The Storm God

Chapter 3807 Stick to it! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed like this.

During this period, many things happened in the universe, for example, the power of the Apocalypse expanded wildly, followed by the Black Lantern Corps.

Many civilized worlds in the universe have been colonized and even destroyed.

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also took this opportunity to recruit a group of local aborigines and set up his own new team.


These new recruits don't seem to be very strong.

The most powerful of them is only at the level of the true god level, and it is even lower. After all, he has just followed Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and it is already considered very good to be able to reach such a level.

after all.

The current Oneiroi Morpheus doesn't have to be in the past.

All kinds of treasures and foundations have been consumed, and the younger brother is also dead, betrayal, betrayal, even himself is dependent on others.

After finally recruiting some younger brothers, where are the resources to train them?

This is the team he created by cobbled together, pieced together, and kept getting some benefits from the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion.


If Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion really want to help him, it's not impossible to help him make this group stronger.

Isn't this calculated by both sides?


They are very reserved with each other.

Deliberately restricting the development of Oneiroi Lord Murphys, that's why the current situation is created, in order to prevent him from becoming bigger and stronger.


In case the goods go against the water, or stand on their own.

Didn't that raise a white-eyed wolf?

To this.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys was also very helpless.

Naturally, he is very clear about what Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps did, and even understands it very well, because if it were him, he might have gone too far.


Understanding is understanding.

But he couldn't let go of it, and in the heart of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, he was always holding back his energy.

Just wait for Bai Xiaofei to appear, and then set up a trick for Darkseid to come and cheat him once.


However, Bai Xiaofei remained silent for a long time.

This made Morpheus the Oneiroi very strange and depressed, why didn't he come? Could it be that the imprint of time left on me is fake?

It shouldn't be.

He speculated that Bai Xiaofei might be feeling and improving his own strength. After all, although he had the power of time to rely on, the difference in strength would still cause Bai Xiaofei to suffer some misery.

These tortures, the Oneiroi Lord Murphys certainly couldn't bear it, and Bai Xiaofei might not be able to bear it completely.


The best way is to be as strong as possible.

Once the strength reaches a certain level, the enemy can be directly and easily destroyed without the assistance of the power of time.

Think here.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Because during this period of time, his strength has not increased much, and he has not even recovered. Compared with the previous state, he is actually weaker.

And the reason for this is because the younger brothers of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, were completely cultivated with his power as a resource.

If it wasn't a last resort, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would not do this either. Who made Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion block him too severely?

If he wanted to develop his little brother, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, could only do so.


The result is still very good.

After some careful cultivation, he now has a total of five hundred complete centers and hard-core younger brothers of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Although the strength is a little weaker, but the victory lies in loyalty, unlike Long Zhan and others of the dream team who will betray him.


At the price of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, at the cost of depleting his own strength, the potential of these little brothers is also very amazing.

As long as there are enough resources to cultivate, the future is limitless.

But the hard way is.

What Morpheus, the God of Dreams lacks the most right now is resources.

Although he helped Apocalypse to lay down many planets and civilizations, all resources were firmly controlled by Apocalypse.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had to pay the corresponding price if he wanted it.

This is the routine!

Darkseid is completely using resources to trap Morpheus, the God of Dreams step by step, and finally makes him completely his little brother.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not an idiot, so how could he be easily fooled?

So I flatly refused.


All the credit was taken from him.

The promised resources were only one-tenth of the original ones, which made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, almost unable to open the pot for a while.

after all.

Brothers need to eat.

Especially in cultivation, it is like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat.

For the sake of the overall situation, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, can only temporarily use his own power as a resource supply for the younger brothers to practice.

But this is not a long-term solution.


He pondered.

Do you want to ventilate with Scarface?

During this period of time, Basian kept in touch with him, meaning that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would completely surrender to them.

As long as the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus agrees to go, he will immediately offer a large amount of resources to help the Oneiroi Lord Murphys strengthen his strength and his younger brother.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, hesitated again and again.

Because he knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and what you want to get, you are doomed to pay.

The Black Lantern Corps are not philanthropists, they are even more terrifying and cruel than Darkseid. If you trade with these guys, you may be asked to pay something.

Like his life.


It's not really to kill Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but to transform it into an immortal form of undead.

Because of this, he can be controlled by the Black Death Emperor.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is naturally unwilling to become such an existence, so he has been dodging and refusing, struggling to survive.

at the same time.

He was also looking forward to Bai Xiaofei's return.

He intends to borrow Bai Xiaofei's knife to severely dampen the spirit of Darkseid and the Black Lantern Legion, so that the other party will know that he is not easy to bully.

Only by cooperating with him well can we truly fight against Bai Xiaofei, otherwise we will only suffer and be beaten, or even lose the war between them completely.

It's a pity that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, thought very well, but Bai Xiaofei didn't cooperate at all.

He waited and waited.

I thought that Bai Xiaofei would come to him again in a week or so at most, but it turned out that it had been more than a month, but Bai Xiaofei still hadn't moved.

This made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, miserable.

Not to mention the benefits I didn't get, and I wasted a lot of opportunities, as well as my mind and energy. I'm really a dumb man eating coptis, it's hard to say.

During this period of time, the Keluga star and the mechanical field have been relatively low-key, and they have been strictly guarding against death, focusing on production and research and development.

Never act lightly unless necessary.

In order not to be taken advantage of by the enemy, after all, they are at a disadvantage now, with one against three, naturally they must be careful not to be encircled by the enemy.


This kind of approach has caused other civilizations in the universe to suffer. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was guarding his side, Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion took the opportunity to expand wantonly, and captured many planets.

The civilizations of those planets also asked for help here.

But they were all rejected.


This is obviously a trap.

Look at the locations of the planets attacked by Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps, almost all of them are located on the edge of the universe.

There is no one that is a little closer.

It was clearly for an ambush, once Bai Xiaofei attacked, he would have to travel a long distance and consume a lot of energy.

Even if they arrive at the scene, they will be limited to passive. When the time comes, the lone army will go deep and the support will be unsustainable, and it will be easy for the enemy to make dumplings and completely take it down.


Sinestro and Aya, would rather bear the infamy of treachery, and still insist on defense, just not to attack!

Everything is waiting for Bai Xiaofei's exit.

As long as there is Mr.

They have nothing to fear, now that the master is still in seclusion, without the top bosses in charge, the two generals naturally dare not attack rashly.

And on this day.


Bai Xiaofei has left the customs.


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