The Storm God

Chapter 3818 Calculations by all parties! (Please subscribe!)

"Something's wrong!"

After a moment of fierce fighting, Bai Xiaofei frowned tightly.

He sensed a wave of extreme malice coming from somewhere, just like little Bai Yang being stared at by a tiger and wolf, feeling uncomfortable all over.

And the source of this malice is known without guessing.

Black Lantern Corps!

To be precise, it originated from the scar face.


So is her strength.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't cause such terrible pressure on himself...

Could it be because of the Black Death Emperor?

"The man in black robe?"

Bai Xiaofei's thoughts changed, and he quickly put the finger on the black-robed man, thinking that the confidence of Scarface should be on them.

Even if there is no Black Death Emperor among the black-robed people, it is estimated that some kind of powerful person exists.

Otherwise, Scarface would not be so confident.

He wanted to test it out, but was blocked by the surrounding Black Lantern members, making Bai Xiaofei extremely depressed.


At this moment.

Darkseid suddenly sneered, and shouted angrily: "Fighting with me, you still have other thoughts, you really don't take me seriously!"

At the same time, Darkseid's battle ax came over.


The battle ax smashed furiously.

The power is extremely terrifying, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to be tough with it, so he quickly cast the technique of space to divert and disintegrate its strength.

But in addition to this, there are two omega rays.

Obviously, it was Bai Xiaofei's distraction that completely angered Darkseid, so he did not hesitate to use his supernatural powers to teach Bai Xiaofei a lesson.


Caught off guard, Bai Xiaofei pierced through his head on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the power of time was activated.

Roll back, reset!


Bai Xiaofei let out a depressed breath.

Looking at Dakseid who was full of displeasure, he said speechlessly: "Hey, you can't blame me for this, if you want to blame, you can blame yourself..."

Bai Xiaofei is also a chicken thief.

He even directly threw the blame on Scarface, trying to divert Darkseid's attention and anger. The implication is that it's not me who wants to be distracted, but your teammate, who makes me have to be distracted!

If you have the ability, tell her not to think badly about herself, the young master will definitely accompany you to the end, and fight you for three days and three nights!


It's a pity that Dakseid wasn't fooled at all, and snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, she won't mess around with me, instead of worrying about what's there, let's think about what will happen to me first!"


Then he rushed towards Bai Xiaofei again.

Bai Xiaofei was very speechless, thinking that you are an idiot, the situation is favorable to you, of course you are not worried at all, if it were me, I would be just as good as you.


It is useless to say these things.

The most important thing is to deal with it on your own.


Bai Xiaofei was not completely unprepared.

Now that he knew that Scarface had murderous intentions towards him, he just had to be careful and vigilant. Before that, it was natural that he could earn as much as he could.

During the period of fighting Darkseid, Bai Xiaofei's strength was also thoroughly tempered. The power of time, the power of law, and even the power of pure physical body all passively grew up because of Darkseid's strength. Quite a lot.

This made Bai Xiaofei very happy.


"When the level of strength has reached my level, simple cultivation and comprehension are no longer enough to advance. The only way is to fight!"

"The more life-threatening the battle is, the more it can stimulate my potential and growth. In this short period of time, I have managed to comprehend all the insights I have learned in the past month or so!"

"It's incredible!"


While dealing with Darkseid, Bai Xiaofei was secretly excited, and at the same time used his strengthened strength to meet him again so that he could get stronger training.

And this.

Darkseid felt it too.

He clearly noticed that Bai Xiaofei's strength had obviously become stronger.

It's like a student in the third grade who suddenly can easily complete the homework in the fifth grade. Although it is not a particularly large promotion, it is also very shocking.


Darkseid recalled it.


This is using yourself as a sharpening stone!

Darkseid was furious!

Killing intent surged!


Two omega rays erupted instantly, directly piercing through Bai Xiaofei's defense, melting his neck.

Bai Xiaofei died again.

next moment.

The power of time activates.

Back to reset, Bai Xiaofei resurrected with full blood looked at the furious Dakseid, sighed, and said: "Hey, don't do this, although I used you as my whetstone, but fighting with me , isn't it also your long-cherished wish?"

"We each get what we need, you enjoy your battle, and I sharpen my strength, how good, as for being so angry?"


The direct answer to him was two omega rays.

However, this time, Bai Xiaofei used his own strength to barely resist, and said to Darkseid very proudly: "It's not good to keep using this trick..."

After several times of ray sniping, Bai Xiaofei's body has evolved, and with the increased strength and experience...

Let him now have some ability to resist omega rays.


This is also related to Dakseid's failure to use his full strength.

But even so, it was still very astonishing, Dakseid stared at Bai Xiaofei with an increasingly ugly face, and the killing intent grew wildly again.

"Good job, Bai Xiaofei!"

"It's actually calculated on my head. You are still the first in all these years. You are very good..."

"But it's too early for you to be happy now!"


The voice did not fall.

Two more omega rays shot out from Dakseid's eyes, and then twisted and slid various weird routes in the void, shooting towards Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei almost subconsciously operated the magic space gates, forming teleportation gates all over his body.

Just like being surrounded by countless black holes, no matter which direction the omega rays come from, they will not be able to escape the transfer of the space gate.

As for the direction and goal of the transfer...

Naturally, it was the Black Lantern Legion.


It was those people in black robes that Bai Xiaofei cared about very much.

Don't you have someone to protect you?


It is very difficult for Bai Xiaofei to break through their defenses and verify the true identity of the man in black, but what if the attack method is instead Darkseid's omega ray?

Some people may say that Omega rays have their own consciousness, and their actions are unpredictable, and it is absolutely impossible to shoot them wrong.

But what if we use the door of space to divert the omega rays, and at the same time let some of Bai Xiaofei's clones appear near the man in black?

Although they are clones, they are also Bai Xiaofei after all.

There is no need for outsiders.


The premise is that Darkseid does not intervene.

But now, Darkseid is entangled by the time-space chain formed by Bai Xiaofei's combination of space magic and time magic.

Can't break free in a short time.


The teleportation of the space gate is almost instantaneous.

Even if Darkseid sensed something was wrong, it would be too late by the time he tried to control and stop it.

as expected.

Everything was as Bai Xiaofei expected, the omega rays that Darkseid shot before, after being diverted by the countless space gates around Bai Xiaofei, immediately seemed to circle back.

As a result, at this time, Bai Xiaofei's time clone suddenly appeared.


The omega rays were instantly indistinguishable.

Unexpectedly, he stopped abruptly again, and directly blasted towards Bai Xiaofei's time clone. Coincidentally, at this time, the time clone in front of him was immortal, using his own body as everyone, and directly dragged the blocking members of the black lantern towards the black-robed man. .

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's time avatar, the person protecting the black robes, rushed to one of the black robes almost at the same time.

at the same time.


The omega ray arrived and directly penetrated Bai Xiaofei's time clone who had canceled all defenses, as well as the controlled Black Lantern members.

In the end, with a terrifying aftermath, he hit the black-robed man who was close at hand...


A terrifying impact burst out suddenly.

This is the terrifying energy reaction produced by the collision between the omega ray and the black robe of the man in black. From this, it can be seen that the black robe of the man in black is definitely a treasure, and even the omega ray cannot easily destroy it.

Of course.

The power of omega rays is not covered.

When the terrifying shock dissipated, Bai Xiaofei saw a tiny hole directly appearing in the black robe of the man in black.

It seems to have been pierced and burned by omega rays.

"good chance!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to neglect.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he immediately cast the Eye of Primordial Mist and followed the tiny hole to see the true face of the man in black.

After various calculations, Bai Xiaofei finally succeeded.

But unfortunately...


The person in the black robe is a member of the Black Lantern that can be seen normally, and the robe on his body is also a treasure.

That is.

Among the choices of many people in black robes, Bai Xiaofei didn't make the most of it. The guy whose true colors were seen through was just one of many people used to confuse the public.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is still hidden in many black robes.

And after learning this lesson, it will not be so easy for Bai Xiaofei to repeat the old trick to spy on the identity of the man in black.

after all.

Darkseid is not a tool man. It is understandable to be fooled once, but it is almost impossible to be fooled more than twice.

Besides, the man in black robe and Scarface are not wood either.

After realizing that Bai Xiaofei, while fighting Darkseid, did not forget to spy on the identity of the man in black, he also adopted stricter protection and precautionary measures.

Even with Darkseid's cooperation, Bai Xiaofei would have a hard time succeeding.


Under Scarface's behest.

Those fucking men in black robes all retreated into the dark space outside the battlefield.

That is.

In order to avoid accidents.

Scarface even used the ability of the black lamp to specially open up a separate dark space for the man in black to hide in it.

It's similar to the method used by Bai Xiaofei to spy on him before.

The two parties exist in different spatial dimensions, and Bai Xiaofei wants to spy on the identity of the man in black, the difficulty is outrageous!

After all, the laws of each space are different.

Under the premise of not knowing the attributes and strength of the law power in the space, if you want to break the barrier of the space dimension and cause harm to the people on the opposite side, you also need extremely terrifying and powerful strength.

But it's a pity that Bai Xiaofei doesn't have such power right now.

He is only slightly stronger than Scarface by one or two small realms, even if he is lucky enough to send the attack into the dark space, its power will be severely discounted.

And this kind of attack is just scratching the itch of the black-robed man, it has no effect at all, and there is no talk of breaking the defense and spying.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately felt the urge to swear.

How mean!

Don't even think about it.

How did Scarface and the others feel when he did this?

You know, the existence of the dark space can still be sensed by Bai Xiaofei, unlike the space he created before, outsiders don't even know it.

Of course, this is not the kind that Scarface can't make out.

In fact.

This is what Scarface did on purpose.

Because only in this way can it cause more pressure on Bai Xiaofei and disturb Bai Xiaofei's mind.

It's like knowing that you have an extremely terrifying and powerful enemy, but you don't know where the opponent is, so you don't worry too much.

But once you learn that the enemy lives next door and may attack you at any time, the situation is completely different.

Can you still sleep and eat?

the same way.

Scarface is going to use this method to disgust and test Bai Xiaofei, so that you can be arrogant and scheming again, what will you do now?

I'm dying of you!

My old lady just likes to see you want to kill me but helpless.

What are you staring at?

If you have the ability, kill them directly!



Scarface's face full of terrifying scars was filled with a smug smile at this moment, making her disfigured face look extremely distorted...

It's the kind that makes it difficult to go up and kick two feet and completely flatten it.

Bai Xiaofei was very angry.

To this.

Darkseid was also a little speechless.

Things have developed to this point, he can not remain indifferent.

His intuition told himself that the scarred faces of the Black Lantern Corps must be calculating and planning something, otherwise Bai Xiaofei would not be so afraid of the other party, and even when he was fighting with him, he would try his best to spy on the identities of those black-robed men.

Could it be said that there are some super masters hidden among the black-robed people?

A guy who can make Bai Xiaofei so afraid, the other party is still the enemy of the Black Lantern Legion, so could it be that the other party is the Black Death Emperor?

Damn it!

The Black Lantern Corps has such a deep plan!

If the Black Death Emperor had really awakened, and even hid among the black-robed men, wouldn't everything he did become his wedding dress?

in other words.

The Black Lantern Legion is using themselves as a weapon, and what is even more difficult is that this matter was brought to the door on its own initiative...

With that in mind.

The anger in Dakseid's heart couldn't help but rise to a higher level.


Anger to anger, anger to anger.

In view of the fact that Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion are still in an alliance and cooperation, even if Darkseid gets angry again, he will not tear down Scarface's platform. He thinks more about how to reverse the situation and make it more hostile to him. more powerful.


He secretly cooperated with Bai Xiaofei to create an opportunity to lift the trump card behind the scarred face.

This is good for both Bai Xiaofei and himself, the most important thing is to be able to see the true intentions of some Black Lantern Corps.

Darkseid doesn't want to be used as a weapon by others!

This is not a question of whether you are happy or not, it is also related to the overall interests of Apocalypse. After all, guys like Heileng are not good birds!

I have to guard against it!


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