The Storm God

Chapter 3808 Black Lamp Hunter! (Please subscribe!)


In the retreat, Bai Xiaofei let out a long breath.

After more than a month of comprehension and cultivation and study, his cultivation base and realm have finally improved a little.

Although he didn't break through the bottleneck and successfully entered a higher realm, his strength has been greatly improved because of this.

in short.

They are both at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, but there are differences between them, and the gap is quite terrifying.

Let's take Bai Xiaofei and Morpheus, the God of Dreams, for example.

Both sides are at the peak level of the God Emperor Realm, but the real combat power is like a moat, and the latter is obviously much more terrifying than Bai Xiaofei.

This is still not magic weapon, pure power.

If you count those, maybe. Because of the effect of external force, once a certain limit is exceeded, it is still very terrifying.

For example, Bai Xiaofei.

He who controls part of the power of time, even though his hard power is not as good as Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can still control the rhythm of the entire battle.

This is the gap.

the same way.

Bai Xiaofei was at the peak of the God Emperor Realm before, and he is still the same now, but in fact, his real combat power has increased by at least a thousand times compared to before.

Even against the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, without the help of the power of time, he can already do it alone.


It is still difficult to defeat the opponent easily.

After all, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not a vegetarian, and his strength is quite strong. If Bai Xiaofei hadn't lost two avatars because of underestimating the enemy before, I'm afraid he might be able to fight against him now.

In short.

The world is like chess.

One wrong step, one wrong step, the current Bai Xiaofei has grown up completely, and he has also grasped the opportunity.

Not to mention that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, is almost a bare-bones commander now, even in his former peak period, Bai Xiaofei still has the power to fight.

The key is the strength of Sinestro and Aya.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei himself was not lazy.

This time's retreat, comprehension and research, not only benefited a lot from his evil body, but also benefited greatly from the good corpse and the deity.

If the three elements can be combined into one, then the combat power is absolutely beyond imagination.


Bai Xiaofei would not do this.

You know, his current incarnation is following the way of killing the three corpses, and at the same time combining the way of returning the three elements to one, trying to make himself have a stronger foundation and strength in the same realm.

And now.

Bai Xiaofei just beheaded a corpse.

The current level of evil body is not a real evil corpse, let alone the most difficult self corpse.

At this level, it is necessary to normalize the three elements into one?


Isn't that self-destructive?

Bai Xiaofei would never do this unless he was stupid.

The key point is that the current situation is also very beneficial to him. The deity will continue to develop and cultivate in depth in his own small universe.

The good corpse is in the singularity universe next door, comprehending the changes in the infinite dimensional world and further strengthening itself.

The evil body walks outside, manages everything, and at the same time gradually perfects itself, striving to become an evil corpse as soon as possible...

Isn't this a good result?


The current situation is not very smooth.

Almost all the good things were picked up. While improving himself, he even helped the deity and the kind corpse.

It even upgraded the space-time shuttle.

Such a result.

Even if Bai Xiaofei himself came in person, I'm afraid it would be nothing more than that.

In short.

The deity is very satisfied.

In view of the outstanding performance of the evil body, he immediately decided to give it more authority and power.

At the same time, supplemented with the insight of the power of time, Bai Xiaofei, who is in the body of evil, directly obtained an unimaginable promotion.

The level of strength is almost as good as the corpse of goodness.


The biggest difference between the body of evil and the corpse of goodness is that the former has not acquired Bai Xiaofei's intention of evil.

That is to say, it has only its shape, but no spirit.

It's not that the deity is stingy and doesn't want to give it to him, but that there is no suitable fusion of treasures at the moment to be the foundation of enlightenment for the evil corpse.

Once the conditions are met, the deity will definitely not hesitate, and immediately let the evil body undergo transformation and upgrade into an evil corpse.

after all.

The benefits to him like that are also incomparably huge. They are in a symbiotic state where one prospers and the other loses, and they don't care about each other.

That is.

The main goal and development direction of the body of evil in the future is to expand its own wealth and pursue stronger heaven and earth treasures.

Strive for an early success in transforming the corpse.


The premise is that the immediate troubles must be resolved first.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, then turned into Liu Guang, left here, and appeared in front of Sinestro and the others.


Sinestro, Aya and the others quickly gathered together after sensing Bai Xiaofei's terrifying aura.


Immediately after, Bai Xiaofei appeared.


Everyone saluted and sent their greetings.

Bai Xiaofei looked around at the crowd, nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, it seems that you haven't been lazy during my retreat, and your strength has improved pretty well!"

"Mr. won the prize!"

Everyone said modestly: "All of this is thanks to the help of my husband. If I didn't have those combat experience and insights, I wouldn't be where I am today..."


Bai Xiaofei was noncommittal.

Going straight to the topic, he asked, "How is the situation recently? Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps must have interacted a lot during this time, right?"


As the queen of the mechanical field, Aya is a leader in intelligence, so it is natural for her to answer this question.

"Sir, for more than a month, Apocalypse, under the leadership of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, has aggressively expanded its colonies and occupied tens of thousands of planetary civilizations. At the same time, the Black Lantern Legion is not far behind..."

"Because we took a defensive approach, there were no special circumstances, and we rarely attacked, which caused dissatisfaction among many people in the league."

"The power we have now is only about two-thirds of what it used to be, but in terms of overall strength, it is far stronger than before!"

"This is the data I made, sir, please have a look."


Bai Xiaofei took the information.

With just one glance, he understood everything in an instant.

Then he nodded at Aya with a smile, and said, "That's right! Those who are not firm in their stance, those who pretend to be fake, will leave as soon as they leave, don't force them to stay and take them to heart."

"Because we are taking the route of elite soldiers, coupled with the assistance of countless sentinel hunters, we need to act according to people's faces!"

"I'll make those guys regret their decision!"


Although those who left were excusable.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't choose to forgive, because betrayal is betrayal, and this is what he can't accept the most.


Those people have been completely on Bai Xiaofei's blacklist.

It is absolutely impossible for them to come back in the future. After all, it is easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to give charcoal in the snow!

I left at the most difficult time, and you want to come back when this side develops?


How can there be such a good thing in the world.

Go dreaming!


At this time, Aya suddenly said again: "This is the news I found recently, it is about the research on the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse..."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

After reading the intelligence information, he narrowed his eyes immediately, frowned slightly and said, "A special type of mechanical transformation fighter developed with the black lamp as the energy core? It seems that the cooperation between Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion is to restore Carve out the achievements of the Sentinel Hunter!"


"Sentinel Hunter seems simple, but it is actually developed by integrating various black technologies from the world of the heavens."

"Apocalypse and Black Lantern Corps alone are not enough. Even though they are powerful, they are definitely not as good as Sentinel Hunters in terms of functional applications!"

"I just don't know if there is a stronger and more terrifying version based on this information, or the birth of research?"


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