The Storm God

Chapter 3802 Reset backtracking! (Please subscribe!)

"Nothing is impossible!"

Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face.

To be honest, the situation at that time was really extremely dangerous. If it weren't for the illusion in the dream realm, which was too far removed from reality, Bai Xiaofei might not be able to wake up.

Only blame, this thing is too self-righteous.

Maybe other people would doubt their parents and family members, but Bai Xiaofei would definitely not, so that false dream became the weak spot for waking up Bai Xiaofei.


All of this, Bai Xiaofei will not tell Murphys, the God of Dreams, the best revenge is to make the enemy depressed to death.

After all, the dream just now caused Bai Xiaofei to suffer a lot, and now it's finally Bai Xiaofei's turn, and he naturally won't make the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus feel better.

But before that, there is one thing that must be resolved first.

"I've already tried your dream realm, and it's really powerful, but it's just that after all."

Ignoring the shocked Oneiroi Lord Murphys, Bai Xiaofei directly said coldly: "Now, it's your turn to try my tricks..."

The voice did not fall.

An invisible force swept everything in an instant.

When Morpheus, the God of Dreams, realized that he wanted to retreat and dodge, it was too late, and he was completely hit.


However, what surprised Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was that nothing seemed to change after he was recruited.

Whether it's himself, the things around him, or Bai Xiaofei...

It's all still the same.

Could it be...

He was bluffing?


The feeling just now is full of danger, definitely not fake, it should be because I haven't realized the horror of it...


"Why is my strength constantly draining?"

"It feels like..."



Morpheus, the God of Dreams, widened his eyes, looked at Bai Xiaofei, who was recovering rapidly, and said in horror, "The power I absorbed before is being taken back by you? How is this possible?!"


Bai Xiaofei sneered contemptuously, and said again: "I said, nothing is impossible, since you can steal power from me, why can't I take it back?"


Although the words are correct, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, just can't figure out how Bai Xiaofei did it.

To know.

The power he absorbed before was all refined into his own power by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

He was already indistinguishable from the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, but the power Bai Xiaofei regained at this moment seemed to be a process of reversal.

The power that had already been refined was reset back to the state before the refining, followed the original path back, and returned to the original owner...


Think about it.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and seemed to realize something, and opened his mouth and said, "Could it be that the method you released just now is the power of time!"

He finally understood.

Maybe the other paragraphs can't achieve this effect, but time can do it, just let everything go backwards.


That's the power of time.

The mighty power that is even more powerful and terrifying than space, let alone Bai Xiaofei's level, even a bigwig in the field of the Venerable Realm, dare not say that he can master the power of time.

How on earth did he do it?

This is impossible!

In short.

At this moment, the eyes and heart of Oneiroi Lord Murphys are full of disbelief, and he has even completely lost his own power. He just wants to know the answer now.

How did Bai Xiaofei manage to do this!


And this time.

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Seeing the endless thirst for knowledge of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, he smiled comfortably and comfortably, followed by a rare generosity, and explained to the Oneiroi Lord Murphys: "I don't know if you have heard of a kind of magic... ..."


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was astonished, and said in a daze: "Could it be that you are talking about time magic? But that thing can only be activated with the help of an extremely huge and terrifying power, but you didn't have anything just now..."


Talking and talking.

He suddenly thought of something, then interrupted his own calculations, and suddenly realized: "You should have imposed some special magical program settings on yourself when you came here..."

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help clapping his hands, and praised: "As expected of the Dream God Lord, no one has the brains to guess the key so quickly..."


"Actually, long before I came here, I imposed a limited magic program on myself. As long as I am willing, or when my physical condition reaches a certain critical point, the time magic will be activated, and then everything within a certain range will be reset. set back to a particular period of time."

"Just now, I took the initiative to trigger this device, and then the time magic was activated, and the retrospective reset began to take effect, so the power you absorbed from me returned to my body obediently..."

"However, the realm of dreams is not within this scope, because the goals I set are limited to you and me."

"That is to say, you and I are the only ones who restore and reset, and it will not affect other surrounding existence."

"So you can understand?"


A look of fear that the other party will not understand.

The Dream Lord Murphy was speechless for a moment. Of course he understood what Bai Xiaofei said, but he just didn't want to believe it.

after all……

What Bai Xiaofei has done, and the abilities he has demonstrated, have even surpassed some bigwigs in the Venerable Realm.

Although he used the power of some cheats, after all, he surpassed Lian himself, leaving him speechless.

That's fucked up!

More importantly, if Bai Xiaofei didn't explain it himself, I'm afraid he would still be kept in the dark and wouldn't understand anything!

This is what Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is unwilling to admit.

Because he was like an idiot, completely played around by Bai Xiaofei, but he thought he was a fool.

Now that I think about it, I feel extremely ashamed.

"Damn it!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was furious.

He clenched his fists tightly, wanting to rush over and spread out his body with Bai Xiaofei, so as to vent all his grievances.

He didn't believe it.

With his majestic Mengshenjun's ability, he can't be a young man?

What's more, before his power is completely lost, he must use it quickly, otherwise, the longer the time delays, the more unfavorable the situation will be for him.


He took it for granted.

Facing the attack of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, Bai Xiaofei turned a blind eye to it, and didn't even give in to a part of it.

Instead, he looked at Oneiroi with an incomparable smile, and said softly, "As I said, as long as I want, I can reset and look back at everything here at any time, including yourself!"


"You wait for me now, you want to launch an attack, waste my energy, or even interrupt my time magic..."

"That's almost impossible!"


The voice did not fall.

The Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, who had just rushed halfway, was shocked to find that he had returned to the same place at some point.

The posture is still the same posture, but there is no step.

It made him feel very depressed.


Co-author Lao Tzu is now the unit you use to measure, so why not use me as a mark and torture?

It just doesn't make sense!


Anger returns to anger.

There was nothing he could do.

Because the power of time is too terrifying, once he is tricked, he will be able to offset all the efforts of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, even his memory!

Just like Po Meng wanted to resign, but was asked by Hades to drink the last bowl of Po Meng's soup, it was an endless loop with no solution!

Unless Bai Xiaofei is willing to let him go.

But that's obviously not possible.


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