The Storm God

Chapter 3827 Armistice contract! (Please subscribe!)

It is worth mentioning that.

With the experience and lessons from last time, Darkseid is obviously much more cautious in this cooperation.

after all……

Just got cheated by the black light.

The temporary cooperation with Bai Xiaofei didn't work very well, if he was tricked again, it would be embarrassing.


If Bai Xiaofei couldn't give a satisfactory answer, Darkseid would rather do it alone than take risks.

Bai Xiaofei can be considered an old fritter.

Hearing Darkseid's tone, he almost understood the other party's concerns, smiled slightly, and then told Darkseid his plan.


Bai Xiaofei's plan is not complicated.

The main thing is to let Dakseid cooperate, and the double-anti will temporarily unite to deal with the Black Lantern Legion together.

In the situation at the scene, it was obvious that the black lamp had the upper hand.

More than a dozen people in black robes, plus a scarred face, and the source of danger behind the scenes who never showed his face...

This strength, whether it is Darkseid, Bai Xiaofei, or Morpheus, God of Dreams, dare not underestimate it.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party is looking for the Dream God Lord (Bai Xiaofei's clone), Bai Xiaofei wanted to pull his team over.

The purpose is of course to be a fisherman, as many black lanterns can be killed as much as possible.

And Apocalypse's choice is also very free, they can fight side by side together, and it doesn't matter if they stand by and watch.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't cause trouble for Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei's purpose is to let the black lamp suffer, and reduce the vitality as much as possible. If conditions permit, it is best to catch a few black robes and go back to study it.

Maybe we can find a way to deal with the Black Death Emperor.


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's plan.

Dakseid was silent for a moment, and at the same time his hands were not idle, he had been dealing with the attacks of several men in black robes.

Just when Bai Xiaofei thought that cooperation was useless.

But Dakseid suddenly asked: "Bai Xiaofei, what you said is nice, if at the last moment, you turn around and deal with me?"

Good guy.

This dark lord has gained a lot of wisdom, even thought of this, and brought it up in front of Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei had expected this.

He immediately replied: "Mr. Darkseid, if you are not at ease, we can sign an armistice agreement..."


Darkseid froze for a moment.

The contract he thought was the so-called contract document or something.

Hearing this, he was about to refuse immediately, but Bai Xiaofei took the first step and interrupted: "Don't rush to refuse, this contract of mine is different from the contract you know, it has special effects..."


Dakseid immediately became interested.

Bai Xiaofei explained the contract to him, and said: "Mr. Darkseid, even experts like you and me, once the contract is signed, they cannot be changed or breached at will, otherwise they will be punished by Dao... ..."


The Dark Lord of the DC universe has obviously never heard of this statement, so he doesn't quite understand what Bai Xiaofei means.

Bai Xiaofei saw that Darkseid was a little confused, and immediately said embarrassedly: "Sorry, the Dao is what we say. According to your understanding, it should be a great existence like the will of the universe, which no one can touch or violate... ..."

"For example, the rules of operation of the stars in the universe, that is the embodiment of Dao's will, you can destroy it, but you can't change it."

"Same reason..."

"Once we sign the armistice contract, the power of this contract will be exerted on us like the mighty force that acts on the stars of the universe. Anyone who violates it will be noticed by Dao and punished..."

"Don't underestimate the power of Dao!"


Under Bai Xiaofei's explanation.

Darkseid finally understood a little bit of the meaning, nodded and said: "If everything is as you said, then it would be the best, okay! I'll bet you once!"

He's not an inkblot guy.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so sincere, he informed and negotiated in advance, and it was a truce contract. Compared with the Black Lantern Corps, he was much more generous.


After thinking about it for a while, Darkseid agreed to Bai Xiaofei's plan.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, laughed and said: "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll help you out of the siege right away, and then sign a truce contract..."

Although Scarface has entered the dream realm of Murphys, the God of Dreams, but the strength of the black-robed man is too strong, and Bai Xiaofei is not sure whether the other party can communicate with each other.


Just to be on the safe side.

He can't show up yet, otherwise, if he fails, his plan with Darkseid will be completely ruined.

Bai Xiaofei could only hide in the dark and give Darkseid some help, such as launching a sneak attack while the man in black was not paying attention.

To this.

Darkseid also expressed his understanding.

And this is enough, after all, he is Dakseid. Although the strength of the black-robed man is not bad, it is after all grown up by seedlings, and it is impossible to completely compare with the strong at the same level.

As long as some of the black-robed men show a little flaw, Darkseid can seize the opportunity and deal a huge blow or even a heavy blow to the other party.

not to mention.

Bai Xiaofei is not a vegetarian either.

Even if you can't show up, hiding in the dark and attacking secretly, it is absolutely not to be underestimated. The two strong men join forces, and the result can be imagined.

as expected.


Following Bai Xiaofei's move of Life Light Wave, a sudden attack erupted, and the two men in black robes couldn't dodge in time, and were staggered in an instant.

Immediately, the joint battle rhythm of several black-robed men immediately became chaotic, allowing Dakseid to seize the opportunity and launch a frenzied counterattack.

Poor people in black robes, they don't even know who moved their hands, they are confused and confused, and they don't know what to say when they want to contact Scarface.

And this time.

Dakseid counterattacked wildly, coupled with Bai Xiaofei's consecutive shots, he restrained the powerful life ray attack of the power of the black lamp...

The men in black robes immediately fell into a disadvantage.


Bai Xiaofei seized an opportunity.

While Dakseid hammered the main black-robed man, making the surrounding black-robed men unable to rescue him, he also unleashed the strongest trapping trick——

Soul cage!

This soul cage is different from ordinary tricks.

It was transformed and developed by Bai Xiaofei combining the power of time and space, so even a top black-lantern player as strong as the black-robed man, once he is tricked, there is no way to escape.

In the blink of an eye.

The souls and even the bodies of the three men in black robes were completely imprisoned by Bai Xiaofei in the space-time version of the soul cage.

As for the remaining few, due to the lack of assists from their teammates, their combat power dropped sharply, and they were soon smashed by the explosive Darkseid.

At the moment when their bodies were destroyed, Bai Xiaofei took advantage of the fire and quickly used his strength to shatter the most critical black lamp ring.

so far.

Several black-robed men were completely wiped out.

In front of Darkseid, a purple-gold truce contract also appeared out of thin air. To be on the safe side, Bai Xiaofei still didn't show up.

While taking out the truce contract, Bai Xiaofei also hastily sent a message to Sinestro, Aya and the others:

"All is ready except for the opportunity!"


Almost instantly.

Bai Xiaofei got a reply: "You can play at any time!"

It was obvious that they had already made preparations, and when Bai Xiaofei gave an order, they could march northward and rush into the battlefield.

And here.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the content of the contract, Darkseid happily pressed his handprint on it.

next moment.

The truce comes into force.

The purple-gold contract document instantly turned into three copies, which were submerged into the alien space dimension, Darkseid's body, and the avenue respectively.

Feeling the power of the vast and terrifying contract, Dakseid's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of disbelief: "It's unbelievable, is this the power of the great way?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these at all, but immediately issued a combat order to Sinestro and Aya: "Target black light!"


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