The Storm God

Chapter 3816 Time looting! (Please subscribe!)


"Is this the power of time reset?"

"Sure enough!"


Everyone was surprised.

Darkseid is no exception.

However, he will recover soon. After all, he had heard about Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and when he saw it with his own eyes, he was surprised at first, but then laughed.

"I don't believe you can continue like this, because time has an end, keep fighting!"


One order.

The surrounding masters pounced again.

Bai Xiaofei was fearless in the face of danger, with a faint smile on his face, while coping with the siege of the crowd, he replied to Dakseid, saying: "Yes, time does have an end, but whether it can reach the end depends on the individual." It's up to me..."

"And it's obvious that mine is more likely, but you are not, because I have the power of time to protect you, but you don't!"

"It's impolite to come and not to go."

"Let you also try my methods, and take you to appreciate the vastness and greatness of time!"

"Time plunder!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei began to explode.

In the midst of the siege of many powerful enemies, an incomparably bright and dazzling light erupted from his body. The light was so dazzling that he could not see anything.

Perception doesn't work at all either.

To be on the safe side, none of the masters dared to be brave, and retreated one after another.


The light dissipated.

But when the eyes of the masters recovered, they were shocked to find that everything around them had changed.

Besides yourself, where else is there?

It was as if he was the only one left in the whole world, which immediately made these masters extremely confused and at a loss.

what's the situation?

You were still fighting just now, why did you lose everything in the blink of an eye?


Someone tried to use a range of attack methods, apparently in this way, to break the illusion and regain consciousness.


All this is in vain.

The power is real, and so is the destruction.

The only constant is that no matter what they do, they can't change the fact that he is the only one.

That is.

Everything is true, the entire universe, now only they are left alone, whether they are companions or enemies, they have all disappeared.

"How can this be?!"

The masters were suddenly taken aback.

Originally a little calm, they thought they could solve the predicament in front of them, but after realizing that they seemed helpless, all they had left was panic.

at the same time……

There is also deep doubt and incomprehension.

Just now I was forced back by the dazzling light, I didn't bear anything, how did I become like this?

Time looting?

What exactly is the trick?

Those who besieged Bai Xiaofei at that time did not refer to me alone, even if they were tricked, they should be together, right?

Why am I the only one in the world?


It doesn't make sense!

There are tricks!

There must be something special about it.

I can't give up!

Since all of this may be true, I will simply go to the nearest civilized planet to have a look...

I don't believe that Bai Xiaofei can really change the entire universe.



It is the true thoughts of some of the masters.

But in fact, their real situation was that each of them maintained a vigilant and defensive posture, standing in place without doing anything.

As if hit by a hold spell, he remained motionless.

Even their eyes...

All the same.

All the masters seemed to be petrified.

The image was lifelike, in various poses and with different expressions, but he couldn't move, and the cannon fodder who watched the play around him were stunned and confused.


Not without exception.

For example, Darkseid, Scarface and other top members of the Black Lantern Legion, they seem to be immune to Bai Xiaofei's time looting.


Immunity is immune.

But they didn't know anything about the principle of this, and they were deeply shocked and horrified.

"You, what did you do to them?"

Looking at the masters of Apocalypse, they turned into human sculptures in an instant, and froze in place without moving.

Scarface was frightened and quickly backed away.

I am afraid that I will be caught in bad luck.


Darkseid also showed a dignified expression.

He looked at the younger brother who had been recruited under his command, and then at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were full of disbelief.


Bai Xiaofei proudly raised his eyebrows at Darkside, and said with a smile, "Isn't the situation fairer now?"


Also used the technique of time avatar.

In an instant.

Beside Bai Xiaofei, there were more than a dozen figures, all of which were clones of himself that he condensed with the power of time.

Although the strength of these time avatars is not as good as his real body, but compared to the top combat power of those black lamps, they are not far behind.

The only downside is battery life.

The time clones are driven by Bai Xiaofei's power and the power of time, so their actions, bursts, power, etc. are all affected by Bai Xiaofei's main energy source.

The more powerful Bai Xiaofei is, the more money he spends, the more powerful the time clone will be, otherwise he can only deal with it temporarily.

Like now.

Making these time clones is just to help Bai Xiaofei share the pressure, so there is no need to give too much battery life.

Just be strong enough.

Bai Xiaofei's real purpose is mainly Darkseid.


Not to kill him.

Bai Xiaofei is not confident and blind to that extent, he just wants to practice with Darkseid.

While sharpening yourself, touch the bottom of Darkseid by the way, just like the Omega ray just now, is one of them.

After experiencing it for himself, Bai Xiaofei realized that the power of omega rays is completely different for different people.

This will be more violent.


None of this is critical.

What caught Bai Xiaofei the most was undoubtedly the agility of the Omega ray, that weird and special attack method, even he couldn't parry it.

Because it has no established route at all.

It's all up to its own pleasure.


This is very difficult to do.

No wonder it can become Dakseid's main attack method and the most prestigious identity representative.

Really awesome!


Darkseid felt Bai Xiaofei's fighting spirit.

Seeing them swarming up and directly fighting with the members of the Black Lantern Legion, it might be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

He had to admit that he really underestimated this guy.

Originally, they had a large number of people and had an absolute advantage, but Bai Xiaofei resolved the situation so easily.

This is incredible.


Darkseid is concerned about the power of time.

He thought to himself, even Bai Xiaofei, who is not as powerful as himself, can rely on it to run amok and be outnumbered. If he controls the power of time and cooperates with the power of Omega...

Wouldn't that be invincible and invincible!

With that in mind.

Darkseid was immediately excited.

The gaze that looked at Bai Xiaofei became more and more excited and fiery, as if looking at a peerless treasure house in human form, not a living person.

Bai Xiaofei met Dakseid's gaze, fearlessly, grinned, and said, "It seems that we have reached a consensus."

Darkseid didn't reply.

In other words, his answer is not words, but actions.


The weird and domineering battle ax was thrown out by Darkseid, and at the same time he rushed towards Bai Xiaofei.

Not to be outdone, Bai Xiaofei roared: "Good time!"

Immediately head on.


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