The Storm God

Chapter 3810 Sell teammates! (Please subscribe!)

The practice place of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly appeared.


The sudden arrival of the enemy caused the greatly shocked Oneiroi Lord Morpheus to spurt out a mouthful of blood immediately.

"It's you!"

He widened his eyes.


Bai Xiaofei was very puzzled. Looking at the surprised and excited look of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, he felt very strange.

This guy……

what's the situation?

Did you get yourself insane last time?

This time I visit again, normally, he should be fearful and flustered, right? Why is this completely different from what I thought?

Could there be some conspiracy?

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei immediately cheered up.

But to his surprise, after a careful inspection, there was nothing special around, and everything was the same as what he had just perceived.

That is.

There was no ambush at all.


Bai Xiaofei was even more puzzled.

Since there was no ambush, how could this guy be so excited when he saw me? Is it possible that my appearance will bring him benefits?

As everyone knows.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, has been waiting for Bai Xiaofei to come to him again in order to avenge Darkseid.

But it didn't happen, Bai Xiaofei went to retreat to practice after returning, and he didn't leave the retreat until now, and came to him again.

Let him have a good meal.


When Bai Xiaofei finally appeared again, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was naturally both surprised and excited, because he was finally able to realize his original revenge.

"As expected, you are here again!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, soon calmed down.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei with a complex expression, he grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "I've been waiting for you all this time!"


Bai Xiaofei raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Why? Want to get revenge? Or have a way to deal with me?"


The Oneiroi Morpheus shook his head.

He didn't hide anything, and directly told Bai Xiaofei his plan, saying: "Because I want to borrow your knife to stab Darkseid hard, and tell him to put on small shoes for me..."


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.


What the hell is this?

Is the enemy's enemy your friend?

But aren't they allied?

Could it be...

Is there any inside story that I don't know?

Forget it, take care of him!

With the power of time in hand, who am I afraid of?

What's more, my current level of strength has also improved a lot. Even if I lose to Darkseid, I will at least have the strength to fight.

I just don't know how different it is from him.


try it?

Is it right to fulfill this product?


If this guy is thinking of reaping the benefits of the fisherman, wouldn't he suffer when he and Darkseid both lose?

After all, this guy was born in the reincarnation space. Even if he is down and out at the moment, he must not be underestimated, and he must be careful!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately.

Looking at Morpheus, the God of Dreams, he said, "You mean, let me let you go, and then Darkseid will sharpen himself?"

"That's right!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not too ashamed.

He nodded bluntly and said, "I've had enough of that kind of pain once, and I don't want to try it again!"

"In return, I can provide you with some secret cooperative research projects about Darkseid and the Black Lantern Legion..."

All right.

This is typical bribery and bribery.

In order not to suffer for himself, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, sold out his teammates, and he really spared no effort.

"tell me the story!"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

While secretly accumulating strength and preparing means, he distracted Murphys, the God of Dreams, and said, "If it satisfies me, I might as well cooperate with you once."

"After all, what I want is a whetstone. As for who this whetstone is, I don't have any special requirements."

"It's good to be strong enough!"



I just want to see the sincerity of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys first.

If the sincerity is enough, then everything is possible, otherwise, no matter what you say, call first and then talk.


Bai Xiaofei was too strong.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree.

Afterwards, he waved his hand to Bai Xiaofei and gave Bai Xiaofei a special document sealed by the power of dreams, saying: "Everything is inside."


He also took the initiative to retreat a long way.

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with showing his posture clearly, and then he broke the seal and looked at the secret information sent by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly changed.

"as expected……"

"The secret research of the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps is definitely not as simple as what Aya found out. Those are just a cover!"

"The really powerful ones are these guys..."

"It's really hidden deep enough!"


Bai Xiaofei frowned secretly.

Although there is not much information revealed in this document, it is very important. Bai Xiaofei can feel how terrifying the super fighter jointly developed by Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps is by just looking at some of it.

It is different from the sentinel hunters in the mechanical legion in the mechanical field.

The new project jointly developed by Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps is not a purely mechanical warrior, but a fusion of machinery, creatures, genes, and the emotional power of the Black Lantern, the power of death, the power of darkness... and other forces. A composite fighter.

These compliance fighters can have incomparable strength as soon as they appear on the stage. The key point is that they can also absorb and fuse the DNA, abilities, and emotional power of other creatures to amplify themselves, thus making themselves stronger.

simply put.

It is an upgraded and enhanced black lamp version of Doomsday Mechanical Demon.

According to the data, this research is now fully mature, and mass production can be carried out at any time as long as resources are sufficient.

Compared with the sentinel hunter, the composite fighter jointly researched and developed by the two major forces is undoubtedly more terrifying.

Because they have many advantages that pure machines cannot match, such as evolutionary potential, DNA fusion...

Etc., etc.

Once mass-produced and scaled.


Under the premise of the same number, it is almost a complete abuse of sentinel hunters.

At the very least, sentinel hunters don't have the terrifying recovery ability and super evolutionary ability of compound fighters.

Not to mention that in addition to these, they can be combined freely to become a more powerful combined version.

If during the battle, he suddenly encountered such a large group of terrifying compound warriors, Bai Xiaofei would suffer a lot from the cliff.

And now...

Because of the betrayal of the God of Dreams, Murphys, Bai Xiaofei knew about the existence of compound fighters one step ahead.

This undoubtedly allowed Bai Xiaofei to avoid a huge loss in advance.

Even, it is completely possible to target this point, and lay out an ambush to kill the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion...

have to say.

The weight of this sincerity is huge, no matter how picky Bai Xiaofei is, he can't find any faults to refuse.

While sighing that he had picked up a big deal, Bai Xiaofei also had a deeper understanding of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys who betrayed his teammates.

This guy is a complete lunatic.

He can treat even teammates like this, let alone enemies? I have to be extremely careful, and I must not let this guy find any flaws and opportunities, otherwise how miserable he is today, and how violent this guy's revenge will be in the future!


See Bai Xiaofei looking at himself.

Murphy, the God of Dreams, smiled immediately, and said with confidence, "My sincerity should be enough, right?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

He didn't deny the other party's credit, and said truthfully: "This information is indeed very important to me. For its sake, I can let you go this time..."

The implication is that I agree to your proposal.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphy was overjoyed immediately.


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