The Storm God

Chapter 3803 Come again! (Please subscribe!)

"In the end what you want?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not an ordinary person. After the initial panic, he quickly calmed down.

He saw it too.

Although Bai Xiaofei's power of time is indeed terrifying and can make him hard to defend against, but in other aspects, it is not outstanding.

At least……

I'm not completely hopeless either.

In other words, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't do anything to Bai Xiaofei, but the latter also couldn't easily kill him.

At most, the two sides are half-hearted.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, relied on his extraordinary strength and realm, as well as his powerful combat experience and skills.

And Bai Xiaofei's trump card is the power of time.

Both sides have advantages, but they also have shortcomings. Reckless fighting is definitely the stupidest result, so Morpheus, the God of Dreams, wants to have a good talk with Bai Xiaofei.

He believes.

Bai Xiaofei definitely didn't come to fight him to the death.


The opponent cannot go it alone.

Anyway, if it was him, he would definitely not be so stupid, at least he should bring some younger brothers who can see through.

Although those younger brothers can't help with major matters, once the battle between the two of them falls into a stalemate or a state of fatigue, that's another matter.

No matter how bad it is, it can have some harassment effect.

To know.

In the decisive battle of masters.

Even the slightest distraction, or even delay, will completely rewrite the outcome of the entire battle.

Murphy, the God of Dreams, did not believe that Bai Xiaofei didn't understand such a simple truth. Since he didn't do it, he must have another purpose.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Looking negatively at the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus who had regained his composure, he said: "I really didn't come to fight you to the death, I just wanted to test my current state and strength, how far is it from you... "


"I basically know the result, but in order to make the test more accurate, you still have to practice with me for a while."

"At the very least, let me maturely use the ability of time reset and backtracking. Isn't this too much to ask?"


Listen to Bai Xiaofei's words.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was so angry that he wanted to curse: "Not too much? Damn! Let yourself be a training partner, isn't that too much?"

If he could, he would definitely leave on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei is definitely a lunatic, he dared to take the risk to come to him for the sake of a test...

Ordinary people who dare to do this?


To be an enemy of such a guy, he felt sorry for himself, how did he come across such a murderous star, if he had known this, he would never have provoked Bai Xiaofei back then.

Because these guys are like bullshit plasters, once they are stuck, they will cling to you, and you won't be able to break free even if you want to break free.

In the reincarnation space.

There is a group of similar guys. Their strength may not be very strong, but they rely on certain secret methods or treasures, which make countless people headaches and even fear.

The most famous example is that there is a big boss who wants to plot against one of the lunatic's treasures, confident that he can easily destroy the opponent, kill and seize treasure.


Not only did the lunatic not die, but relying on the power of the treasure, he insisted on dealing with the big man whose strength was far beyond him for several years.

In the end, the big boss was really annoyed by being entangled, so he had to offer a truce and offered the promised compensation, and that was it!

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, never expected that he would run into a similar guy during a random routine outing.

What a disaster!

There is almost no other way than admitting it and accepting it obediently.

after all.

After all the previous events, the two parties have already forged a lot of enmity. Even if Murphy, the God of Dreams, is willing to admit defeat and give up voluntarily, Bai Xiaofei cannot let the tiger go back to the mountain.


After figuring everything out.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't talk nonsense, and directly put on a fighting posture, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, if you have any skills, just let the horse come over!"

He can be regarded as going all out.

Isn't it the power of time? What's the big deal, I'm a bare-bones commander now anyway, so I'm afraid of a ball.

People die and birds turn to the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years!

At the end of the fight, the result is still uncertain. It all depends on luck, and who can survive the best. He doesn't believe it anymore. His majestic dream god Murphys, a famous boss in the reincarnation space, will be afraid of him alone. A little Bai Xiaofei?

All right.

There are still some fears.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's power of time is too terrifying and powerful, and it is almost the best among all law powers.

Who dares to underestimate!


At this moment, Morpheus, the God of Dreams who had nowhere to go, could only grit his teeth and fight Bai Xiaofei to the end.

What else?

Just kneel down and sing Conquer? nonexistent. Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would rather die in battle than bow down!

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was also very satisfied with the attitude of the God of Dreams, Murphys, and said with a smile: "Is this justified? For the sake of your cooperation, I won't play those twists and turns with you. I'll just follow you." Fight hard for three hundred rounds, and let you know how powerful I am!"


Bai Xiaofei rushed forward on his own initiative.

During this period, the billowing power of the law condensed on him, almost forming a concrete image, making Bai Xiaofei look like a warrior in armor, with a murderous aura like a rainbow, unstoppable.

And opposite.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was not to be outdone either.

Facing the menacing Bai Xiaofei, he didn't dare to be careless, and immediately mobilized his strength to meet him.

This trick.

He used all his strength.

Fearing that Bai Xiaofei would trick him, he would take advantage of his opportunity to relax and kill himself to this point. Anyway, if it was him, once he had this opportunity, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would never let it go.


For the sake of his own life, he must always go all out.

Unless you don't want to live anymore.


In the blink of an eye.

The two collided together, and the terrifying power of the law seemed to produce a chemical reaction. The moment of the collision, an indescribable terrifying power erupted.

Immediately afterwards, a figure was sent flying upside down.

And this person is Bai Xiaofei.

no way.

Who made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, have a higher level of strength than him? Without using any treasures and trump cards, it would be difficult for Bai Xiaofei to take advantage of the situation where he simply confronted the enemy head-on.


He was just blown away.

Although he was a little embarrassed and suffered some minor injuries, his life was not in danger, and he could still fight again.

"Come again!"

Bai Xiaofei forcibly stopped his figure, looked at the chasing Oneiroi Lord Murphys, the corner of his blood-stained mouth twitched slightly, and said excitedly.


The whole person rushed up again.

And all of this is faster and more powerful, but the power of the law used has directly changed to another kind.

after all……

The purpose of Bai Xiaofei's visit this time is to let Morpheus, the God of Dreams, be his training partner, so as to verify and measure his true strength and what level it is.

The power of time is more like a security guarantee. Unless it is absolutely necessary, Bai Xiaofei will not use it easily.

On the contrary, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has a hard time.


He has no guarantees.

It's just a pure training partner with strong strength, and the only thing to rely on is his own strength.

There is nothing to do except grit your teeth and practice with Bai Xiaofei to death.

Either Bai Xiaofei was having fun and walked away; or his strength was completely exhausted, and he was eventually consumed by Bai Xiaofei to death.

In order to survive, what can Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, do?

I can only grit my teeth hard.

at the same time……

He also wanted to understand.

It's hard to say whether the ending is right or left, instead of being timid, it's better to fight vigorously, and be able to abuse Bai Xiaofei for a while.

In this way, even if you still can't escape the fate of death in the end, at least you have had your own highlight moments, which is undoubtedly very refreshing compared to the timid and aggrieved death in battle.


Bai Xiaofei was out of luck.


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