The Storm God

Chapter 3821 Tear your face! (Please subscribe!)

Time back to a few minutes ago.

in the field.

For the audience, besides Scarface and other Black Lantern members, there is also another existence that cannot be ignored——

The Dream Lord Murphys.

To know.

He is also one of the fishermen, and the person who intends to cheat is not known to be Dakseid, and there is also the Black Lantern Legion.

Who told the two sides not to give him the resources to develop.

Now, of course, he has grudged both of them, but from the beginning, his plan was to trick Darkseid...

The arrival of the Black Lantern Legion was unexpected to him.

But that's okay.

It's all here, so let's just take a piece of it.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, believes that Bai Xiaofei must be able to help him fulfill his wish, after all, he is Bai Xiaofei.


Looking at the way Bai Xiaofei and Dakseid flirted just now, it seems that some kind of secret agreement has been reached.

In this regard, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was even more convinced.

That is a joy in my heart.

at the same time.

Like Bai Xiaofei, he was very curious and afraid of those black-robed men from the Black Lantern Legion.

Because Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also faintly felt an unprecedented threat from the other party.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not yet an enemy of the Black Lantern, at least in name, he is a partner of Apocalypse.

Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps have a cooperative relationship. Naturally speaking, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also belongs to half of the Black Lantern Corps' accomplices.


These are all superficial.

As for whether Heileng thinks so, it is unknown.

Anyway, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, never thought about it that way. Like Darkseid, they are all tools used at this stage.

When Bai Xiaofei and Darkseid were fighting fiercely and plotting secretly, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had also taken the opportunity to rest and recover, secretly accumulating a certain amount of strength.

As long as Bai Xiaofei launched a surprise attack and caused huge chaos on the scene, if the timing was right, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would definitely step in and fish in troubled waters to maximize his own interests.

As for the Apocalypse fighters around, and the Black Lantern members...

to be honest.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't pay attention at all.

With his realm and strength, if he really explodes with all his output, he can easily wipe out the opponent's group.

They are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

Don't care at all.

The only ones he didn't dare to ignore were Darkseid, Scarface, the man in black robe, and Bai Xiaofei!


Everything was as expected by Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

The battle situation on the scene quickly changed again. Under the full force of Darkseid's explosion, he actually relied on the absolute physical strength of an animal to exhaust Bai Xiaofei's power of time.


All this is an illusion.

However, the performance of the two of them was too realistic. If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, knew Bai Xiaofei very well and concluded that his strength could never be just that, even Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would have been deceived.

Even he is like this, other outsiders can imagine.

All were deceived.


The dust settled.

Darkseid is ready to reap the results.

But at this time, Scarface and the others who were hiding in the dark space finally couldn't stand it any longer, and directly removed the space dimension barrier, descended on the scene, and stopped Darkseid.

"Mr. Darkseid..."

Scarface and the others surrounded Dakseid, and said with a smile on their faces: "Congratulations on your final victory in the battle, but the credit for this is not only your Apocalypse..."

It is clear that this is to share the credit.


That's a nice way to say it.

The bad thing is that the oriole has come to catch the praying mantis.

In normal times, Heideng's Scarface and the others would not do so easily, no matter in terms of Apocalypse's strength or Darkseid's face.

But now it is different.

After a big battle with Bai Xiaofei, the masters of Apocalypse were consumed a lot, and even Darkseid was extremely embarrassed, and the loss of combat power was extremely serious.

On the other hand, the Black Lantern Corps had almost no losses.

Not only that.

Scarface also brought a big backer this time.

In a comprehensive comparison, it can be said that it has all the advantages, so it is naturally qualified to dare to challenge Darkseid.


Although Dakseid had expected this scene a long time ago, when it really happened, he was still a little angry and angry.

He glared at Scarface angrily, and said coldly: "Scarface, are you trying to claim credit? Although your Black Lantern Legion sent people this time, only us Apocalypse are the ones who are really fighting..."

The implication is, you didn't do anything, and you still want credit?

What fun!

I really think that Apocalypse and Darkseid are vegetarians.

Even if the two parties are in a cooperative relationship now, you Black Lantern Corps can't be so shameless, otherwise, believe it or not, I will break up with you immediately!

The words of the Dark Lord naturally carry a lot of weight.


There are some threats in it.

However, Black Lantern had already made up his mind, how could he give up easily because of Darkseid's few words?

To know.

What Bai Xiaofei owns is not only the treasure of the space-time shuttle device, but also his legion and the forces behind it...

These benefits are huge.

In particular, the energy power of the Color Lantern Legion is absolutely irreplaceable for its benefits to the Black Lantern.

This alone is enough to make Heileng take a risk.

not to mention……

The timing is still so appropriate.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was seriously injured, Dakseid's combat strength was severely depleted, and the rest of the Apocalypse masters were also a little sluggish...

Only the Black Lantern Corps, almost all in peak condition.

That's it?

No fool will be cowardly!

"Mr. Darkseid..."

Scarface was able to speak eloquently: "You are wrong to say that. If it weren't for our Black Lantern to put pressure on Bai Xiaofei so that he couldn't fight with all his strength, you would have won so easily?"

In a word.

This credit is about to be settled by us, no one wants to renege on it!

Not even you Darkseid!

I said!

The attitude is tough and the tone is firm.

He didn't give Dakseid, the dark lord, any face. Even after expressing his intentions, the black lamp masters around Scarface all took a step forward.

The strength and aura of each one are ready to go, and they are ready to fight if there is a disagreement. The threat is even more threatening than Darkseid just now!

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that the Black Lantern Corps was so presumptuous, all the Apocalypse fighters around them stopped doing it immediately, and several top fighters immediately wanted to rush over to protect the lord.


As early as the moment the black light came, they were already too late.

Now Darkseid and Bai Xiaofei are all surrounded by the masters of the Black Lantern Legion, and they want to rush in again...

This is difficult slightly.


No matter how difficult it is, you still have to have the attitude you should have.

The masters of Apocalypse became even more annoyed when they saw that the Black Lantern Corps was not only presumptuous, but also tearing their faces apart.

All of them showed their weapons, and their momentum exploded. As long as Dakseid gives an order, they will immediately go to war with him.

And the soldiers of the Black Lantern Legion did not show any weakness.

Both the soldiers in the center of the encirclement and the members of the black lanterns on the periphery have all entered a state of combat readiness, advancing layer by layer, and confronting the Apocalypse army on the periphery.

in the field.

There is only one exception.

That is Morpheus, the God of Dreams. He is like a passer-by, staying there alone, and no one dares to target him.

The people from Apocalypse would not, and the Black Lantern Legion would not.

It's as if he didn't pay attention to this person at all, but in fact, this is not the case, but Morpheus, the God of Dreams, used the power of dreams to eliminate his own existence to a certain extent.

That's why both sides will ignore the existence of .


This kind of measurement is just to fool ordinary people, but anyone whose strength reaches a certain level will not be tricked.

For example, the top masters of Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps, and Scarface, Darkseid and others.

They all saw the deeds of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but no one said anything.


In their opinion, no matter what the current Oneiroi Lord Morpheus does, he will not be surprising.

after all……

People are originally outsiders.

Whether you choose to help Apocalypse or join the Black Lantern Corps, it is all reasonable.

But most likely, stay out of it.

Wait for the conflict between the two sides to come up with a result, and then make a choice, so that it is more in line with the personality of Morpheus, the Oneiroi.

If it was the past, the two sides would definitely use benefits to win Morpheus, the God of Dreams, into their camp, increasing their combat power and chances of winning.

But now it is different.

The two sides only had conflicts, and there was no real tearing apart, besides, Darkseid was still acting...


There's no point in doing that.

And even if they did this, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would not pay attention, after all, he had already seen it.

All of this is a joint arrangement of Dakseid and Bai Xiaofei, with the purpose of exposing the unknown existence hidden in the black-robed man.


This is more in line with the interests of Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Therefore, he has no intention of exposing him, but intends to sit on the sidelines, enjoy the benefits, and continue to be his own fisherman.

Unless the benefits are to a certain extent, he will never take risks.

Regardless of how others react.

in the field.

Seeing that the Black Lantern Corps dared to be so arrogant, and even started a war, they wanted to take credit from themselves.

Dakseid was even more furious.

He stared at Scarface, and said in a deep voice: "Scarface, what do you mean? Are you going to tear face off with Tian Qixing now?"

This is questioning.

It was also a threat. After all, Bai Xiaofei's power had not been completely wiped out, so he did not believe that the Black Lantern Corps would dare to disband at this time.

Because that would be of no benefit to each other.

On the contrary, it would be in vain to make Bai Xiaofei cheaper.

Even acting.

Darkseid also didn't want to see this kind of thing happen, so even though he was already angry and wanted to kill, he still restrained and forbeared again and again, hoping that Scarface would put the overall situation first.


It's a pity that Scarface has completely swelled.

In other words, they are already confident enough that they can deal with Bai Xiaofei's forces even without the help of Apocalypse.

Therefore, after hearing Dakseid's words, instead of stopping because of it, he became even more unscrupulous and arrogant.


"Mr. Darkseid, you are really naive. Do you really think that our Black Lantern Legion can't deal with Bai Xiaofei without your Apocalypse?"

"Do not make jokes!"


Scarface laughed loudly and said: "That was before, since the beginning of our cooperation, using the dominance of Apocalypse, our Black Lantern Legion has already obtained an emotional power beyond imagination..."

"Now we are not what we used to be. Coupled with the co-developed super biological weapon as a big killer, Bai Xiaofei's power is no longer to be feared!"

"Whether it is the Color Lantern Legion or the Mechanical Legion, they will be completely wiped out in front of our upgraded Black Lantern members!"

"The same is true for you Apocalypse!"


She chattered on and on.


Regardless of Dakseid's reaction, he turned his eyes and stared directly at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were full of killing intent and brilliance.

"Bai Xiaofei..."

"You also have today, hahaha, it's really a turn of events. I believe that with you as the raw material, my master will soon be fully awakened and come to this universe!"

"At that time, everything will return to chaos and darkness, our black lamp will be the eternal master, and you will only have death and destruction!"


While talking nonsense.

Scarface didn't stay idle either, he directly released the incomparably terrifying dark power of death, passed Darkseid, and rushed towards Bai Xiaofei.

Obviously want to strike first.

"you dare!"

And seeing so.

Dakseid was immediately enraged.

Without Lao Tzu's permission, it's like taking away the fruits of victory. You really treat Lao Tzu as a display and does not exist.

I bought a watch last year!


Darkseid, who was so angry, did not show any weakness, and immediately released his supernatural power - Omega rays.

Two terrifying rays of infinite anger and murderous intent pierced through the void in an instant, blocking the scar-faced death darkness.


The two terrifying forces collided together, and there was an explosion and concussion beyond imagination.

And Bai Xiaofei, who was still acting, was directly sent flying out.


The one that was blown away was just a doppelgänger.

The real Bai Xiaofei himself took advantage of this opportunity to hide in another dimension, observe secretly, and wait for the opportunity to move.

His real purpose is the man in black who is heavily protected by the black lamp.

Last time.

Bai Xiaofei chose the wrong person.

This time, without enough confidence, he would not make a move easily.

And the creation of opportunities requires Darkseid.

Bai Xiaofei believed it.

Uncle Da will not let himself down.

Because the current behavior of Scarface and these black lights is really abominable, and has completely angered Uncle Da.

Afterwards, whether it's for his own face or, like Bai Xiaofei, knowing the identity of the real boss behind the man in black, Darkseid will go all out.

This is not.

The two sides did not say a few words, and they had already started.

First came Scarface and Darkseid, followed by other top fighters, as well as the most numerous and farthest peripheral fighters.

In an instant.

The whole scene suddenly fell into a frantic melee.

Looking around, there are battles everywhere, monsters and members of the Black Lantern, top experts VS high-level Black Lanterns, Scarface tough Darkseid...

It was a mess.

And Bai Xiaofei (clone) has become the target and object that both sides are fighting for, and the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus who is hiding in the crowd to watch the show, both seem so different and special.

Looking at the two sides fighting together, Oneiroi Morpheus was stunned, with a face full of disbelief: "Damn it, is this a fight?"

"A promised alliance!"

"That's it……"

His eyes were full of contempt.


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