The Storm God

Chapter 3834 Annihilator system! (Please subscribe!)


Darkseid is very distressed now.


As Scarface had predicted, on Apocalypse's side, apart from Darkseid and Morpheus, the Oneiroi, there really were no top fighters who were at the same level or almost the same level as them.


The current Darkseid is a bit stretched.

The interior of the Mechanical Fortress was almost entirely occupied by members of the Black Lantern. No matter where Darkseid entered from, he would see densely packed, endless Black Lantern fighters.

Even though his fighting power is amazing, it is very difficult to instantly eliminate these black lamp fighters with terrible recovery ability.


If Darkseid let go of his hands and feet and directly zoomed in, it is not impossible, but the premise is that this is his mechanical fortress of Apocalypse.

There are countless precious resources and ferrites inside, even if you don't want the enemy to snatch it, Darkseid can't destroy it by himself, right?

That is.

To keep those properties, Dakseid must restrain his means and strength, and try not to destroy the entire mechanical fortress as much as possible.

after all……

This is Apocalypse's strongest reliance and guarantee against the Black Lantern Legion. If it is really destroyed, the loss of Apocalypse will be unimaginable.


The premise of everything is that there is no last resort.

Otherwise, even if it is self-destruct, Dakseid will not make it easy for the enemy, but isn't he not yet at that time?


Darkseid, who couldn't let go of his hands and feet, cleaned up the batch after batch of Black Lantern fighters that emerged endlessly, so that his forward speed was once again delayed.

Although there are not many delays, Darkseid is like a humanoid tank, still rushing invincibly...

But this is completely different from the forward speed when there is no obstruction.

If it is normal time, it doesn't matter if you go faster or slower, but right now it is time to race against time, and this little delay is very fatal.

While eliminating the blocking black lantern fighters, Dakseid also kept calling his little brother to help clean up the rubbish.

But unfortunately...

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was still using the dream realm to delay the seven or eight men in black robes, so he had no time to clone himself.

He even called several top fighters to help.

while others.

They were all outside, and were blocked by other black lantern fighters. Although they were not without top-notch fighting power, the effect they could play was really limited.

after all……

Even a big guy like Dakseid is tied up, and it's hard to let go completely, let alone those younger brothers.

In short.

The situation is very bad for Apocalypse.

The only good news is that Darkseid's forward speed is still very average, and he hasn't encountered any special obstacles.

In fact, it wasn't that the Black Lantern Corps didn't want to, but that they didn't have too many top-notch fighters sent out to stop Darkseid.

They are basically standard black light fighters.

And those people, in front of Darkseid, are almost the same, so the forward speed of the impact is almost uniform.

According to Scarface's estimation, it will take about a few minutes for Darkseid to reach them.

With that in mind.

Scarface couldn't help asking: "My lord, how long will it take?"

The identity of the black-robed boss seems to be higher than that of Scarface, otherwise the latter would not call him an adult.

"A minute or so!"

The big man in black robe didn't even answer.

At this moment, he is exerting the power of death and darkness with all his strength, maintaining the operation of the death vortex, and using it to wear down and disintegrate the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress.

And after such a long attack, the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress has obviously weakened a lot.

At least……

Now Scarface and others can already clearly see some of the design lines and energy operation methods.

"It turns out that the new mother box system is used as the defense mechanism of the central control, no wonder it is so perverted..."

Seeing this, Scarface couldn't help secretly saying in surprise.

Apocalypse's strongest technological capability is undoubtedly the mother box system. But it is a pity that a long time ago, when Apocalypse was fighting against the earth, it was defeated so much that it lost part of its mother box.

Later, although Apocalypse developed a more advanced mother box system, it was still unsatisfactory due to the lack of materials.

In order to deal with the Black Lantern Legion and Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid ordered Apocalypse to gather various resources from hundreds of thousands of civilized worlds at all costs, and recreate a batch of strongest mother boxes.

One of them was placed on Apocalypse.

And the other one is the one in the Mechanical Fortress. In the past, Scarface only knew that there was a mother box in the mechanical fortress, but he didn't know the real purpose of the mother box.

Now she knew that it was actually being used to control the ultimate defense mechanism. To put it bluntly, it was defending against the Black Lantern Corps.

after all……

No one wants to lure wolves into the house.

It's a pity that after all the calculations, Darkseid missed a move after all, and in the end he was defeated by the Black Lantern Army.

Think here.

The scarred face couldn't help but be filled with a smug smile.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "Apocalypse's mother box is usually a set of three. When the three are combined, they can release an incomparably terrifying ruling power..."

"Three mother boxes, including one for Apocalypse and one for Mechanical Fortress, where is the third mother box placed?"


I have been working with Apocalypse for so long.

Scarface also has a better understanding of some things inside Apocalypse, but when it comes to the mother box, she is a bit of a Muggle.

Because of thinking about it, Scarface was still unable to guess the whereabouts of the third mother box. After all, Darkseid is not a vegetarian.

The opponent had been guarding against the Black Lantern Corps from the very beginning, and the mother box was the root of Apocalypse, so the concealment was more thorough.


Scarface would not be unaware that the mother box in the mechanical fortress turned out to be the center for maintaining the ultimate defense mechanism.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly more difficult to deduce the clues of the third mother box, with Scarface's ability.

But that's okay.

As long as this mother box can be taken down, by virtue of the mutual connection and function of the mother boxes, Scarface will not believe that he will not be able to find the third mother box.

And, that's all for the future.


Their first task is to break through the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress and snatch all the treasures inside.

Among them, the most important is undoubtedly the mother box system.


There are also many unimaginable treasures in it, all of which were snatched by Darkseid from the hundreds of thousands of civilized worlds ruled by him.


But almost all of them became the pocket of the black lamp.

Although these treasures are of little use to members of the Black Lantern, certain technological devices are of great help.


The Annihilator system that Darkseid plundered from Krypton can force consciousness into other living beings, so that it has the terrible ability of Kryptonians.

This thing is almost a collectible on Apocalypse, and it is not of much use. After all, Darkseid's rule is a complete dictatorship, and the younger brothers under his command are not allowed to have their own consciousness.

The little brother has only one mission in existence, and that is to obey Darkseid.

Therefore the Annihilator system has been refrigerated.


For the Black Lantern Corps.

The Annihilator system is different. With its power, Scarface can transfer part of the consciousness of the Black Death Emperor directly to the ultimate demon-like Black Lamp Destroyer.


The Black Death Emperor can truly come to this universe as a destroyer, instead of being blocked by the wall all the time.

Time passed quickly.

Just when Scarface was thinking about a bright future, the black-robed boss here finally lived up to his expectations, using the power of the death vortex to finally wear down the ultimate defense of the mechanical fortress.

The defense was completely disintegrated, and all the treasures, including the mother box, were completely exposed to Scarface and the others without reservation or precaution.

And Darkseid, the owner of these treasures, is still rushing in at this moment, "chopping melons and vegetables" to countless black lantern fighters.


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