The Storm God

Chapter 3832 The fort fell! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's situation.

the other side.

Darkseid and Oneiroi Morpheus are rushing back towards the mechanical fortress. Even if the boom channel is used, it will take some time.

During this period, everyone can just recover from their injuries.


Darkseid is useless.

His stamina, stamina, strength, etc. are almost all extreme, and he is very fleshy. The previous battle did not make him too unlucky.

Recovered almost immediately.


Morpheus, God of Dreams, and others are different.

Especially those top fighters of Apocalypse, the injury situation can be described as uneven, very hard.

Needless to say, those who were slightly injured did not need to recover, and they could directly participate in the battle when they arrived.

But those who were seriously injured were more miserable.

It is still light without arms or legs.

Worst of all, even half of his head was cut off, so that he can survive, and his fate is super hard.

And for these top battle strengths with serious injuries, Apocalypse's treatment methods are also quite simple and rude——

Mechanical transformation.

Just like in the anime Apocalypse Wars, regardless of your race and ability, if you lack body tissue or something, you will be rebuilt with machinery to make up for it.

As for whether the combat power can be restored to its previous state?


This depends on the person.

Some people can give up, but some people absolutely can't.

Just like Morpheus, the God of Dreams, it is impossible for Darkseid to use mechanical transformation to help it recover.

Of course.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was not seriously injured to that extent.

His injuries were mainly internal injuries, and his own strength was unable to recover quickly due to the severe loss of strength.

The easiest way to speed up recovery is to let the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus devour the power of many masters.

To this.

Darkseid was helpless.

Right now, he is short of high-ranking juniors, so it is naturally impossible for him to sacrifice the few high-ranking juniors for the sake of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

But if it is some high-ranking younger brothers, there is no hope of being rescued, or it is not worth much to save them...

That's a different story.

In short.

Darkseid will give as much as he can, even if he can't restore all the strength of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, he will count as much as he has.


After returning to the mechanical fortress.

Baobuqi still has a tough battle waiting for them to fight.

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is Darkseid's only top-notch younger brother, so naturally he cannot be neglected.

To this.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys is also welcome.

After honestly and bluntly absorbing the power of some unlucky boys, he began a short retreat to recover.


His strength has been restored to a certain extent.

Then I received a call from Darkseid: "The mechanical fortress is coming soon, how is your current condition?"

Darkseid asked.

"much better!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, replied with a smile: "With your generous help, my strength has almost recovered by 30%..."


Darkseid remained silent.

Obviously, it is the explanation of Morpheus, the God of Ones, and some do not understand it very well.

In desperation, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, could only further explain the situation: "In short, the current me is almost 60% of the level of my peak period. To deal with scar faces and average-level people in black robes, two or three It’s okay, nothing more will do.”


Now Dakseid finally understood.

However, he still didn't say anything, but secretly guessed in his heart, secretly said: "This guy must have reserved words, if you add a little more, it is almost at the level of one person being able to withstand four black-robed men... "

There were more than a dozen black-robed men in the Black Lantern Legion at first.

Later, Darkseid and Bai Xiaofei jointly calculated, killed some, captured some, and now there are about ten left.

Excluding the strongest super black robe among them, and Scarface, the leader, there are almost ten of them.

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can hold back four, Darkseid will have to figure out a way for the remaining six.

Dakseid's strength status has not been greatly affected, and it is almost still at its peak, and there is no problem with four or five people in black robes.

But because of the attack method, the limit is almost five, that is to say, there are still some that cannot be solved.

There are only so many top fighters on Apocalypse, and there are very few people who can reach the level of Darkseid.

After counting the whole game, Dakseid still felt that it was not enough.

after all……

The people of the Black Lantern Corps are disgusting.

Almost everyone is immortal and has no means of restraint. Even if the strength is higher than the opponent, it is difficult to gain any advantage.

Unless it is the level of rolling level.

not to mention.

In the opponent's camp, there is also an extremely powerful super version of the black-robed man, whose identity is unknown.

If the opponent also makes a move in person this time, then with Darkseid's current strength and numbers, it may be difficult to gain any advantage.

So far.

Darkseid couldn't help frowning.

"Could it be..."

"We just separated, do you want to ask that guy Bai Xiaofei for help?"

"Forget it, let's wait until the mechanical fortress to see the specific situation, maybe it's not as bad as I imagined..."


next moment.

Darkseid hasn't finished thinking about it yet.

The exit of the boom channel was completely opened, and the destination was the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse.


The mechanical fortress at this moment is completely different from when they left, but full of thick smoke and flames...

And various explosion phenomena that appeared one after another.


Seeing such a doomsday scene, Dakseid's face instantly became extremely ugly: "The damned Black Lantern Legion has rushed to the Mechanical Fortress before us..."

See what you see.

Some areas around the mechanical fortress are full of members of the Black Lantern who are constantly attacking. Although the soldiers of Apocalypse are also counterattacking and defending, they are obviously at a disadvantage.

after all……

The people here are not aware of the fact that the Black Lantern Corps and the Apocalypse are torn apart, but the members of the Black Lantern stationed here can almost instantly understand the orders from the upper echelon through the Black Lantern Ring.

Coupled with the powerful attack of the foreign Black Lantern Legion, under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, it is conceivable that the Apocalypse garrison of the mechanical fortress was beaten on the spot.

In the case of mental calculation without intention, coupled with being caught off guard, internal and external troubles, and lack of top-notch combat power, it is inevitable to fall.

When Dakseid and others rushed back, the main force of the Black Lantern Legion had obviously already attacked.

This point can be judged from the fact that the defense and main building parts outside the core area of ​​the mechanical fortress are almost completely destroyed.

The Black Lantern members on the outskirts are just trying to destroy the Apocalypse's vital forces in the mechanical fortress.

after all……

They can be infected and assimilated. While destroying the enemy, there is a certain probability that they can increase their power.

It kills two birds with one stone.


Seeing this, Dakseid was furious.

The first one rushed out, like a human beast, directly clearing the way with omega rays, meeting gods and killing gods, invincible.

The ordinary Black Lantern members on the outskirts had absolutely no power to fight back or resist in front of Darkseid.

In a blink of an eye, he was slaughtered and died a lot.

at the same time.

Inside the Mechanical Fortress.

Scarface and the others, who were attacking the core area and trying to snatch key resources and experimental products, knew the situation outside immediately.

"Is Darkseid back?"

"It seems that the reaction of the head is not slow, but it is still a step too late. Everything here will be ours soon!"

"You guys go stop it and buy time for us!"

"Disdains all costs!"


Scarface gave an order.

The words fell.

Seven or eight men in black robes flew out without hesitation, and collided with Darkseid who was rushing in.

The two sides immediately fought.


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