The Storm God

Chapter 3819 What do you want? (Please subscribe!)

Speaking up.

Darkseid still had some regrets.

If he had known this, he would not have looked for the Black Lantern Legion back then, mainly because he was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would have some special means, and he was not sure of keeping Bai Xiaofei completely, so he found the other party.

Unexpected, but such a result.

Just fucked up!


One punch shattered the energy of light waves blasted by Bai Xiaofei.

Darkseid did not continue to attack, but jumped to the back and stopped, which made Bai Xiaofei very puzzled.

"Why don't you fight?"

Bai Xiaofei saw Darkseid's intention to stop, and asked curiously.

Darkseid remained silent.

But his eyes flickered towards Bai Xiaofei, who immediately understood and looked at Scarface.

Good guy!

It turned out that he was also guarding against the black light.

But think about it.

after all……

The purpose of the black lamp is to return the universe to darkness and chaos, and the result of doing so is to kill almost all living beings.

This created an irreconcilable conflict with Darkseid.

The reason why the two sides can cooperate now is mainly because Bai Xiaofei's influence is too strong, and he has obtained the space-time shuttle device, the advantage is too obvious and difficult to resist.

Only by uniting can they not be defeated one by one.

And after solving Bai Xiaofei...


While solving Bai Xiaofei.

There are also certain secret contests between the two sides, and even stumbling blocks, so that they can gain the greatest advantage in the final decisive battle between the two sides.

Take this time as an example.

Although the Black Lantern Legion was called by Darkseid.

But the identity of the black-robed man in the black lamp, I'm afraid even Darkseid doesn't know, only knows that he seems to be very powerful.

In order to take down Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid may not have pursued these matters, and only asked Heileng to help in time.

after all.

Both sides have a common enemy.

But now, Bai Xiaofei's abnormal behavior has caught Darkseid's attention, and he thinks deeper.

In other words, there is a defense against the black light.


He also didn't want to be reckless.

Because the person who will benefit in the end will only be the black light.

And Apocalypse is a veritable tool man and thug, thankless, and making wedding dresses for others for nothing...

Who wants this.


"What will Darkseid do next?"

"Pull the black lamp into the water and do it together?"


Bai Xiaofei was very curious about this.

After all, no matter what, he is the enemy of Apocalypse and Black Lantern. Even if there are conflicts between the two sides, this position will not change.

Darkseid doesn't want to be a gunman, the best way is to drag Heileng into the water together and deal with Bai Xiaofei together.

In short.

Never allow yourself to work alone.

Of course, this is just a normal theory and Bai Xiaofei's personal guess. Whether Darkseid will do this, no one can tell.

Because everyone's mindset is different.

If Darkseid was so easy to guess, then Bai Xiaofei wouldn't have fought so hard, and he would have been able to use his tricks and kill his opponent.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but cast a questioning look.

Meaning, what do you want?


Darkseid was silent for a moment.

Then he gave Bai Xiaofei a look, and a slight glance at the man in the black robe on the other side of the black lamp.

The meaning is obvious, regardless of other things for the time being, at least the two of them have a common goal now, which is to know the origin of those black-robed people who hide the deepest in the black lamp?


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

Darkseid actually wants to cooperate with him? This is really surprising, the key people are here now.

If you do this, aren't you afraid that your alliance will be broken?


got it~

Cooperate secretly, without anyone noticing.


how could it be possible!

You and I are fighting, the black robe of the black lamp, hiding in the dark space, almost invincible in defense, it is still possible to fight clearly...

You have to come quietly, and your spying intentions cannot be discovered by the other party...

This is difficult for some strong people.

in addition.

Why should I cooperate with you?

You ran over with great fanfare and mobilized the crowd, but turned out to deal with me, I'm showing off my brain to help you!

Although I really want to know the identity of the man in black, it doesn't mean that I am obliged to help you achieve your wish...

Unless there is an offer that is hard to refuse.

Otherwise, talk about it!

To this.

A certain person is an old driver who is familiar with the road. It is rare to come across such a good opportunity. How can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't take a scam?

Bai Xiaofei immediately returned his gaze.

meaning is……

Want to collaborate?


But there must be enough benefits.

After all, you are the one who contributes, and the one who suffers is yourself. You are a third party who enjoys the benefits.

If you don't come up with some substantial benefits, no fool will talk to you.

At worst, I will leave directly.

In short.

The initiative is not yours.

What to do, you can weigh it yourself.


Dakseid was suddenly depressed and angry.

Good guy!

The bamboo sticks have all been knocked on my head.

It just doesn't make sense!

to be honest.

He didn't want to talk to Bai Xiaofei at first.

After all, Darkseid is the dark lord of the universe, how awesome, how could he have been so angry.


Think back.

No, this opportunity is too difficult.

If you don't take the opportunity to get a good feel for the bottom of the black lamp, you may not know how much you will suffer later.

Even if you have to pay a certain price for this, it is better than unknown.

Plus there is an enemy of the enemy...

The difficulty can be imagined.

It's definitely easier than dealing with it alone.

How about giving him some favors first? The big deal is to grab it back later, is it possible to watch the opportunity slip away like this?

With that in mind.

Darkseid suddenly changed his mind.

He said to Bai Xiaofei with his eyes: "I can promise that no matter what the result is today, I, Apocalypse, will be lenient and will not kill you..."

"Forget it you!"

Before Dakseid could finish his "talk", Bai Xiaofei refused directly: "I still need to forgive you? You really think you are so awesome, can you keep yourself today?"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to show you right now?"

"Want to be an empty-handed white wolf?"

"No way!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't believe what Darkseid said.

Not to mention whether the other party has the confidence to keep himself, if things are as expected by the other party, and he has the ability to definitely keep himself, when that time comes, Darkseid will keep his promise and let Bai Xiaofei go?

What a joke!

Only fools can do things like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Do you think Darkseid looks like a fool?

Obviously impossible!


There is no certainty about the premise, so how about this? Really think Bai Xiaofei is a three-year-old child.

Seeing that Darkseid was so dishonest, Bai Xiaofei made a gesture to leave.

The other party became anxious immediately.


With anger in his eyes, Dakseid "asked" and said, "Then what do you want?"

This rhetorical question immediately fell into a passive state.


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