The Storm God

Chapter 3826 Cooperation again! (Please subscribe!)

Good guy!

Bai Xiaofei, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help sighing secretly after hearing Scarface's explanation.

These grandsons are really hiding something deep.


There is a problem.

He didn't quite understand that even if the materials provided by Apocalypse were of better quality, it would be very difficult to raise the opponent's strength to this level, right?

How did the black lamp realize the mass production of the superpowers of this series? Could it be that he has mastered some special technical means?

Thinking about it, I really feel sympathy for Apocalypse.

Good cooperation.


That's it?

Heartbroken old man!

Similarly, Bai Xiaofei is not the only one who doubts this, Darkseid is no exception, after all, he has not paid less attention to the research of Mechanical Fortress.

He is confident that everything about the Black Lantern Corps is under his watchful eye, and there is no possibility of any mistakes or omissions.

But the fact is that they have really created a large number of extremely strong people, which makes Darkside puzzled.

"Forget it!"

Scarface is still very kind.

Seeing that Dakseid couldn't figure it out, he was very kind and solved his doubts again.

"For the sake of allies, let me tell you the real key. In fact, although the material is important, the most special thing lies in the source of power!"

"The source of strength?"

"That's right!"

Scarface explained: "Those super-high-quality experimental materials, you can't see anything unless they have been specially modified."

"But if after being baptized by my lord, after bestowing the source of the power of darkness and death, combined with the infinite power of emotion, then it will be a matter of course to improve the strength of these experimental materials."


Darkseid was silent for a moment.

I see.

It turned out that the Black Death Emperor did not hesitate to use his own strength to donate those super high-quality experimental materials, which led to the batch birth of super masters...


Think about it.

Dakseid suddenly thought of another question: "Where did you Black Lantern get so much emotional power, aren't all those powers used..."

Before he finished speaking, he himself shut up.


He has figured it out.

I was deceived again, the technology is in the hands of others, and what they say is what they say, even if they are laymen, they are still helping the other party to count the money.

That is.

Whether it is experimental material or emotional power.

Almost all of them were obtained by Apocalypse with the help of the Black Lantern Corps, which can be said to be a super model of luring wolves into the house.

So far.

Dakseid was suddenly angry and annoyed, the hateful black lamp dared to play Lao Tzu around, it was simply unforgivable!

In a rage.

Darkseid stepped up his attack again.

He was determined to kill Scarface, but unfortunately, after only two attacks, those men in black robes rushed over.

After only one fight, Dakseid's attack was completely stopped by several men in black robes.

Scarface retreated calmly.


"Dakseid, just play with them slowly here, I don't have time to talk to you, Bai Xiaofei is my primary goal!"


After finishing speaking, he turned around and rushed towards the dream realm of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, accompanied by several other men in black robes.


Scarface believes that even the injured Oneiroi Lord Murphys still poses a certain threat.

So one black-robed person is not enough to deal with, count yourself, and a few more black-robed people are considered insurance.

after all.

There was another Bai Xiaofei inside.

Who would dare to underestimate two extremely strong men? It's the same even if it is seriously injured, because the dead camel is bigger than the horse!

In order to be safe, Scarface had to bring all the people.

And the other side.

Bai Xiaofei hiding in the dark.

Seeing Scarface rushing into the dream realm of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys with a few men in black robes, his expression became a little complicated.


The great sense of crisis that lingered in his heart almost completely faded as Scarface entered the dream realm.

That is.

Among the men in black robes led by Scarface, one of them was the source of the danger, and those outside were nothing more than inferior thugs.


Even for inferior thugs, their strength is amazing.

Don't you see, even Darkseid, who is as strong as the Dark Lord, can't escape in a short time in the face of the joint siege of several men in black robes?

Bai Xiaofei's hard power is much weaker than that of Darkseid, if he is really entangled by a few men in black robes...

As you can imagine, the result is definitely not much better.


Their situation is not bad. Think about the Oneiroi Morpheus in the dream realm, that is the worst one.

In addition to facing the black-robed man who is a second-class expert, there is also a scarred face, and the strongest source of danger behind the scenes...

I don't know how long he can last?

One hour?

30 minutes?

or shorter?

Of course, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about the life and death of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, what he really cares about is the overall situation.


Scarface and the source of danger behind the scenes went to the Dream Realm to trouble the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and his avatar.

From the outside world, it can be said that there is no leader at all.

Even if there are a few men in black robes with good strength, in Bai Xiaofei's view, that's all there is to it. If you really want to deal with them, there are many ways to deal with them.

For example.

While the opponent is besieging Dakseid, sneak attack the opponent.

As long as one or two of them can be severely injured and Daxeid can breathe, even if Bai Xiaofei withdraws, those men in black robes will definitely not be able to withstand Daxeid's violent counterattack.

As for the other Black Lantern members?


Bai Xiaofei didn't even pay attention to it.

Because there are not many other things under his command, that is, there are many younger brothers. Leaving aside the Lantern Man, the countless sentinel hunters and a few generals are enough to completely collapse the black lights on the scene.

The premise is that the soldiers of Apocalypse will not play tricks, after all, the enemy's enemy is a friend.

The only thing Bai Xiaofei was worried about was that when Aiya and the others led the army over, Apocalypse and Black Lantern, who were fighting to the death just a second ago, might unite again in an instant.

At that time, it will be Bai Xiaofei who will be forced to suffer.


It's easy to solve this problem, just talk to Dakseid, but if this person expresses his position and attitude, then everything is easy to talk about.


Bai Xiaofei found Darkseid again.

He secretly read to the other party: "Mr. Darkseid, I have an idea, would you like to hear it?"

"Speak up if you have something to say, and let go of your fart if you have something to say!"

Dakseid is now in a fit of anger, how can he be in the mood to talk nonsense with Bai Xiaofei, he immediately loses his temper when he hears this.

"That's it..."

Bai Xiaofei didn't talk to him either, he just laughed and said straight to the point: "I think we'll cooperate again to deal with the Black Lantern Corps..."

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and the same applies to Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

Although Apocalypse is evil, it is not a demon that destroys the universe, but the Black Lantern Corps is not. What they want is to return the entire universe to darkness and chaos.

in short.

It is to kill all the creatures in the world.

But from a standpoint, Bai Xiaofei and Apocalypse have reasons to cooperate, not to mention the current situation, which is obviously beneficial to the Black Lantern Corps.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Darkseid is no idiot either.

Hearing the words, he was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then he figured out the stakes, so he couldn't help asking.


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