The Storm God

Chapter 3822 Threat! (Please subscribe!)

In fact.

The current development of things is not only hard for Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but even Bai Xiaofei and Darkseid never expected it.

They thought that the scarred face of the Black Lantern Corps would at most just jump out and take credit for it.

How can I think...

He turned his face straight away.

He didn't pay much attention to Darkseid and Apocalypse at all. It was obvious that his wings were stiff and he wanted to fly solo.

That's it.

It was still the result that the man in black didn't show up.

God knows how crazy Scarface and the others will go after the big boss behind it really wants to make a move.

In view of this.

Dakseid became more and more annoyed as he fought.

His actions became more and more serious, as if he had forgotten that all of this was just acting, in order to let Scarface and the others show their true colors.

As a result, Scarface and others went too far, so that Darkseid didn't care about cooperation or not at all.


He just wanted to take a good breath.

It's fine for the Black Lantern Legion to use themselves as gunmen, but how dare they ignore the Apocalypse, and then cross the river and demolish the bridge?

How unreasonable!

No matter what today, he must be taught a lesson!


Anger erupted.

Murderous and brave.

The dark lord, Darkseid, didn't care about acting at this time. He just swept away the slump just now, and his momentum was like a rainbow. He once again returned to his previous domineering appearance, and his strength increased by a large amount in an instant!

When he erupted, Scarface immediately became miserable.

after all……

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Scarface also bullied and bullied, and the weak Darkseid was okay, but now Darkseid stopped pretending and had a showdown, and she was immediately confused.


Looking at Dakseid who recovered to a full state almost instantly, Scarface's eyes widened, and his face was full of shock: "Your strength..."

She suddenly realized that she seemed sloppy.

Who said Darkseid is dead?


Everything is a scam!

Darkseid just now clearly was acting, in order to set himself a trap and let himself foolishly drill into it.

The key is to really dance!


Scarface was suddenly depressed to death.

I thought that being a fisherman would be the final winner, but now I found out that I was the prey in the eyes of others.

This can be fucked!


If Darkseid is pretending, what about Bai Xiaofei?

Will he too?

With that in mind.

Scarface couldn't help looking at Bai Xiaofei.

In the end, he was shocked to find that Bai Xiaofei still looked like he was dying, like a broken doll, being scrambled and snatched by people from both sides, without the slightest ability to resist.


What's the situation?

Seeing the scarred face in this scene, he became even more puzzled.

Isn't Bai Xiaofei acting?

How can it be!

It shouldn't be.

There must be something wrong.

Or, Bai Xiaofei is not as powerful as he imagined, he is just a silver pewter gun head, and he was knocked down by Darkseid in two or three hits?

Or maybe Darkseid's strength is far beyond imagination, and even the stronger Bai Xiaofei is far from being his opponent?

Because of the disparity in strength, Scarface couldn't comprehend all of this at all, so he could only support Darkseid's attack in a daze while trying to find a way to solve the situation in front of him.


She thought she had the chance to win.

He could take down Bai Xiaofei in one fell swoop, and hit Apocalypse and Darkseid hard by the way, but was deceived by Darkseid in the end.

The result of hasty exposure can be imagined.

The current Black Lantern Corps, riding a tiger is hard to get off, and they can only go to the dark one way. After all, they have been beaten now, so what should they do?

Simply go straight to it!

At most, it is the road ahead, which is a little more difficult.

Anyway, with a big boss as the backer, although Scarface was a little depressed and bitter, he didn't panic at all.

The sky has fallen and there is a tall roof, and I am just a younger brother.

Afraid of a ball.


She was beaten.

Darkseid, who broke out at full strength, is simply not something she can contend with now, let alone Darkseid who is still in a state of rage.

The reason why she was able to fight back and forth with Darkseid just now was because Darkseid was acting, pretending to be weak...


Under the rage, the power is even more violent.

No matter what gaudy tricks Scarface uses, Darkseid breaks them all with strength. Cooperating with the weird and unpredictable Omega rays, it is really unmatched.

In the blink of an eye, Scarface was beaten up.

Her face had been disfigured a long time ago, but after being hit by Darkseid's old fists, it became distorted and hideous all of a sudden.

Seeing this scene, the Apocalypse warriors around immediately cheered.

The top masters of Apocalypse who were suppressed by the masters of the Black Lantern Legion also seemed to gain strength from it, and they resisted more easily, and there was a faint tendency to counterattack.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel incredible.

Xin said, is it possible that Darkseid still has some hidden buff aura? Can this make the younger brothers around them stronger?

It's outrageous!

at the same time……

Watching a play is watching a play.

Bai Xiaofei didn't forget his purpose.

Now that Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps are completely torn apart, as a third party, Bai Xiaofei is naturally extremely happy.

The current chaos just made things worse.

However, it was a bit too monotonous for him alone, as the saying goes, it is better to be happy alone than to be happy with others, so Bai Xiaofei immediately sent the situation here to Sinestro and Aya.


After receiving Bai Xiaofei's message, the two generals were stunned for a while, and then their eyes lit up.

While lamenting that the boss really knows how to do things, he didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly mobilized his troops and started to get ready.

Just wait for the right time, and when Bai Xiaofei gives an order, they will lead people directly into the scene and harvest a wave.


the Prerequisite is.

Bai Xiaofei had to figure out the true identities and exact strengths of those black-robed men, otherwise, he would not be a fisherman, but give away their heads.

And now.

Bai Xiaofei's avatar is also a dedicated actor in front of him, so it's not easy for him to attack casually.

But temptation is necessary.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help looking at another guy watching the show.

Morpheus, God of Dreams!


It's also really comfortable.

Conspiring with Bai Xiaofei, not to mention the benefits, but also cheating Darkseid, and even a windfall, even the Black Lantern Corps got involved.

it's good now.

In addition to the chaos, the alliance between the two parties was messed up.

It's really a crooked shot.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was still very grateful to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, so he thought, just leave the two masters alone, and let him do the task of probing the man in black.

After all, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is still a member of Apocalypse in name. Now that Apocalypse is fighting with the Black Lantern Legion, he has the nerve to stand by and watch?


Even if Morpheus, God of Dreams, is embarrassed, Bai Xiaofei will find a way to make him feel embarrassed.


Threatening things that have been plotted before.

You know, even though Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has his own team now, he is still immature and fragile.

Comparing giants like the Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Corps, there is no comparison at all. If both parties know about it, all of this will be hindered by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus...

I believe Darkseid and Scarface will definitely be grateful to him. In order to protect himself, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, had no choice but to compromise.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped hesitating.

Immediately, he sent a Taoist reading to the Oneiroi Lord Murphys: "Oneiroi Lord, don't watch the show, there is a task for you to do..."

"Bai Xiaofei!"

The Oneiroi Lord Murphy was shocked.

He was most afraid of Bai Xiaofei now, when he first heard that he was looking for him, and seemed to want him to do something...

The first reaction of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was to quit!


Before Bai Xiaofei finished speaking.

He immediately interrupted and refused: "You old Yinbi wouldn't be so kind, you must be plotting against me again!"

"Don't do it!"

That attitude is a firm one.

"you sure?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, curled his lips and said: "I came here with sincerity this time, and I didn't intend to trick you. Don't you dare say that you are not curious about the real identities of those black-robed people?"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, snorted coldly: "I'm sure, I'm sure, I'm sure, you bastard, no matter how nice you say, I will always have only one answer, I, no, do it!"

"Is it?"

Bai Xiaofei heard the words.

Immediately sighed helplessly, said faintly: "Since this is the case, then I can only think of another way. I originally wanted to continue to cooperate with you. Since you don't want to, then forget it..."

"But I have a bad problem, that is, I can't hide secrets. For example, you and I joined forces to plot Darkseid. Now I can't help but want to tell people..."

"You said, Dakseid knows that all this is caused by you now, what expression will he have?"

"And the scarred face of the Black Lantern Corps..."

"Tsk tsk..."

Bai Xiaofei became more and more excited as he spoke, and his tone was also very exaggerated: "It was a good alliance, but it fell apart because of a 25-year-old boy, and turned against each other. Tell me, how will they deal with this guy?"

"I'm really curious?"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was dumbfounded at the time.

I rely on!

Bai Xiaofei, what the hell are you...

Is this threatening me?


He was so angry.

But the anger turned to anger, and he felt more depressed and bitter, because everything Bai Xiaofei said was true.

If Darkseid and Scarface knew that the culprit who caused all this was himself, then Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would definitely have no good fruit to eat!

That is.

If he wanted to avoid all this from happening, he could only shut Bai Xiaofei's mouth, as for how?

Isn't that obvious.


A certain person immediately changed his face and flattered Bai Xiaofei in an almost flattering tone: "That..."

"Mr. Bai, let's talk slowly if we have something to say. You misunderstood me just now. I mean, I will definitely not refuse the task you gave me..."

Good guy.

The law of true fragrance is directly possessed.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei almost couldn't laugh out loud.

Immediately, he accepted it as soon as he saw it. Since Morpheus, the god of dreams, put down his airs and licked his face, it was so delicious, he couldn't push his nose on his face anymore.

If something goes wrong, it's not good for anyone.


He directly stated his intentions to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and wanted the other party to take this opportunity to test the black-robed men of the Black Lantern Legion.

In doing so, the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is not without benefits.

For example, at least you can get a wave of favorability with Apocalypse and Darkseid, so that they can feel your sincerity.

As for whether more resources will be given to you in the future.

This Bai Xiaofei couldn't guarantee it.

after all.

He's not Darkseid.

But normally speaking, as long as the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus performs well, there will be no problems, otherwise it will be too chilling. Who will work hard in the future?


When Morpheus, the God of Dreams, heard this, instead of being happy, he was full of complaints.

Depend on!

To put it bluntly, it is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

Cooperating with you, you don't take any benefits, just want to let me go out to take risks by threatening, and let Darkseid take advantage of it afterwards?

Thank you for thinking it out!


Tucao ghost Tucao.

Rejection is certainly impossible to refuse.

Who let him hold the handle in Bai Xiaofei's hands now? Based on this alone, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has no room to retreat.

Besides, what Bai Xiaofei said was not unreasonable at all. If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, really performed well this time, even if he was colder, Darkseid should show it.

That is.

It is impossible for Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to gain nothing at all.

The key is to do so, it can also satisfy his own curiosity, and it is also convenient for him to make deployment and arrangements for future plans.

The only thing that bothered him was that all of this was forced.

"What can you do?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, shook his head, and simply stopped thinking about what was there and what was not, and asked Bai Xiaofei directly.


The black-robed man has not made a move yet.

Surrounded by a large number of top experts of the Black Lantern Legion to protect it, even Morpheus, the God of Dreams, could not easily rush away.

What he meant was to let Bai Xiaofei be an assistant, or give him some cover.

But alas.

Bai Xiaofei directly refused.

"Go up yourself!"

Bai Xiaofei sneered and said, "You majestic dream god Murphys, do you still need assistance and cover against a few high-level players in the God Emperor realm?"

"Stop teasing me!"


He didn't believe the lies of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.

Don't say anything else.

Just the Dream Realm that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, used before was enough to throw the masters of the Black Lantern Legion into chaos.

If there is another wave of strong output of big moves, even the man in black will probably reveal some strength in order to protect himself.

to be honest.

The God of Dreams, Murphys, was just crying for poverty, and then wanted to drag Bai Xiaofei into the water, but unfortunately the latter was fooled at all.


The lie was seen through and ruthlessly exposed, the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus didn't feel embarrassed, he just smiled wryly: "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you..."


He simply rushed out.

no way.

Bai Xiaofei is too much of a thief.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, knew that there was no point in continuing to waste time. Instead of wasting time here, he might as well step down and use his actions to actively create opportunities for himself.

And as the Oneiroi Lord Murphys joined the battle, both sides in the scuffle were also slightly taken aback, and then showed different expressions and reactions.

The Black Lantern Corps was naturally frowning and depressed.

Because for them, Oneiroi Morpheus is definitely an unrivaled super power.

Only Scarface and other top experts can fight against him.

For the rest, whoever goes up will die.

Not so with Apocalypse.

after all……

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is still a member of the Apocalypse in name, and this time to help the Apocalypse in the battle, it can be said that it gave the Apocalypse a shot in the arm, which greatly inspired people's hearts, and at the same time made countless Apocalypse fighters He developed a great affection for the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Even Darkseid is no exception.


The boss must be different from ordinary people.

They thought more and became more suspicious, but this still couldn't conceal Darkseid's joy at the moment.

Even if he knew that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, might have joined the war with some purpose, but at least the current situation was good for him.

This is enough!


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