The Storm God

Chapter 3833 The Ultimate Destroyer! (Please subscribe!)

"Go away!"

Darkseid was furious.

In the core area of ​​the Mechanical Fortress, there is the ultimate demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer jointly developed by Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion, and its power is immeasurable.

In order to complete this masterpiece, Apocalypse paid a lot.


The cooperation between the two parties broke down.

The Black Lantern Corps must have come here for this.

Darkseid will naturally not satisfy the Black Lantern Legion, not to mention that besides the entanglement of the demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer, there are also many other important resources and experimental materials in the Mechanical Fortress.

There's even some of Apokolips' latest version of the master box system.

If this thing is snatched by the black lamp, the blow to Apocalypse will be unimaginable!


In any case, the black lamp cannot be allowed to succeed.

It's just that the current situation is very bad. Black Lantern returned to the mechanical fortress one step ahead, and took advantage of the absence of Darkseid and other leaders to attack and attack.

Dakseid and the others arrived late, and were blocked by the man in black again, unable to break through in a short time...

That's fucked up!


Dakseid didn't want to get entangled with these men in black robes, so he came up with all kinds of big moves, and he was merciless in his shots.

Omega rays.

Strike hard!


The other party is not vegetarian either.

Although a man in black robe may not be an opponent of Dakseid, but several of them united together can barely fight.

Seeing that his attack was actually blocked by the opponent, Dakseid suddenly became anxious.

"Dream God Lord!"

He roared angrily, intending to summon Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to hold back these bastards, so that he could take the opportunity to break into the mechanical fortress and stop Scarface and the others.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not afraid either.

Although the seven or eight men in black robes were already seriously beyond his ability, who made Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, special?

After being summoned, coming up is a big move.

"Dreams come!"


The dream realm instantly swept the audience.

The people in black knew how powerful this thing was, so they didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately used their strength to resist, so as not to be pulled into the samsara of the dream in an instant, unable to extricate themselves.

And this time.

Darkseid took the opportunity to slip away quickly and entered the interior of the mechanical fortress.

Everything after that will be handed over to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and other top combat powers.

As for the result, Darkseid didn't care.

What he is most worried about now is the various resources in the Mechanical Fortress, not the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and others.


Inside the Mechanical Fortress.


Scarface and the others are working together to attack a special defense in front of them, and inside it is the most important energy source of the mechanical fortress.

It contains not only the newly developed mother box system, but also various treasures looted from other civilized worlds.

As for the ultimate demon-like Black Lamp Destroyer, it has already been controlled by Scarface.

after all……

Although that thing was produced by the combination of the Destroyer and the demon, the key energy element at its core is the death and darkness power of the black lamp.

Darkseid is not here now.

Scarface can easily crack its control authority, treat it like a puppet, and order and use it at will.

It's a pity that this thing has not been finalized yet, otherwise Scarface only needs to infuse it with a certain amount of dark power of death to activate it and completely turn it into his little brother.


That is only one reason, the most fundamental key factor is that this thing has other uses.

For example, use it as the body of the Black Death Emperor who awakened and came!

In fact, from the very beginning, the creation and development of the ultimate demon-like Black Lamp Destroyer was designed and experimented by Scarface in strict accordance with the requirements of the Black Death Emperor.

Now that the experiment is almost successful, and the cooperation has broken down, it is natural to snatch it back, otherwise wouldn't it be cheap for Tian Qixing?


After getting the ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer, Scarface and the others could leave, but their greed did not allow them to go back like this.

At worst, some important resources of Apocalypse must be taken away.

To know.

There are almost half of the important treasures of Apocalypse here, they have come here, if they don't bring something back, wouldn't it be a waste of money?

But it's a pity that Darkseid has long guarded against them.

In the core area of ​​the mechanical fortress, there is an extremely strong defense facility, even for a master like Scarface, it is difficult to crack it in a short time.

If not, I'm afraid that the precious resources in this mechanical fortress have already been looted by the Black Lantern Legion.


No matter how strong the defense is, it will be conquered sometimes.

What's more, the person who came this time not only had a scarred face, but also that unfathomable black-robed boss.

"Stay away!"

Seeing that the scarred face has been crippled for a long time, but still can't open the ultimate defense facility of the mechanical fortress, the black-robed boss is a little impatient.

One order.

Without any hesitation, Scarface immediately stepped aside obediently.

at the same time.


Several kinds of black-robed bosses, with incomparably rich power of death and darkness, continuously gathered, forming a huge death sickle in a blink of an eye.

Although the death scythe is not a physical entity, its power is extremely astonishing. The terrifying power it exudes has already distorted the surrounding void.

With just a slight wave, a death vortex appeared.

This death vortex, like a black hole, devours and absorbs everything, whether it is energy, matter, or life.

In front of the death vortex, the defensive facilities of the mechanical fortress are like a piece of iron being constantly rubbed by a high-speed rotating grinding wheel. As time goes by, it is rapidly decaying and weakening.

so on.

I am afraid that within a few minutes, the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress will be completely disintegrated and disintegrated.

But at this moment.


Outside the core area, there were bursts of explosions and shocks, as well as a familiar roar.

"It's Darkseid!"

Scarface frowned, and asked with some doubts: "How did he come in so quickly? Could it be that those black robes were held back by other experts?"

A careful look, as expected.

The induction between the black lamp and the man in the black robe was interrupted directly, and Scarface was also very familiar with this situation.

The first thing she thought of was the dream realm of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. After all, she had experienced it once before, and her memory was still fresh.

"It's a pity that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, chose Darkseid in the end..."

Between the electric thoughts.

Scarface was also not idle, as soon as a thought came out, a large number of Black Lantern fighters poured out outside, forming a heavy defense, forming a wall of Black Lantern people.

The purpose is naturally to stop Darkseid and buy time for the black-robed boss to conquer the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress.

Although those younger brothers are low in strength, they can't stand up to a lot. Even Darkseid would have to spend a lot of effort to completely wipe it out.

As for the black-robed boss, it only takes a little more time to completely disintegrate the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress.

It depends on who moves faster.

To this.

Scarface is full of confidence.

After all, no matter how bad it is, they still have scars on their side. Even if Darkseid rushed to them, he could stop them for a while.

Unless Dakseid is beside him, there are extremely powerful players besides Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to help...

But it's a pity.

According to Scarface's understanding of Apocalypse, they didn't!


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