The Storm God

Chapter 3823 The black robe makes a move! (Please subscribe!)

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys acted fiercely.

Although he still didn't use his full strength now, pretending to be injured and struggling, but after all, the level of strength lies there.

All the way to rush over, all the black lights can only perish.

Even those who are relatively strong, basically can't hold on to a few moves, and will be forcibly dragged into the dream by the dream power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, reduced to puppets and slaughtered by others.

no way.

The dream power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also has a strong ability to restrain the black lamp, coupled with a huge advantage in strength...

The result can be imagined.

after all.

The black lamp is the resurrection of the dead.

Although there is no fear of general death damage, as long as you have soul and wisdom, you will be affected by the power of dreams.

Just like being restrained by other lantern ring abilities.

Facing the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, it can be said that he was targeted to death, no matter how many people rushed over, it would be useless.

Unless it is a top player.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, Scarface became a little anxious.

Although peripheral players are not very important, they can't be slaughtered like melons and vegetables by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.

Once the Apocalypse gains a huge numerical advantage, the ants can still kill the elephant, so we must find a way to stop the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

at her command.


Then several top masters rushed over.

Facing the obstruction of several top combat powers at the same time, the killing speed of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys was slightly suppressed.


This is also related to his paddling to a certain extent.

You know, the current identity of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is the one who was seriously injured by Bai Xiaofei.

If you acted too bravely and completely ignored your injuries, wouldn't it be obvious that you told Darkseid that you lied to him before?


He must carry out a certain degree of strength preservation.

This made it difficult for Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, to get rid of and solve the encirclement and suppression of several top black lamp combat forces in a short time.

However, this is enough.


With the intrusion of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, the rhythm of the Black Lantern Legion has become quite chaotic.

The soldiers of Apocalypse, one by one, began to counterattack frantically, putting tremendous pressure on the Black Lantern Corps.

at the same time.

The situation on Scarface is also getting worse.

Darkseid became more and more courageous as he fought, and with his incredible strength, he completely crushed Scarface and several members of the Black Lantern who came to help fight the team battle.


The balance of victory has begun to gradually tilt to Apocalypse's side.

But at this moment.


One of the men in black suddenly erupted with terrifying aura and power. The terrifying power of death that diffused out was like a super stimulant. Wherever it went, it immediately made the infected black lamp Members, their strength doubled in an instant.

Including those Black Lantern members of the top combat power sequence.


Their amplification effect is obviously not as good as other black lights, and their strength is only doubled at most.

But even so, it was quite terrifying.

The Apocalypse fighters who were fighting against him were caught off guard. They never expected that such a time would happen again. They immediately complained, and the advantage they had just gained disappeared in an instant.

Not only that.

The Black Lantern masters, who had grown in strength, even started to counterattack.

In the blink of an eye, many Apocalyptic Star fighters were brutally killed because they failed to react in time.

What is even more speechless.

After these fighters died, they were directly infected and assimilated by the ability of the black lamp, and immediately became brand new black lamp fighters.

One ebbs and another, the situation is predictable, if it continues like this, Qixing will undoubtedly lose that day.


Apocalypse is not without the possibility of a comeback.

For example, their dark lord Darkseid, if this boss can defeat Scarface and other leaders of the Black Lantern, suppress everything with a strong posture, no matter what, he can preserve the majesty of Apocalypse.

But alas.

Scarface and the members of the Black Lantern who besieged Darkseid also got a big boost in strength under the influence of the black mist, the strange power of death.


Darkseid's advantage was also instantly stopped.

The strengths and weaknesses of the two sides have directly become evenly matched, which has dragged Darkseid abruptly, leaving him with no time to look around.

the other side.


The sudden attack of the man in black was something Bai Xiaofei never expected.

This couldn't help but make him very happy.


Then he frowned again.

Because Bai Xiaofei sensed it carefully, he suddenly found out depressedly that the black-robed man who made the shot was not the root cause of the danger that made him feel before.

That is.

This man in black robe is just a younger brother.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is still hiding behind the scenes and has not made a move!

"It's really careful enough!"

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei had to admit that the other party was really stubborn, and he could hide better than himself.

Then, he found out.

Some of the Black Lantern members started rushing towards their avatars desperately.


The opponent wanted to quickly arrest Bai Xiaofei and end the melee.

After all, although the Black Lantern Corps had capital, it came out in a hurry this time, and there were not many top experts.

At best, it looks like Tianqixing, the only exception is that there are more people in black robes.

This sudden tearing of the face, although it can fight against Apocalypse in a short period of time, it is definitely not a long-term solution in the long run.

At least kill one thousand enemies and injure eight hundred.

If at this time, Bai Xiaofei's forces come over, it will take advantage of the third party in vain, and people will take advantage of it.


Solving the root of the problem is the kingly way.

And the key point is undoubtedly Bai Xiaofei, as long as he is caught, there is no need to talk to Tian Qixing at all.

in this regard.

Apocalypse is naturally not stupid.

However, in terms of top combat power, Apocalypse is slightly inferior. First, it is the loss before, and then the current increase of the black lamp...

The gap between the two sides can be said to be very obvious.


Soon the black lamp gained the upper hand.

But at the critical moment when they were about to succeed, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly came out.

"With me here, you can never succeed!"

"Dreams come!"


this moment.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys broke out completely.

I saw that he was covered with wounds, bleeding profusely, his breath was weak, and there were even weapons condensed by the power of various black lamps inserted into his body.

Such as knives, swords, guns...


But even so.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, still gritted his teeth, with a resolute look on his face, and resolutely burst out with great strength.

follow closely.

The purple mist that filled the sky suddenly descended.

In just a split second, everything around him was completely enveloped.

With the cover of the Dream Realm, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, no longer needs to continue acting. Just now he looked like he was about to die, but in the end he became extremely strong in the blink of an eye.


Those Black Lantern members trapped in the dream realm, seeing this, immediately realized that they had been deceived.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was not seriously injured at all, everything was faked, or because of the influence of Ziwu, he had hallucinations?

What the result will be, they have no way of judging.


Most people subjectively believe that the former is more likely.

Because it is impossible for the hallucination to have such terrifying combat power, even though he was boosted, he was easily crushed in the end.

This is outrageous!


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