The Storm God

Chapter 3825 Ins and outs! (Please subscribe!)

In the realm of dreams.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is slaughtering wantonly, frantically harvesting the controlled Black Lantern members, and the energy recovery is called a speedy one.

And at this moment...


He paused suddenly, and looked somewhere suddenly.

There, a figure is looming.

"who is it?"

Morpheus, God of Dreams, said sternly.

You know, his dream domain is not something that ordinary people can break into and crack. Since someone can break in without incident, it means that the strength of the other party is at least on the same level as him...

But the current situation, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is well aware of it, except for Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid, and the scarred face after the increase.

Few people can reach their level.


It's the man in black!


The next moment, following the questioning of Oneiroi Lord Murphys, that figure finally revealed his real body completely.

as expected.

He is one of the black-robed men in the Black Lantern Corps.

Seeing this, Oneiroi Lord Murphys was also unequivocal, and immediately entered a state of combat readiness, and was also very thieves, so he directly came to preemptive strikes.

"Nightmare shock!"


It is better to strike first, and to suffer later.

Knowing that the enemy is not easy to mess with, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, will not ink with the enemy, no matter what his background is, let's fight first.


A shot is a trick.

The incomparably terrifying power of the nightmare instantly turned into countless beasts, which came out of the dream realm and besieged the man in black.

"Small tricks!"

"Go away!"

However, the man in black dismissed it, just sneered, then shook his hand, and a powerful force of death erupted.

next moment.

No matter how fierce the attack of Oneiroi Lord Murphys is.

Whenever encountering the power of the man in black, there is only one result, and that is to quickly decline and perish.

Without exception.


The enemy's death power still remained undiminished, and rushed towards Murphys, the God of Dreams, stunned the latter.

"What an overbearing power of death!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, frowned.

Feeling the horror of this wave of death, he didn't choose to confront it head-on, but avoided it directly.


He can feel it.

The power of death released by this black runner is completely different from that of ordinary black lamp members.

Even one's own attack can directly kill it, which shows how terrifying it is, if you come into contact with it easily, God knows if you will suffer.

Dodging and dodging is the safest way.

as expected.

Seeing the dodged power of death, wherever it passed, even the members of the black lantern controlled by the dream were completely swallowed and killed, one by one turned into powder, completely GG.

And the black lamp rings in his hands seemed to have spirituality, pouring into the body of the black-robed man like swallows flying into the forest.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, saw this scene, his face immediately became more dignified, and he secretly said: "Has incomparable power of death, and can control and absorb the black lamp ring, who is this guy?"

"Could it be..."


He thought of a possibility.

But I always feel that there is something wrong. If the other party is really Hei Sidi, who is the leader of the black lamp, after entering this dream realm, it seems that there is no need to hide his head and show his face, right?

If it wasn't the Black Death Emperor, then who would it be?

Guard go-getter?

to be honest.

For this kind of tricky guy, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, doesn't want to provoke him at all. After all, his current missions are all coerced by Bai Xiaofei.

If Bai Xiaofei didn't have a clue, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would like to stay aside and watch the show.

Now that he ran into a difficult player who seemed to be at the same level, he was so depressed, and at the same time cursed Bai Xiaofei severely.

It's all your fault!

Otherwise, how could I have encountered these ghosts.

You just wait for me, if you have a chance in the future, I will make you pay back a hundred times and a thousand times, I swear!

Of course.

Curses be damned.

The problem still needs to be solved.

The enemies have all broken into his dream realm, and Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, can't help but fight.

Without any choice.

He could only grit his teeth, gather strength and spirit, and start a confrontation and fight with this mysterious man in black.


outside world.

Scarface saw that Darkside became more and more brave as he fought more and more, and it was impossible for him and others to gain any advantage, so he felt ruthless.

Immediately sent a message to the man in black behind him: "It's time for you to appear on the stage, and now there is no need to continue to hide!"

"Give me all the shots!"


This is also impossible.

If the conditions permit, Scarface naturally does not want to use the trump card in his hand so soon, but the key is not that the conditions do not allow it.

The strength gap between her and Darkseid is too great.

Even if there are several top black lantern fighters around him to fight together, they still can't fight against the furious Darkseid.

For the sake of the overall situation, Scarface could only be forced to use Wang Bo.


The battle dragged on longer and longer.

The situation will only become more and more unfavorable to the Black Lantern Corps.

Scarface didn't want to gamble, because if she lost, she really couldn't afford it.


And with her orders conveyed.

Several of the men in black robes also reacted immediately.

The terrifying and powerful power of death and the power of darkness surged out of them like a volcanic eruption, as if they didn't want money.

The strength and momentum are simply shocking.


Even Darkseid was affected.

"This level..."

Dakseid squinted his eyes, looked directly over the scarred face, looked at the men in black robes who had exploded in aura, frowned and said: "They are all at the level of extremely strong men, but how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!"

Scarface explained triumphantly: "Dakseid, speaking of it, it would be thanks to the experimental materials you sponsored!"

She began to explain the ins and outs to everyone.

turn out to be……

These people in black robes.

Most of them are the products of the latest experiments of the Black Lantern Corps, and the materials of the experiments are basically provided by Apocalypse.

after all.

The two parties had a cooperative relationship before.

The Black Lantern Corps is responsible for providing various black technologies, while Apocalypse contributes experimental materials, and the final results are shared by both parties according to a certain ratio.

But judging from the situation now, it is obvious that the Black Lantern Corps made fake accounts and kept the best part of them for themselves.

Coupled with the infusion of the total energy of the black lamp, this makes the strongest experimental crystallization more perfect and powerful.


Tried and modified several times.

The Black Lantern Legion has a group of extremely strong men whose strength is almost comparable to the high level of the God Emperor Realm, giving them the capital enough to be proud of everything in the world.

After all, the men in black robes in front of them are only part of the experimental results. There are also dozens of such superpowers in the OA star base camp and the mechanical fortress.

Just ask.

If it were you, would you continue to cooperate with Apocalypse with such terrifying top-notch combat power as your ace and trump card?

Anyway, the Black Lantern Corps will not.

So there was the subsequent betrayal, but the scarred faces of the Black Lantern Corps, who had calculated thousands of times, did not expect it after all, all of this was actually a bureau.


Things have developed to the point where the local situation is no longer important. The most important thing is, who can fight to the end?

Because all conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers, and only strength is king. Not only Apocalypse, but also Bai Xiaofei, or Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and the Black Lantern Corps are confident that they can defeat them.

And now...

That's when they show their fangs.


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