The Storm God

Chapter 3815 Chaos! (Please subscribe!)

"Master Mengshen, you are really in a mess!"

After Darkseid appeared, he first mocked Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei.

There is a look in the eyes.

But he was still more puzzled. Obviously, he never expected that the man behind the scenes who turned the universe upside down was actually so handsome.

This is very different from the so-called top masters that Dakseid understands. If you don't believe me, look at the people around him...

As long as the strength is strong, which one is not five big and three thick, or surrounded by special effects, it is not obvious at first glance.

What about Bai Xiaofei?


He looked like an ordinary person.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone would have thought they were hallucinating the scene where Bai Xiaofei slapped Morpheus, the God of Dreams just now.

Just this kid, who played around with himself and others, and even almost tortured a top master like Morpheus, the Oneiroi, to collapse?

What a joke!


That was just Dakseid's first feeling.

Who made Bai Xiaofei hide his power so well, and the way of cultivation is completely different from people like them.

But Dakseid is not a vegetarian either, the second time he looked at Bai Xiaofei, he noticed something was wrong.

follow closely.

All of these people frowned.

It was evident that Bai Xiaofei's body was covered with an incomparably weird and special power at this moment.

That seems to be the power of time!

And they, no one can do anything about that level of power.

It's like a layer of illusion and fog, no matter how you wave your hands to drive it away, you can only let yourself get stuck in it, and you can't drive it away.

After all, none of them is beyond time.


And this time.

Morpheus, the Oneiroi who stopped his hand, came to Darkseid and the others, and said angrily: "Why did you come? If I come a little later, I may be completely cold!"

Full of complaints.

Coupled with the fact that he was covered in injuries and looked extremely embarrassed and pitiful, no one doubted him much.

Most of the attention was on Bai Xiaofei.

no way.

Who made him the most critical target.

Dakseid and the others made such a mobilization for the sake of Bai Xiaofei, not because they really wanted to save the dream god Murphys.

To this.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had expected it.

Seeing that no one responded, he just hummed a few words symbolically, and then retreated to the side to recuperate and rest.

It is clear that we have to watch from the sidelines.

Everyone's attitude towards him is also a look of complete indifference.

after all……

There were at least dozens of top players on the scene, even if few could compare to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but all added up, it was enough for Bai Xiaofei to drink a pot.

What's more, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has been seriously injured, and there is almost no difference in strength between other top masters.

One more is not much, and one less is not much.


The key is still unfamiliar.

There is no tacit understanding with each other, so there is no cooperation.

It would be better without him. Our own people unite as one, unite to deal with Bai Xiaofei, and do whatever they want. With Murphy, the God of Dreams, as an outsider, it may be affected instead.

that's all……

Morpheus, God of Dreams, almost became a man of air.

All the bosses at the scene were all focused on Bai Xiaofei, it was really all eyes.

Facing so many powerful enemies, Bai Xiaofei didn't panic at all. Instead, he put his arms around his shoulders and looked at Darkseid with great interest.

And he grinned and asked him: "Who... Darkseid, right? I heard that when you were young, you once went to the earth, but you were almost hacked to death, and you returned in a big defeat. You returned the mother box lost..."

"Why didn't you come to Earth later?"

"Are you scared?"

"Don't tell me that you can't find the coordinates of the earth. That kind of lie to fool children is just an idiot."

"I don't believe it at all anyway!"


As soon as the words came out.

The atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Good guy!

The bosses on the enemy's side called out in their hearts what a good guy, this kid is brave enough to dare to slap him in the face in front of Darkseid...

Where did he get the courage and confidence?

I'm afraid I'm not a fool!


As for the owner's party, Dakseid, with a blank face, he was angry for a while, but then recovered.

He grinned, looked at the extremely arrogant Bai Xiaofei, and said with a sneer: "Using the aggressive method is indeed a very good strategy, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me."

"I see it too!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged helplessly, and sighed: "After all, these are old things, and you were only eight years old at that time, even if you say it, it's not embarrassing, after all, they beat you up..."

"Even if you come back in a big defeat, you will still be praised by countless people. It is really not easy to use this to anger you."


Darkseid was silent.

His eyes fixed on Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were full of coldness and killing intent.

Although he said he didn't care, in fact, he still cared a lot in his heart. After all, this was a scandal for Dakseid!


This guy Bai Xiaofei, in front of the crowd, repeated blah blah blah, blah blah...

Who can resist this!


Darkseid interrupted in a deep voice: "Bai Xiaofei, you are considered a strong man, don't you only know how to talk and plot?"

"If we have the ability, let's fight!"


As if to change the subject.

At the same time, it was also backlash against Bai Xiaofei, saying that he is a despicable person.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

He shook his head and curled his lips and said, "Sorry! I'm not stupid. It seems that I am at a disadvantage in this situation, and I will fight you..."

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help giving Dakseid a blank look.

It seemed to mean, what would you do instead? I really think others are stupid, please change the subject and use a better reason!

In short.

The irony is very strong.

Immediately, Dakseid was so angry that he almost failed.

Fortunately, at this time, Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp, stood up and relieved Darkseid: "Bai Xiaofei, you will be unable to escape for a few days, if you don't want to suffer, just obediently let go of your hands and catch him, seeing that the old acquaintance For the sake of the field, I can save you from suffering!"

A condescending posture.

As expected of being a guardian, I have never looked at anyone seriously!


Bai Xiaofei sneered and said: "Scarface, don't think that if you have a lot of people, you are really sure of winning. If you have the ability, break my power of time first!"

The voice did not fall.

He unexpectedly launched an attack on his own initiative.


The terrifying divine light shot out directly from Bai Xiaofei's pupils, and the target was not Darkseid or Scarface.

It's the man in black who hides his head behind them!

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei also launched the most powerful space attack method at present, the Sky Splitting Nether Dao Slash, using his fingers as a sword, instantly created hundreds of sword lights that split space and dimensions.

The sword light fell like stars, covering the sky and covering the earth, the momentum was extremely huge, and the power performance was also very astonishing.

Just for a moment.

The people on Dakseid's side couldn't help but shot one after another.

After all, no one wants to be beaten.


They're here to fight.

Right now, Bai Xiaofei has already started to fight, and they themselves will not continue to stare at the show. Several top fighters directly showed their methods.

Just like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Bai Xiaofei's sword light shot out of the sky was quickly blocked, or some were cut through, but most of them rushed directly into the surrounding crowd.


Those cannon fodder, the warships suffered immediately.

The sword light created by Bai Xiaofei split space and dimensions, its power was comparable to that of a special-shaped black hole, and its terrifying suction and tearing power instantly devoured a large number of combat members.

Even the warships of Apocalypse, several of them were "bitten" into pieces abruptly.

But for these, Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

His real target was still those mysterious men in black robes, all of this was to distract other people's attention, so that Bai Xiaofei would have a chance to get close to them and see their true colors.

Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself.

Among those people in black robes, there might be the terrifying Black Death Emperor hidden, so we must not underestimate the enemy!


He thought too simply.

Those black-robed men didn't even need to do anything, the surrounding masters spontaneously understood the situation for them, and bounced off or deflected Bai Xiaofei's attack.

Even if Bai Xiaofei rushed over in person, he was forced back abruptly by several aliens in the end.


They had already expected that Bai Xiaofei would be like this, so there were special people around to cover him.

This is just great.

After Bai Xiaofei made a fuss, those people in black robes were immediately protected even more tightly, which can be described as a warning.


Bai Xiaofei frowned, deeply depressed.

Although the other party's behavior made him more sure that these black-robed people were definitely tricky, but which one he was completely confused.

And once you have scruples in your heart, it will be difficult to fully display your combat power, because you have to keep your mind and strength to guard against those black-robed men.

If it's just a man in black, it's fine.

But there are quite a few of Ke Te Niang!

How to prevent this?


The other party is obviously throwing up doubts again and disturbing his thoughts.

In this way, even if Bai Xiaofei has the power of time to protect himself and can go back and reset, he will still fall into a certain passive situation.

after all……

If one of the black-robed people is really the Black Death Emperor, then as long as the timing is right, he is completely capable of destroying Bai Xiaofei's power of time, or even killing him on the spot.

To know.

In the anime, Black Lantern's abilities are terrifying.

When it is awesome, even if there is no corpse, the soul of the dead can be recruited along time, and the body can be restored, so that it can be driven and used by members of the Black Lantern.

That is.

The Black Death Emperor may also be proficient in some powers of time.

In fact, not only the Black Death Emperor, but also the other Lantern Heroes in the anime, after merging with the Lantern Beast to become the ultimate super boss, all of them have terrifying abilities beyond imagination.

It's like time travel or something, it's an easy search thief!

Rewriting reality is out of the question.


This universe is the real version.

It is not anime, although some animation plots are also mixed in, but it is mainly based on film and television dramas.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to gamble.

just in case!

The Black Death Emperor has one or two of these terrifying abilities, and then he is suddenly attacked by the other party...


Who can bear this!


In any case, he had to confirm the specific identities of those black-robed people as soon as possible, whether it was for now or in the future.

And Dakseid and the others obviously won't let Bai Xiaofei succeed easily.

Following Bai Xiaofei's actions, they no longer kept any restraint, except for those cannon fodder and the masters who guarded the black-robed people.

Darkseid, Scarface, and those top fighters all made a move, directly forming an encirclement circle, trapping Bai Xiaofei in the middle.

"Bai Xiaofei, you seem to be afraid of those men in black robes. This is not like your style. Don't you have the power of time to protect your body, and you are not afraid of life and death at all?"

Dakseid is the most ruthless guy.

With a stare, two omega rays shot towards Bai Xiaofei angrily following various bizarre and unimaginable tortuous paths.

And others.

They didn't need to say hello, and they all automatically escorted Darkseid's attack.

Scarface released countless dark death puppets, obviously wanting to use crowd tactics to delay time and distract Bai Xiaofei's attention.

Although the other masters' methods are not as fancy as Scarface, most of them are direct physical attacks, but their power should not be underestimated in the slightest.

Bai Xiaofei was dealing with the siege of more than a dozen bosses of the same level by himself, and he suddenly became a little flustered.

As for Darkseid's Omega rays, it's completely unstoppable.

One is not enough time.

Furthermore, Bai Xiaofei's energy was distracted by the other enemies, and he simply didn't have the time and effort to deal with it...

The most important thing is that Darkseid's omega ray is not like other heat rays, it goes straight, it is easy to calculate the attack path and defense, there is no such thing as any law at all.

Apart from the fact that the target of the attack is Bai Xiaofei, there is absolutely no change, and its every turn and twist is unpredictable.


This series of operations has almost nothing to do with Darkseid, but is decided by Omega Ray himself.

It's as if it has self-awareness.

Anyway, it's very difficult!

at last……

That's his power.

Bai Xiaofei once watched the battle between Sinestro and Darkseid. At that time, Darkseid didn't use his full strength, as if he could use omega rays to force Sinestro to go all out.

These are enough to illustrate the horror of Omega rays.

Under normal circumstances, with Bai Xiaofei's level and strength, he would naturally not be afraid of this thing.

But now...

Bai Xiaofei didn't have time to look around or get distracted, so the situation was another matter, and Darkseid was definitely not in the mood to play, God knows how much power was used for this move of Omega Ray.


When Bai Xiaofei was hit, his defense was shattered in an instant, and two blood holes were directly pierced along the position of his abdomen.

This is the result of Bai Xiaofei dodging as much as possible.


Then it's not the abdomen, but the heart, or the head and other vital parts, but even so, it's enough to cause Bai Xiaofei a serious injury.

The other top experts naturally would not let go of this excellent opportunity. Seeing Bai Xiaofei injured, they immediately acted as if they had been drugged, beating violently and brutally.

It is clear that they want to take advantage of your illness to kill you.

If it was just one or two, Bai Xiaofei might still be able to withstand the resistance, but if more than a dozen come quickly, who the hell can resist this!


Bai Xiaofei was completely blown away.

Then, the power of time was activated, the rewind was reset, and nothing changed about the scene. The only thing that changed was the flesh and blood that had been hammered and exploded. Before those who did it were happy, Bai Xiaofei was resurrected with full blood.

It was as if the scene of hammering him just now was an illusion.

Everyone watching was dumbfounded.


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