The Storm God

Chapter 3801 Break it for me! (Please subscribe!)

A corner of the dream.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, greedily devoured all kinds of power absorbed from Bai Xiaofei, and couldn't help but let out a very pleasant voice.


"Such a quality, such a strength, is simply seen in my life!"

"Hey, keep sinking, and when I have almost absorbed your strength, I will send you to the west immediately!"


His strength is constantly improving.

The power that was lost due to the loss of the two avatars before was quickly recovered because of Bai Xiaofei.

At this speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before it will be completely restored to its original state, and even better than before. It is not impossible.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei's way was too strong and too big.

Inclusiveness and applicability are extremely amazing, and it is far easier to restore and enhance the strength of Oneiroi than other powers.


Because the source of the evil body's power was born from the Oneiroi God Sovereign, there are many similarities between the two.

This allowed Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to refine the energy absorbed from Bai Xiaofei at a faster speed and strengthen himself.

In short.

This move gave him an advantage.

Using Bai Xiaofei's past, he created a false dream, which completely disturbed Bai Xiaofei's mind.

And as long as the mind is disturbed, the power will be taken away by the dream.

Unless Bai Xiaofei can wake up.


For now.

It's almost impossible.

Because Bai Xiaofei was completely trapped in it, unable to extricate himself.


Next door to the DC universe, in the Singularity universe.

Bai Xiaofei, the good corpse, was feeling the mysteries and changes of the universe, when suddenly, he slightly opened his eyes.

Looking at the direction of the evil body in a different universe, he sighed slightly, and said, "Sure enough, I'm still too young, I got caught easily, and I blame the Oneiroi Lord Murphy's move, it's too powerful and terrifying..."

"Using his own past experience to reconstruct everything at that time, who can resist it, now he can only rely on himself!"


After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

It's not that he doesn't care, it's that people are not there, and they have no power at all. And in the dream realm, everything can only depend on oneself.

The only thing the good corpse can do is to continuously give the evil body a source of energy, so that he will not be easily drained.

at the same time……

Deity universe.

The body of Bai Xiaofei, who turned into the supreme planet, evolved and felt the situation and changes of the evil body at the same time.

But he can't control that much now.

It can only be supported through the Hongmeng Dark System. As for whether the body of evil can wake up from it, it depends on him.

after all.

The body of evil comes from a certain extent, and it is already different from the deity, which is equivalent to the embodiment of another personality.

At this moment, the evil body is deeply trapped in the cycle of dreams, and his mind is in a state of confusion. Except for himself, no one else can help him at all.

It's like your best friend is having a nightmare, terrified, and you're awake, watching, and unable to help.

Whether you can shake the other party awake does not depend on your strength, but on how deep the other party has fallen into a dream.

He also said: You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

That is.

If Bai Xiaofei is evil.

He himself didn't want to wake up from the dream, so even if outsiders threw him directly into the magma and burned him to death, it would be impossible for him to wake up.

This is where it gets the most headaches.

For now.

This deity is a kind corpse, and the energy can only be given to it from a distance, so as not to be drained of power by the Dream God Lord, and die completely in vain.

As for how to get out and turn the tide?

Then it depends on the body of evil itself, if he can wake up in time, it's not too late, otherwise...

As one goes up and the other goes up, it will only benefit Meng Shenjun in vain.

To know.

The level of strength of the Dream God Lord Murphys is basically the same as that of Bai Xiaofei, or even stronger.

After all, he has long been a saint.

No matter what type of saint he is, he is more mature and stable than Bai Xiaofei, who just chopped off two corpses, and he is well versed in the power of saints.

not to mention……

What is facing him now is not Bai Xiaofei's true self, but just an evil body, the gap between them is really big.

Although Morpheus, the God of Dreams lost his two incarnations, resulting in a great reduction in strength, his methods and abilities cannot be underestimated.

This is not.

The body of evil has been tricked without knowing it.

This is the gap.


Bai Xiaofei, the body of evil, is not without hope of winning.

The key lies in whether he can wake up in time. After all, he who just broke through has also mastered a super killer.

As long as Bai Xiaofei can fully wake up at the critical moment and unleash his trump card against the enemy, it's really not certain who will win.

that's all.

Time passed slowly.


Three days passed.

In the dream realm, Bai Xiaofei has gone through one dream after another, and the blows to his mind are getting bigger and bigger.

During this period.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, devoured Bai Xiaofei's power quite a bit.

Up to now, with the help of Bai Xiaofei's strength, almost half of his lost strength has been recovered.

He was so happy that he didn't want it.


"It's really cool. This kid's realm is not high, but the background of his strength is so amazing. Continue to sink!"

"If this goes on, I'm afraid I'll be able to return to the top in a few days. By then, Darkseid won't even be worthy of carrying shoes!"

"I'll inhale again..."


With the sudden increase in strength.

The ambition of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also revived.

He even began to secretly think about how to "repay" Darkseid after his strength recovered.

As everyone knows.

In the realm of dreams at this time.

Bai Xiaofei has already fallen into another dream, but this dream is not real, but a nightmare that changes completely randomly!

The relatives and friends around Bai Xiaofei, even his parents and younger sister, all became his enemies, attacking Bai Xiaofei like a ghost.

Such an encounter, for an ordinary person, might have collapsed long ago.


Bai Xiaofei was not the same.

Even if he lost his mind and fell into the control of the dream, deep in his heart he still firmly believed that it was impossible for his parents and family members to betray and hurt him.


When he saw that his father and sister, like everyone else, only complained angrily and sought revenge on him for what he did, Bai Xiaofei felt a thunderbolt in his heart, and immediately woke up.


"You are not my family at all, you are all fake! My family cannot be as heartless and ugly as you..."

"It's all fake!"

"Break it!"


In the blink of an eye.

Bai Xiaofei had an epiphany, and at the same time as he roared crazily, his power exploded in an instant, and his incomparable aura swept everything in an instant.

Those false dream characters, city buildings, and even the entire dream realm were instantly destroyed and disintegrated because of Bai Xiaofei's sudden eruption.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams who was devouring the power, never thought that such a thing would happen, and was blown out in an instant.

that scene...

It's like sucking milk with a straw, but the milk suddenly exploded. Without any precautions, poor Oneiroi Morpheus was blown away at that time.

As a result, the dream realm completely collapsed.

"How can it be!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was in a panic, staring at his eyes, and he dared not say anything: "You are deeply trapped in the cycle of dreams and cannot extricate yourself, how could you still wake up? This is unscientific!"

Good guy!

You, who are engaged in metaphysics and cultivating immortals, now actually talk about science?

Really funny enough.


This also shows his shock and bewilderment from the side. Obviously, he did not expect that Bai Xiaofei could wake up from his dream realm and destroy the entire realm in an instant.

It's like a small ant bursting a huge bear hole, it's incredible!


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