The Storm God

Chapter 3836 The strongest body! (Please subscribe!)

"very scary!"

"Is this the real strength of Darkseid? It's really terrifying!"

"As expected, I'm still too far behind..."


Danger is near.

A warning flashed in Scarface's heart.

However, what she thinks most at the moment is not her own safety, but to marvel at Darkseid's terrifying combat power.

Scarface thought that he was already strong enough, even against a cosmic boss like Darkseid, he would not give up much.


Only now did she realize that she was wrong.

Big mistake!

In the past, he was able to fight well with Darkseid, and it was all because he didn't show his real skills at all.

as it is now.

Dakseid, who was furious and murderous, sent himself flying just because of his aura and coercion...

This is outrageous!

turn out to be……

I'm so weak?

Scarface couldn't help but feel a little sad and depressed.

The clown was myself!

What the hell!

As for your own safety?

Feel sorry.

Scarface is really not worried at all, after all, there is a black-robed boss beside her, no matter how weak she is, the other party can't just watch Scarface get killed.

To know.

Scarface is the official guardian of the Black Lantern Corps.

He is the veritable emissary and spokesperson of Hei Sidi, representing the face and dignity of Hei Sidi. If you just watch the scar face being killed, where do you put the face of Hei Sidi?

as expected.


Seeing that Dakseid didn't take himself seriously, it was like killing Scarface, the black-robed boss immediately quit.

He snorted coldly, in the darkness covered by the black robe, two crimson rays of light suddenly emanated from the eyes, and a vast and incomparable power of death erupted in every gesture.

Without any bells and whistles, he raised his hand and released the huge scythe condensed with the power of death to slash at Darkseid's omega ray.

The death scythe of the black-robed boss is very terrifying.

Just showing up, has already begun to distort reality and affect the void, and now being attacked by him, the power is even more terrifying.

With a single swipe, hundreds of death vortexes were cut out. All kinds of terrifying law powers, in the face of the overbearing death and darkness, are like rabbits in front of ligers, only to be ruthlessly devoured.

Even Darkseid's Omega rays are so powerful that it is difficult to break through their obstacles when they encounter nearly a hundred death vortexes in a row, and they are quickly restrained, controlled, and consumed crazily...

visible to the naked eye.

The omega ray is like a rocket that has lost its power. It twists and turns crazily from the beginning, and finally stops completely and disappears.


The death vortex of the black-robed boss is not easy either.

During the confrontation with the omega rays, one vortex after another was shattered by the impact, like a balloon being shot.

It wasn't until the last of the largest death vortexes disintegrated that this died with the nearly motionless Omega Ray.

In a wave of fighting, the two sides were evenly matched, evenly matched.


And this scene immediately attracted Dakseid's attention, and his gaze instantly shifted from Scarface to the black-robed boss.

There was obvious surprise in his eyes: "Can you actually block my omega rays? It seems that you are the one who hides the deepest decision-maker. Who are you?"

Strong enemies are ahead.

Even if it is Darkseid, he dare not underestimate him.

As for scarface...


Just a lackey.

It is insignificant at all, the most important thing is this black-robed boss!

In a flash of thought, Dakseid thought a lot, and he even secretly guessed, could this guy be the Black Death Emperor?


The Black Death Emperor does not belong to this cosmic world.

And it is incompatible with the current universe. It stands to reason that it should be blocked by the wall and cannot enter...


If it wasn't the Black Death Emperor, who would it be?

Their powers are so similar and terrifying, besides the Black Death Emperor, who else has such a terrifying ability?

To this.

Darkseid was puzzled.


Hearing the words, the black-robed lord suddenly let out a weird sneer, and immediately after that, he took the initiative to open the black robe covering himself first, revealing his true face in front of Dakseid.

It was an ordinary face.

Only his eyes exuded a strange light. Under the cover of the black robe before, they showed a penetrating scarlet color.

And now...

But it is the dark light of the profound essay.

It is like two death black holes, exuding terrifying power of death and darkness. Some people who are not firm enough in mind will get lost in it at a glance, and even be directly sucked out of life by the vortex formed by the power of death.

The end is terrifying.


In front of Dakseid, this measurement is almost completely useless. With the ability level of the Dark Lord, he is not afraid of these at all.

As the black robe faded away, the body of the black lamp tycoon finally appeared clearly in front of Dakseid.

The strange mist formed by the endless death and darkness faded away, and finally turned into a strong man with a height of more than two meters.

Its skin color is a dark tone full of death and darkness. Although it is not burly, it is even skinny, like a skinny mummy, but it contains extremely terrifying power.

Even Darkseid, the Dark Lord, dare not underestimate him.


Dakseid's eyes fell on the hands of the black lamp tycoon. Strangely, there was no black lamp ring on his ten fingers.

This made Dakseid very puzzled.

"Isn't it weird?"

At the critical moment, Scarface, who still kept his figure, suddenly stood up and explained to Darkseid: "Because this lord is not an ordinary Black Lantern Warrior at all, but one of the incarnations of Lord Black Death!"

"One of the avatars?"


Scarface nodded.

His face was full of complacency, and he continued: "I told you before that the black-robed man is the ultimate black lamp warrior who uses the body provided by your Apocalypse, and then injects some original power through my lord... "

"And this lord is the best among them. He has absorbed and fused the original power of my lord, and can be called the strongest incarnation."

"I believe you should have sensed this too."


Darkseid remained silent.


As Scarface said.

Dakseid could clearly sense that the Black Lantern boss on the opposite side, that is, the strongest incarnation of the Black Death Emperor, was really terrifying in strength.

Even his own omega rays can be blocked by the opponent, or even resolved. Even if his strength is not as good as his own, it may not be much.

This is just an avatar.

How terrible would it be if the Black Death Emperor himself descended?

read this.

Darkseid couldn't help frowning, and said in his heart: "The current situation is very bad. With such a guy blocking it, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to snatch the mother box system back..."

"As for the others, they were all held back by other incarnations of the Black Death Emperor, and couldn't come to support them in a short time..."

"what to do?"

"Could it be possible to just watch Scarface and the others walk away? If that's the case, where will my Tian Qixing's face be left in the future?"

"No, we have to find a way to keep them. The others don't matter, at least we have to get the mother box system back!"

"Why don't you try to contact Bai Xiaofei?"


Thinking of Bai Xiaofei's various weird methods and cunning and cunning, even if Dakseid is arrogant and tyrannical, he is quite jealous and worried.

I'm afraid it will lead the wolf into the house again.


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