The Storm God

Chapter 3797 Tiejiaman plan! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei and others are in a meeting.

The content of the meeting is about the current situation.

Now Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Army are allied together, and the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is also joining, it can be said to be even more powerful, and it is very difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, look at Bai Xiaofei.

Although the time and space shuttle device was obtained, and Xiao Wang joined, it can be regarded as strengthening the strength of the camp to a certain extent...

But in terms of overall comprehensive strength, it is still somewhat inferior to the opponent.


The main content of this meeting is to discuss how to break the situation, and then there are matters about improving their own strength.

Nowadays, under Bai Xiaofei's command, there are not many top fighters, and there are only a dozen people in the first echelon.

For example, Sinestro, Aya, Mog, Walker, the five Dragon Warriors of the Dream Team, and the newly promoted Dragon Ball Warrior Dallol.

After a period of unremitting efforts and promotion, Dallol has now successfully reached the realm of Super Saiyan.

Only one step away, you can transform into Chaolan.

Maybe in terms of comprehensive strength, he is not enough to be promoted to the first echelon, but if it is purely about destructive power, he is still very qualified.


Everyone defines him as the best candidate for a vanguard.

Dedicated to tasks such as sabotage and attack.

Just like now.

I heard that Apocalypse has sent many fleets to expand and invade the surrounding world.

Although it is inconvenient for Bai Xiaofei to dispatch on a large scale, so as not to fall into the enemy's trap, he can't just do nothing.

It is completely possible to send out some small groups of troops to harass, investigate, or even assassinate.

And Dallol's task is to destroy, regardless of whether it is the fleet or the leader of the enemy army, just rush up and just kill.

To this.

He himself is very happy.

Dallol is now only one step away from being wary of ultra-blue, so he really needs to fight to strengthen himself.

The arrival of the task undoubtedly solved his urgent need to burn coal.


Be careful or be careful.

In order to avoid being besieged by the enemy, Bai Xiaofei specially incorporated Dallol into the sequence of the fantasy team.

After all, they are very familiar with each other, they all come from the space of reincarnation, and once worked for Morpheus, the god of dreams.

It can be said that it is the best choice to form a team of six people.

As for how they act and arrange, that's none of Bai Xiaofei's business, Bai Xiaofei believes that Long Zhan and others will arrange it themselves.

To know.

The current fantasy team is not what it used to be.

Long Zhan, Haotian, and Uncle Locke have all been promoted to a higher level, and combined with their own special abilities and magical weapons, it is simply terrifying.

As for Jiao Niang and Goblin, one is in charge of full-time control, and the other is in charge of suppressing firepower. With the cooperation, it is called terror.

If you add Dragon Ball Warrior Dallol, the trinity, forming a battle formation, or even a combination of six people, let alone ordinary players of the same level, even if they are stronger than their masters, I am afraid that they will be underestimated. Will stumble.


Regarding the arrangement of the six people's actions, Bai Xiaofei didn't worry about it at all.

Even against the Black Lantern.

after all……

Uncle Locke is not a vegetarian.

Uncle Locke, who is about to reach the state of three senses, with the power of angels and light, is simply the nemesis of darkness and death.

With him around, the fantasy team has no ability to fear black lights.

As for Sinestro, Aya and others...

It is inconvenient to go out.

To know.

They are all leaders of one side.

If something unexpected happened, not to mention Bai Xiaofei's distress, the various troubles caused would be enough to give Bai Xiaofei a splitting headache.


The main task of Sinestro and others is to be responsible for supervising the forces under their command and commanding the overall situation, and only when necessary, they will march in person.

Mog, Walker and others belong to the top combat power sequence among Lantern Heroes, each leading a part of the Lantern Hero army, which can be described as generals among generals.

Their main task is to lead the army to fight in the event of a large-scale war.

There are currently no tasks.

It is relatively easy to be mainly responsible for the training and promotion of subordinates.

The remaining second echelon has a relatively large number of people, and their pressure is currently the greatest, not one of them.


The task Bai Xiaofei gave them was to improve themselves as much as possible, and strive to be promoted to the first echelon with the fastest speed.

The rewards are also very costly, so good that it is against the sky.

It's a pity that after the strength reaches a certain level, it is no longer enough to just rely on hard work.

What is needed more is luck and opportunity. Without opportunity, if luck is not good, no matter how hard you work, it will be useless.

to this end.

Bai Xiaofei specially opened up a convenient passage to the next universe for these younger brothers who are in the second echelon.

Let them travel freely in the infinite world of the next universe to find their own opportunities.

As for whether it can be successful, how many people can come back alive?

Feel sorry!

Bai Xiaofei didn't know either.

After all, there are some opportunities that can only be obtained by risking one's life. It is natural that the benefits will be unlimited, and they will soar into the sky.

On the contrary, it is the death of the body and the disappearance of the dao, and becomes the stepping stone of others.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was also helpless.

It can only be said that everything depends on themselves.

However, Bai Xiaofei believes that these little brothers of his are not stupid or idiots, and under normal circumstances, there should be no problem.

after all.

In order to protect them to the greatest extent, Bai Xiaofei spent all his money, and everyone equipped them with a life-saving means that could resolve a life-and-death crisis.

If that doesn't work, then no one else is to blame.

on the other hand.

The most important task is Aya.

As the queen of the mechanical field, there are trillions of sentinel hunters under Aya's command, but most of them are of average level. It is not easy to create intelligent mechanical existence at Adam's level.


Bai Xiaofei was not satisfied with this either.

With Mobius, the anti-monitor, existing as infinite energy, his ambitions are greater and his ideas are more!

For example, combine the Sentinel Hunter with the Lantern, and even other intelligent creatures to develop and create a more terrifying version of the Iron Man warrior!

When the time comes, all the Tiejiaman warriors will release antimatter destruction waves in unison. Not to mention ordinary experts, even a super boss as strong as Darkseid, I am afraid that they will have to change color!

after all.

That is the antimatter destruction wave!

It's not an ordinary attack. Even because of its strength, the mass-produced version of the Tiejiaman warrior may have an anti-matter destruction wave that is far less powerful than the anti-monitor.

But I can't stand the amount!

Tens of thousands, even larger anti-matter destruction waves roared in overwhelmingly, like a stormy sea...

That scene, just thinking about it, feels scary!

Of course.

Bai Xiaofei also knew.

Although this idea is beautiful, it is very difficult and arduous to fully realize it.

The first is to cultivate the Radham tree of the Tiegaman system, which is very difficult to grow, and it requires countless planets and intelligent life.

Although with the support of the computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System, Bai Xiaofei can completely skip the screening of personnel's physique, but the energy aspect cannot be satisfied.

after all……

There is only one Mobius.

Even though his energy comes from the antimatter universe, which is almost endless, but in terms of explosive power, it is lacking.

It's like milking a cow, you can only squeeze out a certain amount of antimatter energy at a time, and it's not enough to satisfy Bai Xiaofei's huge needs.

Even with the help of Xiao Wang, the anti-supervision king, the supply of antimatter energy has been greatly improved.

Because Bai Xiaofei's vision and goal requirements are really too huge, it's only 18 million, how can it be topped?


Aya suggested: "Perhaps we can take the vanguard route first, wait until the technology is relatively mature and the energy accumulation is sufficient, and then mass-produce the second-generation version of the Tiegaman warrior..."


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