

"It can be one, or it can be many."

"It mainly depends on the time factor. For example, the one you see now is the time clone I created by intercepting a certain time node in the past."

"If it is used for fighting, I can intercept multiple time nodes to create more time clones to help me fight."

"The strength of these avatars is not as strong as the main body, but they are not much weaker. The strength of their realm level depends on the level of my past time..."

"And these are one of the methods I have learned after breaking through. How about it, the effect is very good, right?"


His explanation.

Everyone was stunned immediately, and they all showed shocked expressions.

Sinestro's eyes widened even more, and he didn't dare to say: "My God! If the time clone is used well, it can be called a magic skill!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded in agreement.

Aya and the others were also not stupid, and they quickly understood the horror of this method.


As long as Bai Xiaofei deliberately stays on various planets or regions in the universe for a while.

Then at a certain moment in the future, Bai Xiaofei can completely intercept these time nodes to create time clones.

think about it.

How vast is the universe?

At that time, there will be almost as many time clones as Bai Xiaofei!

Moreover, the ability of the time clone is only a little weaker than his deity, but it is much more terrifying than other top combat powers.

To put it in the simplest terms, Bai Xiaofei now fully possesses the terrifying means to form an army by himself.

He alone is countless individuals!

Just ask if you are afraid!


Aya and the others felt shuddering just thinking about it.

After the shock, everyone couldn't stop their excitement and excitement. The boss really didn't disappoint them.


Just after retreating and breaking through, he comprehended such a god-defying skill.

With such a boss as a backer, what Apocalypse, what Black Lantern Legion, what Oneiroi Lord Murphys...

No fear at all!


Bai Xiaofei's time clone quickly disappeared.

In fact, these avatars are just used by Bai Xiaofei to greet Sinestro and the others, which can be regarded as a reassurance for everyone.

Because Bai Xiaofei could feel it, Sinestro and the others seemed to be under a lot of pressure, each of them was frowning.

This is all right, with the shocking appearance of the time avatar, all the troubles disappeared immediately!

And Bai Xiaofei's true self (the body of evil) also soon appeared in the headquarters of the DC universe.

Sinestro, Aya, Xiao Wang and other important members rushed to attend Bai Xiaofei's first boss meeting after he left customs.


And the other side.

Apocalypse, inside the Mechanical Fortress.

Darkseid personally sits here, and there are also a large number of top combat experts stationed in the extremely important subsidiary bases around.


They are conducting a special and extremely important research experiment.

This experiment is related to the collective interests of Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps, so it cannot be neglected easily.

In order to prevent all troubles, extremely strict precautionary measures were taken, and the effect was also very remarkable.

Whether it was Sinestro or Aya, they tried to probe the intelligence information here several times, but ended in failure.

And today.

But there was one person who came to the mechanical fortress unimpeded, and he was the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus who had just returned!

"Explain it!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, just saw Darkseid and heard such a voice before he could figure out what was going on.

The one who spoke was Dakseid.


He still said it in a tone that was almost questioning, which made Morpheus, the god of dreams, feel very uncomfortable.

Because it made him feel that he was inferior.

"What do you mean?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "Dakseid, we are allies. There is no one who is superior or inferior. What is your intention when you question me in such a tone?"

He obviously doesn't know what happened recently, so he doesn't understand Dakseid's attitude.

after all……

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, just returned from the turbulent storm of time, and then came to find him. He didn't even know about the betrayal of the fantasy team.


Darkseid is no idiot either.

Seeing the attitude of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, he immediately thought that there might be some misunderstanding.

So, he gave the younger brother next to him a wink.

The little brother understood immediately, and then took a step forward, and played a video in front of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

And its content is the Lonely Star Wars not long ago, and the video clearly reflects the backstab of the fantasy team.

see this.

The Dream God Lord Murphy suddenly widened his eyes, full of disbelief, and said angrily: "These damned guys, how dare they..."

The terrifying aura was accompanied by an instant outburst of anger.


Seeing this, Dakseid immediately waved his hand at the younger brother, who immediately put away the video and backed away.

"It seems that you don't seem to know what happened recently? Then tell me, where have you been during this time?"

Darkseid asked.

This question also made him very puzzled.

If this boss had been in charge at that time, their Apocalypse wouldn't have suffered such a heavy loss. If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't give a reasonable explanation, then don't blame him for getting mad.

after all……

This is a great opportunity to rip off.

Any fool knows what to do!


Morpheus, the god of dreams, also saw that Darkseid was going to take the blame himself. He sighed helplessly, and he could only explain: "Don't mention it. It’s passed, and I wanted to find out, but I didn’t notice it for a while, and I was ambushed by the anti-supervision king, and I was exiled into the turbulent storm of time and space..."

Speaking of this, he was full of anger.

Who is he, Mengshenjun? In the heavens and worlds, he has never suffered such a big loss.

It's fine to let Bai Xiaofei bully him.

In the end, he couldn't even do a big anti-surveillance king with only his head left, and was exiled to the turbulent storm of time and space, and almost couldn't come back...

Really live more and more back.


After listening to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, Darkseid was also speechless, and it seemed that the other party's eyes were full of pity and sympathy.

You, a dignified big brother, have gotten into such a field...

There is no one left!

at the same time……

Dakseid was also secretly lucky.

Fortunately, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, stepped on the thunder ahead of time. If it was him, he might not be able to handle it.

For that alone, we have to thank you.

Of course.

Thank you in your heart.

Pot, you should bear it and you must bear it, who let you lose the chain at the critical moment, and the younger brother under your command betrayed you.

If you don't take the blame, who will take the blame?


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