The Storm God

Chapter 3811 Worries! (Please subscribe!)

"What are you going to do?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and asked directly: "You must have already made plans, right?"

He didn't believe that the other party was on a whim.


What about those materials?

He understood that it was used to make a deal for himself, that is to say, long before Bai Xiaofei came, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had a plan.

As for what plan?

Feel sorry.

Bai Xiaofei still can't figure it out.

But I can probably guess some, it's nothing more than using myself as a bait to lure Darkseid over.

Then he let himself fight Darkseid. As for whether Morpheus, the God of Dreams, will reap the benefits of the fisherman, it is uncertain.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was not worried.

One is that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, does not have this strength base now, and the other is that he is confident enough to escape without being caught by the Oneiroi Morpheus mantis.

Therefore, he is very calm at this moment.

Seeing that the information leaked to him by Oneiroi Lord Morpheus is very important and helpful, Bai Xiaofei doesn't mind acting with the other party.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei also wanted to fight Darkseid for a long time.

Especially after hearing Sinestro talk about his combat experience before, Bai Xiaofei was already itchy.


Previous conditions did not allow.

Now that I have the opportunity, I don't have any worries.

So why don't you give it a shot?


The plan of Morpheus, Lord of Dreams, can be said to be very suitable for Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, otherwise, no matter how suitable the conditions are, he would not agree.

If this is a trap, wouldn't Bai Xiaofei be caught?

"Is such that……"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, doesn't keep a secret either.

Hearing this, he immediately explained: "Before this, Darkseid told me that if I meet you again, let me contact him immediately."

"I analyzed the reasons, and there may be several reasons: one is that he doesn't trust me very much, and it is better to see it with his own eyes than to listen to me."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Expressed his agreement with Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

The latter paused, and continued: "The second one is that you may want to do it yourself. After all, you and him are old rivals, but all this time, the dragon has never seen the end. Darkseid must have longed to be with you." It's a battle."

"In the end, it may be that they want to rely on the advantage of the large number of people to keep you completely, so as to end the current chaotic situation."

"After all, although Apocalypse is prosperous now, the whole situation has been messed up by you, and they have to cooperate with the Black Lantern Legion..."

"If it were me, I would naturally not be like this all my life. I have to find a way to change everything!"

"And you are the source and the key!"


He said a lot in one breath.

Among them, some contradictions between the cooperation between Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps were even revealed intentionally or unintentionally.

Maybe it was to increase Bai Xiaofei's trust.

But it is obvious that Bai Xiaofei is not so trustworthy, he still has a cold expression on his face, making it impossible to see his emotions, anger and thoughts.


Bai Xiaofei gave an affirmative answer to the ideas and plans mentioned later by Morpheus, the God of Dreams: "Yes!"

"There are not too many flaws or flaws in your plan, but we have to agree in advance that people are not as good as heaven. If the situation is beyond imagination when Darkseid brings people here, then I will not accompany you." Already!"

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes and said.

After all, he is not a fool. If anyone comes, it will only be Darkseid, and part of the fleet.

Bai Xiaofei was naturally happy to play with them, and by the way, verify the difference in strength between himself and the enemy.

But if the situation is obviously not good at first glance, then no matter how confident Bai Xiaofei is, he won't act recklessly.

As said above.

just in case……

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly changed his mind and teamed up with Darkseid to deal with him at a critical moment, that would be hard work.


Ugly words must come first.

Regarding such considerations, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also expressed his understanding, nodded and said: "Naturally, after all, I am not full-time and omnipotent. If the situation really exceeds expectations, you can leave freely..."


The two parties reached an agreement on this, which is meaningless.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, began to summon Darkseid.


At that time.

Apocalypse, in the palace of the monarch.

Darkseid was sitting on the throne, closing his eyes and meditating.

The recent expansion of the Black Lantern Corps has somewhat exceeded his expectations, and even the cooperative relationship has made Darkseid a little afraid.

after all……

Although he is cruel and cruel.

But it is fundamentally different from the Black Death Emperor.

What Darkseid wants is domination, not total destruction. On the contrary, the Black Death Emperor is different. His goal is to return the universe to chaos and darkness.

While dealing with Bai Xiaofei, for his own safety, Darkseid must also be on guard day and night against the Black Lantern Legion acting as a demon at critical moments.

Especially as the secret research in the mechanical fortress is getting bigger and bigger, and the results are getting more and more prominent, Darkseid's worries are getting more and more serious.


Many new technology products.

Its essential energy supply is inseparable from the Black Lantern Legion.

That is the power of death and darkness.

Once separated from these, those things are just ordinary objects, and even the most basic operation cannot be done.

This is equivalent to being choked by the throat of fate.

Very upset.

to this end.

all the time.

Darkseid is trying to find a way to solve this matter.

Either improve the design, or find a way to replace it. After all, it is necessary to plan for a rainy day and plan for the future turnaround of the two parties.

However, it is a pity that no matter how much Darkseid thinks about it, he still cannot find an alternative.

after all……

The technology of the Black Lantern Legion originally originated from the OA star that was once hostile to itself. Now the OA star has transformed into a black lantern, and its capabilities are even stronger.

Although Apocalypse is not weak, they have their own strengths with each other.

It is difficult to imagine the difficulty of finding the energy source to replace the new version of the mechanical warrior in a short period of time, just like finding a needle in a haystack.


Darkseid is not helpless.

For example, catching Bai Xiaofei and getting all the technical materials under his command can basically solve this problem.

To know.

The mechanical field under Bai Xiaofei's command, the countless sentinel hunters, the power energy used is either anti-matter energy, or the emotional power of the Lantern Man.

Although it is different from the power of the black lamp, it is also similar.

Darkseid is confident that he can improve it.

The issue is……

How to catch Bai Xiaofei.

After all, the Black Lantern Corps are not fools, and they must have been eyeing Bai Xiaofei a long time ago. In a real fight, the opponent will definitely not easily succeed in Darkseid.

And at this moment.

Darkseid suddenly received a call from Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


"It's that guy Murphys, why did he suddenly look for me? Could it be that Bai Xiaofei went looking for him again?!"

"good chance!"


Dakseid, whose mind was spinning, was overjoyed.

next moment.

He quickly connected.


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