The Storm God

Chapter 3800 Square love! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

"Even if I have exerted the strongest strength, I still can't break through the opponent's defense. It seems that it is as I expected. There is still a certain gap between my current strength level and the Oneiroi Lord!"

"But it's very close!"


After the fight.

The smile on Bai Xiaofei's face suddenly became stronger.

He looked at Morpheus, the God of Dreams who was gradually getting excited, and said hehe: "What? You changed your mind so quickly?"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Bai Xiaofei, I thought you were so powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than a bluff!"

"I can tell you responsibly, if your level is only like this, then you will never be able to leave today!"

"Try my [Dream Descending] first!"


Good guy.

Meng Shenjun doesn't talk about martial arts at all.

He spoke as soon as he spoke, but he directly moved his hands. Before he could finish speaking, a terrifying fog of incomparable size and vastness instantly enveloped Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback. Although he was a little surprised by the attacking methods of the Dream God Lord, he was not worried at all.


This method, he knows.

When devouring the incarnation of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, Bai Xiaofei had already learned that the Oneiroi Lord Murphys has a super powerful means of group control.

That's when this dream came.

Although the name of this trick seems very ordinary, its effect and power are extremely terrifying. The first is the attack speed, which is almost instantaneous!

Just like now.

Stronger than Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't dodge it, and was directly enveloped in it.


That's the range of its attack.

The environment the two are in now is the vast universe.

As a result, as soon as Morpheus, the God of Dreams came out with this move, he immediately included everything in sight around him.

It can be seen that it is awesome and terrifying.

at last……

That's its power.

According to the memory of the avatar, once this trick takes shape, it will form a special dream realm, and within the realm, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, is the absolute master.

Almost everything in the dream, whether it is time, space, or others, will be under his control.

Those who have been recruited are like falling into endless reincarnation, and will be infested by various disordered dreams, unable to extricate themselves.

Strong as Bai Xiaofei, no exception.


within the realm of dreams.

When Bai Xiaofei's sight finally recovered, everything he saw was no longer a fog of chaos.

It is a building that I am very familiar with.

"This is the school where I went to elementary school?"

Bai Xiaofei looked down at himself, and was surprised to find that not only the surrounding environment had changed, but even himself had completely changed into a child's appearance.


It's just that the appearance has changed, and the mind has not been affected, and it is still in the state of adulthood...


Bai Xiaofei was startled suddenly.

He suddenly discovered that with the passage of time, his mentality seemed to be gradually getting younger!

To put it bluntly, it is rapidly degenerating as the body becomes younger, that is, it is flying towards the child's level!

"Xiao Fei..."

"What are you doing in a daze? Come and play with us!"

"Don't you like playing with us the most?"

"Come here~"


And at this moment.

In the operation of the primary school that has been fully substantive, a few more children have appeared at some point.

There are men and women, they all look like friends in Bai Xiaofei's memory, but they are just in the state of childhood.

Not just friends.


Even the teachers from elementary school, and even Bai Xiaofei's parents, appeared in front of him quickly one by one.

These people are either smiling at Bai Xiaofei, or glaring at Bai Xiaofei, or kindly teaching...

All kinds of expressions and different scenes were bombarded one after another, instantly giving Bai Xiaofei the illusion of returning to his childhood.

Not only that.

With the passage of time, his mind is also rapidly declining, and his strength and spirit are also evaporating in terror.

And just when Bai Xiaofei was wary of it, wanted to reject it, and broke free from this false dream...


Everything in front of Bai Xiaofei suddenly changed, and it was directly changed to the scene in middle school.


In front of him, there also appeared a special scene that made Bai Xiaofei feel very strange, but slightly remembered.

I saw a boy hiding under a tree, secretly watching a young girl, but there were other boys beside the girl.

It is clear.

The boy is secretly in love, and the girl he likes already has someone else around him, standard unrequited love.

But what he didn't know was that there was also a young girl secretly observing him in another position at this moment.

Judging by her behavior and expression, it is not difficult to guess that the boy is the one she likes, but unfortunately, it is not her that he likes...

Just like a teenager.

She is also in unrequited love, even worse than the teenager.

Because, beside the boy, there are at least a few bad friends who can accompany him to solve his worries and troubles, but the girl only has herself.


This scene looked very bloody, like the four-corner love scene in the TV series, but Bai Xiaofei was shocked by it, full of disbelief.


He was shocked to find out.

The girl who had a crush on the boy was unexpectedly her classmate and the older sister of her current girlfriend——Shan Xiaowei!

"I rely on it!"

"What's the situation with this mother? It's fake? Shan Xiaowei actually has a crush on me? How is this possible! She...I..."


Bai Xiaofei froze in place.

To be honest, he had no influence on this scene at all, and he didn't even remember Shan Xiaowei very much.

Because, in middle school, almost all of Bai Xiaofei's attention was on the girl he had a crush on and the few friends around him.

For other things, don't care at all.

until the end of middle school.

After all the dust settled, he completely accepted the cruel reality.

Later, he met and fell in love with Shan Xiaofang, but was rejected and blocked by Shan Xiaowei's words.

During this period, Bai Xiaofei felt baffled.

Now it seems……

Obviously there is something between the two of them.

Otherwise, well, why did Shan Xiaowei stop Bai Xiaofei from being with her sister Shan Xiaofang?

Just because I had a crush on him when I was in middle school?

It shouldn't be!


Bai Xiaofei didn't have the slightest impression of what was going on, even after seeing this scene, his mind was full of doubts and incomprehensions.

Just like a memory in his mind was abruptly erased, the most critical part, Bai Xiaofei was blank!


The space is suddenly transformed.

While Bai Xiaofei was still immersed in that unimaginable scene, the scene around him immediately changed into another scene.

Shan Xiaowei's soul, broken and miserable, roared towards Bai Xiaofei like a ghost.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened in an instant, endless self-blame and guilt poured out of his heart uncontrollably.

Especially when Shan Xiaofang also appeared and stared at Bai Xiaofei with incomparable resentment, Bai Xiaofei's heart instantly shattered into countless pieces like glass struck by a hammer.

at the same time.

The incomparably surging emotional power, the purest spirit, and the vast abyss of power, like mountains and rivers bursting their embankments, are pouring out from Bai Xiaofei's body, all of which are fragrant in a certain direction above.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't notice it.


He has already fallen into the ego state in the dream, almost forgetting everything else, completely unable to extricate himself.


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