The Storm God

Chapter 3824 Showdown! (Please subscribe!)


In his own dream realm, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, stopped pretending and went straight to the showdown. He smiled triumphantly at the bewildered Black Lantern members and said, "That's right! I just pretended everything before. of!"

"Damn it!"

The members of the Black Lantern were suddenly furious.

He was cheated!

this moment.

They feel as if they are caught in a huge conspiracy.

Immediately after, their first reaction was to send this news to Scarface, but they were shocked to find that they couldn't do it.

"How can it be?"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, looked at the Black Lantern members with even more bewildered and shocked expressions, and smiled even more proudly.

Then he kindly explained: "Nothing is impossible. In my dream realm, I have the final say on all the rules. In other words, here, I am the absolute master!"

"With just one thought, I can completely stop all contact between you and the outside world. After all, I have studied your black lantern ring a lot during this time!"


During the conversation.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was also not idle.

The power of dreams swelled one after another, turning into waves of turbulent waves, which directly submerged batch after batch of Black Lantern members, making them completely sink in the cycle of dreams.

What about the dead?

As long as you have a soul, intelligence, consciousness...

In my dream realm, I will definitely be affected, and thus fall into an infinite dream realm, providing my Oneiroi Lord Morpheus with a steady stream of power!

The Oneiroi Lord Morpheus is like a butcher, unscrupulous and invincible, batch after batch harvesting the power of the black lamp for his own use.

It's not that the Black Lantern members don't want to resist.


Can't resist at all.

No matter how they resisted, a wave of dreams would come, and the people who were swallowed would immediately fall into a deep sleep.

Then one by one became the power bank of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

not to mention.

Their black lantern rings were also restricted due to the influence of the dream realm, and their power was no longer an unlimited supply, but became a stand-alone existence.

Every time they use a piece of power, the power they have stored will decrease by one point, and the result can be imagined.


In the realm of dreams.

A large number of members of the Black Lantern have all become the food of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, and they are devoured by him, wantonly absorbing strength to enrich themselves.


at the same time.

outside world.

Darkseid also saw everything that happened on Bai Xiaofei's side, especially when he saw that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, did not hesitate to use his seriously injured body to launch a unique move to stop the enemy, he was a little shocked and moved .

Am I wrong to blame him?

This guy……

It turned out to be so desperate!

No matter!

For the sake of his dedication, after this battle, I will try to accept him and give him some resources to develop well!

Dakseid thought to himself.

Of course.

This is not only because of the hard work of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, but also because of the current situation.

after all……

The cooperation between Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion has completely broken down.

The two sides fought a battle, regardless of the outcome, at least in front of Bai Xiaofei's powerful forces, they were all losers.

If he wants to fight against Bai Xiaofei, or even the Black Lantern Legion that seems to have risen, and the Apocalypse who has become the weakest of the three parties, he must find a way to strengthen his own strength.

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is undoubtedly an excellent choice.


Darkseid is also worried about the loyalty of Murphys, the God of Dreams. After all, this little brother has betrayed Apocalypse.

But after what happened just now, Dakseid felt that he should also give Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, a chance.

So what if the other party has ulterior motives?

As long as you are strong enough.

What other waves can the other party make?

At least before Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, rises completely and surpasses himself, he must obey himself.

During this period.

I can completely test him in various ways.

For example, let Oneiroi Lord Murphys deal with the Black Lantern Legion, no matter what thoughts Oneiroi Lord Murphys has in mind, if he knows that he is willing to do it, then he will not lose.

Make the best use of it!

At worst, treat the other party as another collaborator.

Thinking of this, Dakseid suddenly felt a lot more enlightened, and many troubles and sorrows in his heart were also emptied a lot.


He no longer paid attention to the battle situation on the side of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

With Morpheus, the Oneiroi, Darkseid believed that the Black Lantern Corps would definitely not be able to take advantage of it.

after all……

No matter how bad the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is, he is still at the same level as himself, so how can a group of Xiaoxiao rival him?


As soon as he thought about it, Dakseid's eyes couldn't help but fell on the men in black robes of the Black Lantern Legion.

The other party only sent one of them, and increased the surrounding Black Lantern members so much, if they all shot...

What kind of horror is it?

Right now, the combat power of Apocalypse has been dragged down.

Only Oneiroi Morpheus can stop the other party, if one of the men in black robes runs to deal with Oneiroi...


Darkseid hasn't finished thinking about it yet.

He was stunned to see that one of the men in black robes actually jumped out and rushed towards the purple mist in Bai Xiaofei's dream realm.


Dakseid was speechless immediately.

These guys...

What a wicked heart!

As for being worried, it was impossible for him to be worried, because Darkseid knew better than anyone that Bai Xiaofei was fine at all!

So what if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can't stop him?

There is also Bai Xiaofei!


You guys still want to catch Bai Xiaofei?

It's almost the same as giving away the head!


The strength of the man in black is indeed a bit strong, even terrifying, but in Dakseid's view, that's all.

At least for a strong man in his realm, it's not considered extreme, and it's not impossible to really want to deal with it.

The opponent's only advantage is the mystery of identity, without the mystery of identity, in fact, it is no different from ordinary opponents.

Unless it is the ultimate existence like the Black Death Emperor.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that the Black Lantern Legion has no plans to directly show their cards, and still wants to keep the secret as much as possible.

Otherwise, the other party would not just send a man in black to deal with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys. Obviously, the other party believed that a seriously injured strong man did not need to be taken seriously.

To this.

Darkseid was noncommittal.

Because if it were him, he would probably do the same.


They miscalculated a bit.

Bai Xiaofei!

Thinking of this, Dakseid couldn't help showing a mocking smile, and the expression on Scarface was full of sarcasm.

"Scarface, you will definitely regret what you did today!"

"I promise!"


Then an omega ray blasted past.

Scarface hurriedly resisted with all his strength.

at the same time.

Scarface also felt very strange about Darkseid's words. It seemed that the other party was not worried that the situation would be unfavorable to him, but instead seemed to have some hole cards that were not yet useful.

what's the situation?

Does this guy have any special trump cards?

It shouldn't be.

We know almost everything about Apocalypse, and even Darkseid's son, Prince Orion, turned against us...

Where did Darkseid get his confidence?

do not care.

Let's win this battle first.


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