The Storm God

Chapter 3830 Escape in embarrassment! (Please subscribe!)


Stupid people are not limited to Scarface and them.

There is also Morpheus, God of Dreams, looking at the chaotic battlefield scene, as well as Sinestro and Aya who are enjoying the killing...

He just woke up.


Co-authoring himself is a bait.

While Scarface and the others were attracted by him, he called the little brothers over and dealt a severe blow to the Black Lantern Corps!

That's all.

What the hell!

Did Tian Qixing cooperate with Bai Xiaofei?

They actually do not offend the river water?

It's unbelievable!


How many things did this insidious and cunning Bai Xiaofei do behind my back? He wouldn't tell about his betrayal of Darkseid, would he?

Think to the end.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't help but look anxious.


He found out depressingly.

At this moment, Dakseid is staring at him.

As everyone knows.

The person Dakseid was staring at was not him, but Scarface and the men in black robes. These people are the most important things now.

Those younger brothers are just appetizers.

"Dream God Monarch..."

Darkseid saw Morpheus, the God of Dreams, in a state of embarrassment, his breath was weaker than before, and it was obvious that he had been beaten a lot.

While feeling refreshed in his heart, he hastily expressed his attitude.

He said: "Come here!"


The Oneiroi Lord Murphy suddenly became even more confused.

what's the situation?

Call me over?

Could it be...

Bai Xiaofei didn't tell Darkside that he betrayed him? I didn't expect that guy to be quite loyal...

Just at this time.

Bai Xiaofei's voice also reached the mind of Oneiroi Lord Morpheus: "Oneiroi Lord, you have worked hard..."


As soon as he heard Bai Xiaofei's words, Murphy, the God of Dreams, immediately burst into anger. Who made it all be Bai Xiaofei's fault.

He said angrily, "Hmph! Bai, do you still have the face to say that if it wasn't for you, I would have done this?"

Full of resentment!


Bai Xiaofei could understand the mood of Morpheus, God of Dreams, but he didn't take it seriously, he just explained with a smile: "I can't help myself, otherwise, if I really want to cheat you, what do you think Darkseid will do?" to you?"


The Oneiroi Lord Murphy was speechless for a moment.


The last sentence, are you threatening me?

It must be!

Thinking that he still had something in Bai Xiaofei's hands, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was speechless. He could only hold back his anger and swallowed all the resentment into his stomach.

Then put on a bright smile, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Hehe...don't get me wrong, Mr. Bai, I'm just complaining. In fact, I'm quite at ease about your behavior..."

Typical insincere, duplicity.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care too much.

After all, they are all thousand-year-old foxes, who doesn't know who.

Now everyone is on the same boat, and they all have common interests, so it's not easy for Bai Xiaofei to directly expose the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.


In case the other party gave up the pick, he directly took refuge in the black lamp.

That would be great fun.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei could only continue to flirt with Murphys, the God of Dreams, and after a few words of polite nonsense, he went straight to the point.

Asked: "Those black-robed men must have fought against them? Which one do you think is the most dangerous..."

It is worth mentioning that.

During the conversation between Oneiroi Morpheus and Bai Xiaofei.

He also obeyed Darkseid's guidance, and walked out of Bai Xiaofei's blockade formation smoothly.

Scarface and the others didn't want to stop him.

The key point is that they were divided into two waves. After seeing everything now, they were depressed and angry, and they were afraid that they would be hit again.


The first task is to get together first.

And when they gathered together, it would be too late to stop Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and they would have gone out long ago.

"Damn it!"

Scarface was suddenly choked with anger.

Secretly contacted the black-robed boss and asked: "The current situation is extremely unfavorable to us. It can be said that we have lost our wife and lost our army. What should we do?"

Although she is the head in name.

But right now, it's not her who can really call the shots, but the black-robed boss who hides so deeply.


It's just that the black-robed boss is also a little tangled and depressed at the moment.

He thought he was sure of winning, but ended up like this, which made him doubt his life.

Could it be...

What did we do wrong from the start?

The enemy is powerful right now, and Apocalypse seems to have cooperated with Bai Xiaofei to challenge our current capabilities...

It seems that it is difficult to fight against the two major forces.

Shall we withdraw first?


The big man in black robe is very straightforward.

After carefully analyzing the situation at the scene and finding that it was very unfavorable to him, he gave the answer to the scar very readily.


Scarface immediately understood.

Even the black-robed boss is not sure, so she naturally has no objection.

As soon as a thought was conveyed, all the members of the Black Lantern were ordered to retreat. They began to fight and retreat, and gathered towards them.

at the same time……

Scarface and the others were also idle.

After all, around the dream realm, there are still many blockade formations laid down by Bai Xiaofei.

want to go?

Let's break this blockade first.

at first.

Scarface didn't take this thing seriously, but she was soon slapped in the face, and no matter how much she destroyed it, she returned in vain.

In the end, as a last resort, she could only send a stronger black-robed man to attack the surrounding blockade formation.

And the other side.

The soldiers of Apocalypse, as well as the younger brothers under Bai Xiaofei's command, are enjoying themselves. Seeing that the younger brothers of the Black Lantern Corps are about to be wiped out, how can they retreat.

Immediately, like maggots on the tarsus, they encircled and suppressed them.

All kinds of blocking and storming.


Although the combat strength of the members of the Black Lantern is not very good, their ability to save their lives is top-notch. They really want to leave. Even the Lantern Man who restrains them can hardly cause fatal injuries to them in a short time.

Unless there is too much difference in strength, the key point is that the black-robed boss on the side of the blockade array made a secret move.

Seeing a few young men in black robes, they managed to break through two or three of the blockades after trying a few times, and the young men under his command were facing a catastrophe...

The man in black robe who was hiding in the dark couldn't bear it anymore.


The terrifying power of death erupted.

Bai Xiaofei's numerous blockade formations, as if they had experienced the devastation of countless eras and time, were corroded and decayed in a blink of an eye.

After being lightly bombarded by the man in black, the blockade was completely disintegrated.


Bai Xiaofei paid close attention to the actions of the blockade formation the whole time, seeing this, he couldn't help frowning immediately.

He secretly exclaimed in his heart: "Good guy, the feeling just now, if I guessed correctly, should be time and the power of decay, right?"

"I didn't expect the other party to be proficient in these..."

"No wonder it's so scary!"

"There's something!"


As for blocking things?

Feel sorry.

Bai Xiaofei didn't participate or care, and just watched the whole process.

After all, there were two free coolies, Darkseid and Oneiroi Morpheus, at the scene.

It's enough to have them shot.

Bai Xiaofei's mission is to see if there is a chance to sneak attack.


The enemy is too cautious.

Even at this moment, Heideng's protection of the identity of the man in black is still extremely abnormal.

Darkseid and Oneiroi Morpheus both practiced their hands, but they couldn't create a sneak attack opportunity for Bai Xiaofei.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also very helpless.

Not fully sure, in the end he could only watch the members of the Black Lantern Legion gather together...

Then release the black hole of death, and fled the scene in embarrassment.


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