The Storm God

Chapter 3829 Got fooled again! (Please subscribe!)

"Lantern Man!"

"And the sentinel hunters of the Mechanical Legion!"

"It's Bai Xiaofei's soldier!"


As old to whom.

The appearance of Sinestro and others immediately put both sides on the battlefield into a state of confusion and vigilance.


On Apocalypse's side, because of Darkseid's advance explanation, the bearing capacity is obviously stronger.

But the Black Lantern Corps is different.

That's like facing an enemy!


The top generals such as Sinestro and Aya took the lead, and the first wave rushed to the scene, followed by various capable officers and elite younger brothers.

As soon as the army rushed into the scene, several leaders immediately issued an attack order, and publicly declared that the target of themselves and others was the black lamp!

It has nothing to do with Apocalypse!


The Lantern Man and the Sentinel Hunters rushed out immediately, killing the nearest members of the Black Lantern Legion, and the soldiers of Apocalypse stared at them in bewilderment and bewilderment.

what's the situation?

Are these specially designed to deal with the Black Lantern Legion?

What about us?

Why are you just ignoring us?

Could it be...

Some smarter people almost immediately thought of Darkseid's order just now, and suddenly realized: "Apocalypse and Bai Xiaofei have formed an alliance?"

Regardless of whether this guess is true or not, there is at least one thing they can be sure of.

That is the Lantern and the Sentinel Hunter. They really didn't attack any Apocalypse warriors, but all killed the members of the Black Lantern.

This made the soldiers of Apocalypse very excited.


They don't care about anything.

Anyway, Darkseid had already issued an order before, and no matter what happened later, their targets were only members of the Black Lantern.

That is.

These Bai Xiaofei's soldiers who had just entered the battlefield didn't seem to be his enemies, they probably came to help him.

If that's the case, then what's there to worry about, damn it!


The soldiers of Apocalypse were also excited.

They started to counterattack frantically, especially those Black Lantern members who were attacked by Bai Xiaofei's little brother, they were extremely popular.

What does it mean to beat a dog in the water?

This is!

Just now the black lamp was powerful.

The soldiers of Apocalypse were often aggrieved.

It's all right now, the feng shui turns, and Bai Xiaofei's younger brother suddenly arrives, directly breaking the balance of the scene.

The soldiers of Apocalypse can finally stand up and call the shots, so naturally they will not be polite to the Black Lantern Corps, and immediately team up with Lantern Man and Sentinel Hunter to frantically encircle and suppress the members of the Black Lantern.

To know.

Most of the warriors of Apocalypse are also like Dakseid, so they don't care about the style of a gentleman.

Everything is for the victory of the battle.

How to get here.



Because of their nature, this is their fighting style.

Why do you say people?


Then hold on!

Take a beating and stand firm!

It is no exaggeration to say that Bai Xiaofei's younger brothers are like scourges, disrupting the entire battlefield as soon as they appear on the stage.


The Black Lantern members were harvested in large tracts like wheat.

no way.

First of all, they are exhausted teachers, and they are leaderless. Furthermore, these younger brothers of Bai Xiaofei were all the best of the best, they came prepared, and caught the Black Lantern Corps by surprise!

Coupled with Apocalypse's assistance from the side, frantic make-ups, and adding insult to injury, the result can be imagined.

The situation on the battlefield is simply falling apart.

In addition to the strength gap between the two sides, the more important thing is that the Lantern and the Sentinel Hunters restrained the Black Lantern too much.

The leaderless Black Lantern Legion was stunned on the spot.

The loss is a heavy one!

And at the same time.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was also having a hard time.

Because his opponent was not just a mere black-robed man, but also Scarface, and several other stronger black-robed men.

The Black Lantern has a large number of people and is too powerful. Even though he is in the dream realm of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, he still has a huge advantage.

If it weren't for the opponent's main target, Bai Xiaofei (clone), if they were divided into two groups and acted separately, I'm afraid Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would be completely chilled.

But even so.

The current Oneiroi Lord Murphys is not having a better time either.

Scarface led several men in black robes, showing no mercy to Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord. They came up with all kinds of powerful skills and attacks, which stunned Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

"I rely on it!"

"What's the situation with this mother, why did Scarface and the others run in, are Darkseid and the others all fucking wood?"

"There's also Bai Xiaofei, you don't care if you're a fool..."

"How can I stop it alone!"


Poor Oneiroi Morpheus was so beaten up that he was so embarrassed that he was almost crying because of his grievances.

But Scarface didn't have any intention of keeping his hands back. Obviously, he had already lost his patience with a 25-year-old boy like Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

Think about it too.

With the ability of the black lamp, the living can't handle it, and the dead are the same. Compared with the living, the dead are even more loyal and reliable.

They made it clear that they wanted to kill Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and then infect and assimilate him into members of the Black Lantern.

So far.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphy suddenly became even more desperate.


Isn't this a scam.


You are not benevolent, don't blame Lao Tzu for being unrighteous!

At the critical moment, Morpheus, the God of Dreams who couldn't bear it anymore, suddenly became terrified, and even directly released the control of the dream realm.

next moment.

The dream realm disappears.

The dense purple mist dissipated, and everyone reappeared in front of the world, including the man in black who had captured Bai Xiaofei (clone)...


The man in black thought it was a bit weird at the time, after catching Bai Xiaofei, he felt it carefully, and found that he had been fooled this time.

This guy is not Bai Xiaofei's true self at all, but a clone!

follow closely……

The dream realm completely disappeared.

Everyone returned to the public view, and Scarface and the others also saw the earth-shaking changes in the battlefield situation outside.

"Those are……"

Scarface's eyes widened suddenly, and he didn't dare to say anything: "Sinestro! Lantern Man, Sentinel Hunter..."

"It's Bai Xiaofei's person!"


Looking around, Scarface was shocked to see that his Black Lantern Legion had been killed and suffered heavy losses in the short period of time he and others had entered the dream realm. Only two or three big cats and kittens were left .

If it was a little later, the group might be completely wiped out!

Scarface was furious!


She finally realized that she was fooled.

Darkseid and Bai Xiaofei joined forces without knowing what, all of this is probably a game set against him!


"Damn it!"


At this moment, Scarface really wanted to scold Darkseid.

But she was speechless and found that she didn't seem to be much better, because the first person to turn her face was her, not Darkseid!

That's fucked up!


She looked at the man in black on the other side.

But he was surprised to see that the man in black directly threw Bai Xiaofei out of his hands as if throwing trash.


Scarface became even more confused.

what's the situation?

But soon, a thought came from her black lamp ring: "That Bai Xiaofei is fake, it's a clone, the real Bai Xiaofei is not here!"

Scarface suddenly understood.

His complexion also became uglier.


He fell for it again!


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