The Storm God

Chapter 3799 The first wave of confrontation! (Please subscribe!)

There is nothing there.

However, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, kept staring at it without moving.


His frown became tighter and tighter.

Because, he could sense that there was a very familiar yet quite unfamiliar aura coming from that direction.

"is it him?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, almost instantly reached someone——Bai Xiaofei.

However, he didn't dare to be too sure, because according to common sense, the other party should not appear in front of him at this time.

Unless the other party has enough confidence!

"Could it be..."

Just as Morpheus, the God of Dreams, widened his eyes, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, there was finally movement in the direction he was staring at.


Space ripples fluctuate.

A familiar figure seemed to emerge from the water.

The person who came was Bai Xiaofei!


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei actually appeared, Murphys, the God of Dreams, suddenly became extremely vigilant.


Just Bai Xiaofei's method when he appeared just now has surpassed the understanding and cognition of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Generally speaking.

Space shuttle is usually divided into two types, one is wormhole shuttle, which belongs to the space folding type, and the other is the teleportation type that instantly appears from one enemy to another location.

The former is more common and can be applied in many fields.

For example, the shuttle of the spaceship and so on.

And the latter...

Because of the increase in technical difficulty, no matter in terms of technology or personal cultivation, very few people can achieve it.

Those who can do this are all super bosses.

Or someone with extraordinary talent.


Bai Xiaofei's method just appeared, but Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't see any clues at all.

This can only explain one problem, Bai Xiaofei's level of strength may have surpassed himself and reached a higher level!

And this special flash shuttle method is the best proof.

To know.

Both sides are enemies.

Now that Bai Xiaofei is making a strong appearance, the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, who is in a relatively downturn, is naturally very jealous and fearful.


If you lose, you don't lose.

Facing Bai Xiaofei who almost killed him, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted angrily: "It really is you!"


After Bai Xiaofei showed up, he couldn't help being slightly surprised to see that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, seemed to have foreseen his arrival.

But soon he was relieved.

after all.

When the strength has reached his level, every move will cause violent fluctuations and reactions in the world.

Especially when Bai Xiaofei is trying to use the power of the law of time to travel through space, the fluctuations are so big that there is nothing to say.

In addition, Bai Xiaofei's evil body ability was originally formed because of the nightmare power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. There is a special connection between the two...

It is understandable that the other party can sense Bai Xiaofei's approach.

After hearing what Morpheus said, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, nodded and said, "That's right, it's me! After a long time, we finally meet!"

Bai Xiaofei can be sure.

The person in front of him is undoubtedly the Lord of Dreams, Murphys himself.

Because the strength of the other party is very terrifying and powerful, with mysterious and mysterious dream power, Bai Xiaofei's nightmare power feels vast and terrifying.

Bai Xiaofei had never felt this feeling in the incarnation of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

If it was before, facing such a terrifying Oneiroi Lord Murphys, Bai Xiaofei might have withdrawn a long time ago.

But it's different now.

He is no longer what he used to be, and his strength has improved a lot.

Coupled with the various blessings of the power of time, even though Bai Xiaofei's current level of strength is still a little behind that of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, he is completely confident that he can fight against him.

after all……

Behind Bai Xiaofei, there are two big backers who provide him with huge energy and insights all the time.

To put it bluntly, he is not alone.

But the Holy Trinity!

on the contrary.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is completely alone.

Because his two avatars had already been killed by Bai Xiaofei, absorbed and devoured, and some of them only had the current deity.

Bai Xiaofei was different.

The body of evil, the corpse of good, the deity planet, the Trinity.

Even if the other two did not arrive at the scene, almost everything can be transmitted between them in a timely manner through the Hongmeng Dark System.


Bai Xiaofei was fearless.

The strength of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, on the contrary aroused Bai Xiaofei's fighting spirit even more, wanting to use this whetstone to sharpen his abilities.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became excited.

Seeing the terrified Oneiroi Lord Murphys, who didn't dare to act rashly, he said directly: "It is said that meeting is worse than being famous, it seems to be true!"

The implication is that your deity does not seem to be very good.

My expectation was really in vain.


Murphy, the God of Dreams, was instantly furious, thinking about his status, it was unreasonable for him to dare to be ridiculed like this.


Anger turned into anger, but he didn't lose his mind because of it.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, squinted his eyes, observed Bai Xiaofei cautiously, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, you are here this time to mock me, right?"


Slightly sighed.

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei was a little disappointed in his heart, the majestic Dream God has turned into a coward...

Simply depressed!

No matter!

Since you dare not take the initiative to attack, let me do it instead!

It just so happened that the young master was used to being passive before, so he took advantage of this opportunity to experience the fun of taking the initiative!

"Before, I was grateful to you for taking care of me several times before, but now I came here specially to thank you, Meng Shenjun..."

Bai Xiaofei said something quietly.

The voice did not fall.


His strength and aura immediately gushed out like a volcanic eruption, and then turned into overwhelming waves, rushing towards Murphys, the God of Dreams.


Morpheus, the god of dreams, saw that Bai Xiaofei moved his hands without saying a word, and the level of strength and aura seemed to be far less powerful than he expected, so he was a little dazed and surprised at that time.


He's also quick to respond.

Amid doubts, he immediately released a terrifying and powerful dream power, turning into an incomparably towering mountain, facing Bai Xiaofei's attack.

This blow.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, did not dare to be careless.

Instead, he directly used about 90% of his strength, preparing to have a head-to-head confrontation with Bai Xiaofei, to personally feel and test the opponent's strength, to what extent.


The turbulent waves collided with the majestic giant mountains!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the vast void star field.

The aura of strength from both sides seems to have turned into substance. The endless tide, covering the sky and the sun, came fiercely, but was blocked by the majestic and immovable mountain, refusing to give an inch.

After a wave of attacks and clashes, the two sides were evenly matched. When the tide cleared, the giant mountain was also shattered.


Seeing this situation, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly had a guess in his heart. Bai Xiaofei's strength might not be as terrifying as he had mentioned in his connection, at most it was just a special method.

That is.

If I face him, I may not lose!


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was excited.

Looking into Bai Xiaofei's eyes, the fear gradually faded away, while the incomparably hot killing intent quickly spread and proliferated.


He wanted to take this opportunity to get a good feel for Bai Xiaofei's bottom.

Even if it is possible, it is best to kill the other party to this point, and completely end all the grievances between each other.


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