The Storm God

Chapter 3796 Condescending! (Please subscribe!)

As the dark monarch of Apocalypse, Darkseid has been able to rule the universe and all realms for so many years, so he is naturally quite a city.

He didn't immediately propose that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, should take the blame, but took the initiative to introduce his current general situation.

"If nothing else happens, Bai Xiaofei should have obtained the space-time shuttle device in the head of the anti-surveillance king."

Darkseid narrated: "In order to deal with this powerful opponent, our Apocalypse has now reached a cooperation with the Black Lantern Legion..."

"The once three-legged situation has completely disappeared, and it has become a confrontation between us and Bai Xiaofei..."

"But even so, we are still at a disadvantage, because there are too many mechanical legions, and they are very restrained from black lights..."

"So we are rationally developing a special method that can target the enemy. After continuous efforts, we have made great progress..."

"Mr. Dream God, do you want to get involved?"


This is a conspiracy.

Let me explain the current situation to you first, and tell you plainly that you are no longer as important and indispensable as before.

If you want revenge, joining us is undoubtedly the most correct choice.


This is not for nothing.

If you want to join the group, you have to take the blame from before and let us see your sincerity, otherwise, who would dare to believe you?

after all.

In the previous battle, you, the boss, disappeared, and the younger brothers turned against the water collectively, and killed countless Apocalypse fighters, which once put Apocalypse into a disadvantageous situation of being passively beaten.

One by one, you don't want to express it well, so you want to join our team again?

Are you kidding me?


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not a fool or an idiot, so he naturally knows and understands the meaning of what Darkseid said.


Let him show his sincerity...


I am also very poor now!

Previously, in order to enhance the combat power of his subordinates, Morpheus, the Oneiroi God, spent a lot of money.

As a result, he ended up in such a miserable situation.

Now Darkseid wants him to take the blame and show his sincerity, how can you not be depressed when you call the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus!


Hard work returns to hard work.

It should be expressed, because this is the only way out for Morpheus, the God of Dreams, if he doesn't cooperate with them, do he have to do it alone?

Leaving aside, the current Oneiroi Lord Murphys is about the same as the Bare Commander, and there are no younger brothers available.

Against the increasingly powerful Bai Xiaofei camp, there was no chance of winning at all.

Darkseid's side alone will definitely not make him feel better. Who let the little brother under the command of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, cheat Apocalypse? As the Dark Lord of Apocalypse, he, Darkseid, doesn't want to lose face?

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, hadn't come up with something today, no matter whether he cooperates or not, Darkseid will definitely not make the former feel better.

This is a question of principle!


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, gave a wry smile, and immediately replied: "I and that Bai Xiaofei are irreconcilable. Since you have a good plan to deal with him, I will naturally join in!"


He paused slightly.

Then he said: "I am deeply sorry for the betrayal of my little brother before, and I am willing to take all responsibilities for it."


The voice just fell.

In the hands of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, there were a lot of law power crystals and other treasures shining with divine light.

He smiled at Darkseid and said: "These are my compensations, please accept them. Whenever you need me in the future, you can just speak up, and I will say nothing!"

This is expressing your attitude.

The gift or something is not important, the key is that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has made his status very clear.

From now on, I will be your younger brother.

For your lead!


To know.

He is Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

A boss-level existence with almost the same strength as Darkseid, now he surrenders his status and is willing to be a little brother by your side. Isn't this enough to show sincerity?

Anyway, Darkseid can't fault it.


This also has a certain relationship with the current situation of Apocalypse.

Although Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion have reached an alliance, it is based on fighting Bai Xiaofei.

Once Bai Xiaofei, the enemy, is eliminated, or the strength of his forces is weakened to a certain extent, then there will inevitably be cracks in the cooperation between them.

After all, both sides are ambitious.

The current cooperation cannot be done as it should be. Once there is no common interest, it will be the time when the two sides will meet each other.

To know.

The Black Lantern Legion is keen to return the universe to darkness and chaos.

Whether it is because of ambition or profit, based on this alone, it is impossible for Apocalypse to coexist with the Black Lantern Legion.

And the joining of Morpheus, God of Dreams, undoubtedly gave Darkseid a shot in the arm, allowing them to occupy a great voice and status in the cooperation between the two parties.

It is impossible for Dakseid not to know the hidden benefits brought by all these, and it is precisely because he understands that he understands what it means for Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, to achieve this level.


The opponent is really desperate.

Secondly, the sincerity of others has indeed been demonstrated.

Finally, there is the question of position.

The other party would rather condescend to others than grit their teeth for revenge. This shows that the grievances between Murphys, the Dream God Lord, and Bai Xiaofei have reached the point where they cannot be resolved, and they are either life or death.

As long as this point is mastered, Darkseid will be invincible.


After figuring out the meaning behind it, Dakseid smiled immediately, waved his hand to accept the apology from Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and said: "I accept your kindness, and from now on, you will be my apocalypse." Xing, besides me, the commander-in-chief with the highest status!"

This is obviously to appease.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, doesn't care about these false names at all. What he lacks now is not this, but a powerful little brother!

Without a younger brother, everything is useless.

The light commander has a fart!


I don't like it anymore.

It's time to say thank you.

After all, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, is no longer what he used to be. Since he has taken refuge in Darkseid, he has to abide by certain rules.

After a while of courtesy from both sides.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, immediately made a request, saying that he wanted to train some powerful younger brothers to contribute to the hegemony of Apocalypse.

It sounded nice, but it was actually for the younger brother.

Darkseid glanced at him meaningfully, then nodded, and said: "Yes! But the main combat power of Apocalypse is concentrated in the mechanical fortress to take charge of the defense work, and there is really no manpower... "

"How about this!"

"I'll give you some troops. It just so happens that some of the ruling areas around Apocalypse have been raging a lot recently. Go and help suppress them."

"When the time comes, you can directly recruit some younger brothers from that area. I believe that with your ability, there will be no problem."


hear this.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, really wanted to curse.


Do you think I'm a fool?

This is obviously using Lao Tzu to help you quell the turmoil, and expropriate the younger brother? To put it bluntly, I want my father to be self-sufficient!

Dog day capitalist, sure enough every good thing!

Although he was MMP in his heart, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, still had a grinning expression on his face, and said with a smile: "Even so, I'll give it a try!"

no way.

Sending people under the fence, relying on others.

For the sake of the overall situation, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can only grit his teeth and agree now, otherwise it might be worse than this!

After the Oneiroi Lord Murphys left.

The little brother next to Dakseid couldn't help but said: "My lord, he is trying to cultivate his own power. Are you so relieved to let him develop?"

"No problem!"

Darkseid, on the other hand, looked confident and said: "In the face of common interests, there is no distinction between you and me. Now is a good time to use him. If you use him well, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"


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