The Storm God

Chapter 3798 Goodbye Oneiroi! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "For the time being, we can only do this for now. After all, the conditions are very limited, and it is not necessary. Let's create a part to see if the effect is good."

The fighting power of Tiejiaman fighters is indeed very strong.

In particular, the anti-matter cannon of the killer's mace is almost a replica of the anti-surveillance king's tricks, and its power is astonishing.

Without a certain method, it is simply impossible to bear it.

If it can be modified and enhanced on the basis of the original, the effect will definitely be even more impressive. Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei would not place all his future bets on this.


His current conditions are not enough to support Bai Xiaofei to complete his plan, so he can only do partial development first.

Let's talk about the rest later.

And this task, Aya called it "Tegaman Advanced Project", the primary purpose is to design a new version of Tiegaman system that can perfectly integrate the current black technology.

If only relying on her to do it, the cycle of this plan is undoubtedly quite long, and there may be no movement for thousands of years, but with Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System as the backer, the result will be completely different.

The terrifying computing power of the incomparably terrifying and ever-increasing Hongmeng Dark System can help Aya avoid many, many detours.

Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's unreserved and full support, almost giving what he wants, Aya is confident that he can make preliminary results of this plan within half a year.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Aya's self-confidence, smiled slightly, and said: "If the result of the plan exceeds expectations, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to you, such as satisfying a wish within your ability..."


Hearing this, Aiya's eyes widened immediately, apparently completely attracted by the benefits Bai Xiaofei promised.


Bai Xiaofei gave an affirmative answer.

He looked around at the people at the meeting and said with a smile: "Not only Aya, but you too, as long as you perform well, you will never be treated badly!"

Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

All of them were gearing up, all looking full of energy.

Especially Xiao Wang.

after all……

He has just joined, whether it is strength or status, there is a clear gap with everyone present here.

But Bai Xiaofei's promise gave him hope.

As long as I can complete the integration with Mobius, and even the results exceed expectations, then I will be able to rise to the top and be instantly promoted to a high-level and core member of the team.

So far.

Xiao Wang can't wait to start working right now.

You know, his workload is huge, not only the fusion of his own mechs, but Xiao Wang needs to study and deal with it.

The Tiejiaman advanced plan that Aya is in charge of also needs his help. Who makes him and Mobius the only two people in the team who can mobilize and drive antimatter energy.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

But the reward is so attractive, who is not in a hurry!

But just as the meeting was coming to an end, Sinestro suddenly received important information from the next generation.


After reading it, Sinestro immediately reported it to Bai Xiaofei, saying: "I just received the news that Apocalypse sent a team headed by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus to expand to the outside world..."


After hearing the information, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Morpheus, the God of Dreams, leads the team himself?"

He felt incredible.

To know.

That is Lord Dream God!

A super boss whose strength is comparable to that of Darkseid.

Born in the space of samsara, who traversed the heavens and the world, what an arrogant master, but now he has become a younger brother of Dakseid?

Are you kidding me?


Soon Bai Xiaofei figured out the key point.

Then he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, and said sympathetically, "It's really hard for a penny to beat a hero. Today's Dream Lord Murphys is probably just like the downcast King Goujian. This is trying his best..."

Bai Xiaofei sighed and sighed with emotion.

Think about how powerful and terrifying his Dream Lord Murphys used to be, but now he has ended up in such a mess.

And all of this was almost caused by Bai Xiaofei.

After all, the relationship between the two parties is hostile, so Bai Xiaofei doesn't feel guilty at all, apart from being emotional, he is more happy.

Because from the analysis of this situation, it can basically be concluded that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, seems to have no younger brothers to use.

It's a bright commander!


Morpheus himself, God of Dreams, is still very powerful and terrifying.

You can't completely ignore him just because he's a polished commander, otherwise Darkseid won't entrust him with important responsibilities.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei had a guess in his mind.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, led a team to invade and expand the civilized world around Apocalypse, probably for the purpose of cultivating a new force team.

after all.

After the last battle.

Both the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps suffered heavy losses, but Bai Xiaofei's team gained the most benefits.

Although the two parties have now formed an alliance, because of the essential differences between them, it is impossible for them to be completely of one mind.

That is.

An alliance is an alliance, and cooperation is cooperation, but how to develop specifically, the two parties are basically separate and independent.

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is one of them.

Although his main task is to develop his younger brother and team, as far as the overall situation is concerned, he is still developing for Apocalypse.

That is.

The better the development of Oneiroi Morpheus, the more benefits Darkseid will get, this is the right of being a boss.

As for the Black Lantern Legion?

Feel sorry!

There is no specific intelligence and information yet, but Bai Xiaofei guesses that Scarface will definitely not be content with others.

Apocalypse has expanded its power so blatantly here, and as a partner, the Black Lantern Legion naturally cannot be too weak.

Otherwise, it will inevitably lose the right to speak gradually, and become a vassal of Tian Qixing, or even a tool puppet.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly showed a sinister smile, and said in a hey voice: "If you really dozed off, someone will give you a pillow."

"I'm just thinking about how I can test my new method and my improved combat power level."

"It's all right now, the enemy took the initiative and gave it a chance!"


When everyone heard it, they all laughed.

Everyone knows what Bai Xiaofei means. He just wants to practice with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

To know.

In the past, because of his weak strength, Bai Xiaofei was often bullied and hunted down by Murphys, the God of Dreams, and his life was miserable.

Now the tide is turning.

Bai Xiaofei's strength has increased, but Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has become a bare commander, and his strength has been weakened due to the loss of two incarnations...

At this time, if Bai Xiaofei doesn't beat the dog in the water and takes advantage of the fire to rob him, then it is purely a brain problem.

"Sir, this is the location of the star field civilization that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, may go to next according to the intelligence personnel under my command..."

Sinestro sent all the relevant intelligence information up immediately, and then said: "I wish you a successful start and defeat the enemy!"

Others followed suit and sent blessings one after another.


Bai Xiaofei laughed loudly for a few times, then stood up, and said to everyone: "You guys go about your own business first, I'll go there right away, and have a good meeting with the Dream God Lord Murphys..."

The voice just fell.

The whole person completely disappeared in front of everyone.


at the same time.

A certain huge star field.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is leading the demon-like army of Apocalypse, launching a crushing invasion and raid on the civilized planet in front of him.


As if sensing something, he frowned slightly.

next moment.

The Oneiroi Morpheus looked somewhere.


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