The Storm God

Chapter 3835 Uncle Da explodes! (Please subscribe!)

"It's done!"

The defense was broken, and Scarface was overjoyed.

The black-robed boss also nodded slightly, then put away the death scythe, and stepped aside.

His job is done.


It's Scarface's job. As a boss, of course he won't do those small things, and he will only stand up when Scarface can't solve it.


The defense of the mechanical fortress was completely disintegrated.

The treasure inside was completely exposed to everyone. If such a scarred face could not be taken away, then Hei Sidi really had to consider whether he needed to change someone to be his guardian.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Scarface certainly knows the job.

After thanking the black-robed boss, he immediately ordered the younger brothers under his command to start the looting work, and robbed all the treasures that Darkseid searched for in a blink of an eye.

Only the mother box system is special.

Even if there is no defense mechanism, this mother box is embedded in the core area of ​​the entire mechanical fortress.

To get rid of it, Scarface had to completely disconnect it from the mechanical fortress first, otherwise it would be impossible to use it.

It's like a cup in a computer, how can it be adjusted without turning off the power? If you do it forcefully, you may destroy the mother box along with it.


Scarface itself is not bad.

After all, she is the former OA's chief scientific adviser. She dares to say that she is second in terms of technological ability, and no one dares to say that she is the first.

Even though the technology of Apocalypse is different from that of OA, it remains the same. In addition, during the period when Scarface was in Apocalypse, he secretly studied the working principle of the mother box...


It didn't take much effort.

Scarface successfully found out the weak connection between the mother box system and the mechanical fortress, and then directly blasted the death blade.




With the outbreak of Scarface's attack, the entire mechanical fortress also had a chain reaction, just like a sudden power failure, and almost all the facilities stopped instantly.

after all……

Its energy core is the mother box.

Now the mother box was forcibly separated from the mechanical fortress by Scarface, lost its power source, and naturally all the equipment supplied by it also stopped working.

Even the most basic lighting is almost lost because of it.

Somewhere in the corridor of the mechanical fortress.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the mechanical fortress suddenly fell into darkness, almost all the equipment went on strike and stopped working.

Dakseid realized the seriousness of the problem immediately, his brows frowned suddenly, and the power in his hands became more violent and terrifying.

The Black Lantern fighters around who were responsible for blocking him were directly impacted by unparalleled energy before they approached, and they were instantly smashed into powder by the concussion.

Together with the black lamp ring.

That is.

The dead can no longer die.

no way.

Now Darkseid is completely angry.

The mother box is the key to the largest energy core of the mechanical fortress. Now it may be snatched by the enemy. How can you bear it if you call it Darkseid?

In his rage, he no longer restrained his strength, after all, the mechanical fortress could be rebuilt if it was gone.

But if the mother box system is robbed, the blow to Apocalypse will be extremely dangerous, even fatal.


Even if it destroys the mechanical fortress and many treasures inside, Darkseid will not hesitate.


"Stop him, don't let him get close no matter what!"

"All rush up!"


The Black Lantern fighters are not afraid of death at all, they are like machines, they will only faithfully form the orders issued by them.

Even if Dakseid had completely exploded, and the only way to go up was to die, they didn't hesitate.

If there is no wave, there will be another wave, like a tide, one after another, one after another, just to stop Darkseid.

But unfortunately...

Dakseid without scruples is extremely terrifying.

These Black Lantern fighters are like grass mustards. Before they get close, they have been swept away by the omega rays released by Dakseid's eyes...

It's like cutting wheat, but any Black Lantern warrior touched by the omega rays, regardless of their strength or ability...

There is only one fate for them——

Thoroughly GG.


at the same time.

Dakseid's body, like a volcano about to erupt, is frantically gathering vast and terrifying energy.

It hasn't erupted yet, but the terrifying energy coercion has already seriously distorted everything around it.

this moment.

Darkseid's body is like a human-shaped black hole, but contrary to the black hole, there is no suction on his body, only repulsion!

Center on him.

All substances are ruthlessly crushed and repelled.

Whether it is Hei and other fighters, or the equipment of the mechanical fortress, or even the basic building materials, they are all the same in the face of Darkseid's coercion.

Their end is to be crushed!


This sweeping and crushing force, the speed at which it spreads and erupts, is also extremely astonishing and terrifying.

almost instantly.

The mechanical fortress with a radius of more than ten kilometers was completely empty, forming an absolute vacuum.

Apart from Darkseid, there is no other substance there.

The most frightening thing is that this death-like vacuum contract is still expanding extremely, threatening to sweep and crush everything.

Not only that.

Darkside, who is in the center, is also not idle.

He is like a human-shaped rocket, at an extremely terrifying speed, engulfed in a huge crushing vacuum zone, and pushes forward towards the core area of ​​the mechanical fortress.

Wherever you pass, no matter who you are, whether it is a black lamp warrior or a mechanical fortress, it can be said that you will die when you touch it, and it will break when you touch it.

in short.

Darkseid is like a super eraser with a magnifying glass turned on, it is blank wherever it goes.

Regardless of what is blocking him, there is only one end——

Crushed and erased mercilessly.


Inside the core area of ​​the mechanical fortress.

He had just installed the mother box system into his cyst, and before Scarface could be happy and excited, he received a message from the Black Lantern Warrior outside - Darkseid was rushing over.

His complexion suddenly changed dramatically.

Scarface wasn't afraid of Darkseid, it was just that he didn't want to fight fearlessly. After all, they had already got all the good things.

Only a fool will stay with Darkseid, who is so hard to chew, and is it not good for him to pat his ass and leave?

With that in mind.

Scarface didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly ordered to retreat.

And she hurriedly cast a spell, created a huge dark teleportation wormhole, and raised her leg to take the baby away.


But alas it is.

She was still one step too late.

Just when Scarface lifted his feet and was about to step into the dark teleportation wormhole, an invincible terrifying repulsion suddenly descended.

First is the mechanical fortress space where they are, followed by the dark teleportation wormhole in front of Scarface...

It fell apart in an instant, completely shattered, and disappeared.

Even including herself, she couldn't help herself, as if hit by a high-speed train, and flew out directly.

Only the black-robed boss is an exception.

At the moment when the terrifying repulsive force struck, a terrifying power of death and darkness suddenly erupted from his body, like an indestructible city wall, directly blocking him from the outside.

next moment.

Darkseid, with red eyes, full of anger and murderous intent, descended in front of Scarface and the others with an incomparable aura.

"You want to leave after stealing my Darkseid's stuff?"

"There is no door!"


Darkseid was furious.

There is no nonsense when you come up, just shoot a super powerful omega ray.

The target pointed directly at Scarface that flew out backwards.


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