The Storm God

Chapter 3837 Let it go! (Please subscribe!)

"Bet again!"

Darkseid's hesitation did not last long.

After all, the mother box system is of great importance, and the recovery of the Black Death Emperor has a far-reaching impact. Whether it is for the Apocalypse or in the future, Darkseid must make a certain sacrifice.


The consequences will be even more unimaginable.


After making a decision, Darkseid immediately took out the communication device that Bai Xiaofei gave him before leaving.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei said that if he needed any help in the future, he would use this to contact him.

No matter what you think, what you say is what you say.


With Bai Xiaofei's ability, Darkseid is more willing to believe that the other party has already guessed that the Black Lantern Legion will come to the Mechanical Fortress to snatch the treasure.

And the more he thought about it, the more fearful Darkseid became towards Bai Xiaofei.


Scarface saw Darkseid's movements.

Although she didn't know what kind of device the other party was holding, her intuition told herself that the situation didn't seem very good.


Just in case.

Scarface immediately said to the big man in black robe: "My lord, stop him, no matter what trick Darkseid wants to play, he cannot be allowed to succeed!"

"Just to be on the safe side, I'll go first!"


While reminding.

Scarface also immediately cast a spell, and began to rebuild the death black hole, preparing to leave this dangerous place quickly.

"Leave it to me!"


Darkseid is not vegetarian either.

Even against the black-robed boss, he can be distracted for two purposes. While using the communication device, calling for help; while releasing omega rays, launching a frantic attack on Scarface.


The black-robed boss is even more difficult to deal with.

Although Darkseid's omega rays are powerful and terrifying, they are no different from ordinary attacks in front of him.

With a light wave of the death sickle, countless death vortexes formed layers of barriers to completely protect the scarred face.

True. 720 degrees without dead angle.

Scarface is protected in the center, surrounded by death vortexes.

No matter how the omega ray twists and turns and changes its path, if it wants to attack Scarface, it must break through the death vortex.

Otherwise it is not close at all.


The two sides immediately collided one after another, causing a series of violent explosions.

The battle started again.

However, in this attack, both sides have tacitly launched long-range means, one is the main attack and the other is the main defense.

after all……

Both sides are big bosses with top-notch fighting strength.

Neither of them can hurt the other in a short time, so naturally it doesn't matter what kind of attack method.

The key is endurance and time.

Darkseid's purpose is to prevent Scarface from leaving with the mother box system, so the attack is very powerful.

Even though the black-robed boss possesses the original power of the black death emperor, he dare not underestimate it, and has to release all his strength to protect his scarred face.

The two of you come and go, and the fight is called a madness.

And scar face.

It is to take the opportunity and continue to cast spells.

Under Scarface's operation, the death black hole is rapidly taking shape, and soon, a fist-sized singularity completely distorts space.


As long as Scarface detonates the singularity and forms a larger black hole, he can open up a death wormhole passage and leave here.

And at the same time.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei chose to retreat and study.

Therefore, Darkseid's communication request was sent directly to Baicas, who then transferred it to Aya.


Aya was sifting through the harvest of reaping the benefits of the fisherman, and suddenly received a request for help from Darkseid, and was immediately surprised and unbelievable.


Soon she figured everything out.

After all, what Bai Xiaofei did is recorded in the log files of the Hongmeng Dark System, and with Aya's authority, basically all of them can be browsed and read.

at the moment.

Tian Qixing and Bai Xiaofei signed a truce agreement, and the two sides are no longer hostile, but they will not interfere with each other.

Although this situation made Aya, especially Sinestro, feel very depressed, it was understandable.

After all, everyone has a more terrifying enemy - the Black Lantern Corps.

Before this problem is resolved, it is indeed not suitable for the two sides to continue fighting internally, and harmonious coexistence with each other is the kingly way.

According to Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid is synonymous with the darkness and evil in this universe, even if he is gone, another person will pop up to replace him and continue to do evil.

Just like the truth in the universe, where there is yin, there is yang, and where there is positive, there is negative. Absolute one-sided existence is impossible.


The premise is that the other party doesn't make trouble for him.

Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about those things, if you dare to mess with me, you will definitely be overwhelmed and walk away!

But now, Darkseid's performance is relatively good. Although he did have some unpleasantness with Bai Xiaofei before, after the last incident, Bai Xiaofei has already reaped enough benefits, and he can barely make a comeback.

Coupled with the layout and purpose in the strategic sense, it is natural to be indifferent to Darkseid's request for help.

At the very least, listen to what the other party's demands are.

just in case……

You can take advantage of the fire to loot a wave.

Think here.

Aiya was immediately excited.

However, she did not immediately reply to Darkseid, but directly told Sinestro the news.


Aya wanted to give Sinestro a chance for revenge.

You know, the last time the army of Apocalypse invaded Kruga, it did not cause much trouble for Sinestro. Now that Apocalypse is in trouble, no one is more suitable to help out than Sinestro.

"I'll go there right away!"

Sinestro is also busy now.

But when he heard that Darkseid had called to ask for help, Sinestro immediately put down all his work.

Tearing the space directly, came to Aya's side.

"what happened?"

Sinestro's face was flushed, and he was even breathing heavily, apparently unable to hold back his excitement.

Aya explained: "As expected, it should be the Black Lantern Legion that attacked and robbed the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse..."

"Isn't there a lot of treasures and experimental transformation products there? The two sides jointly developed it before, but now the two sides have completely torn apart. Naturally, even these things must be split."

"The situation at that time, you also know that Apocalypse was secretly stabbed by the Black Lantern Corps, and suffered heavy losses. This time back to defend the mechanical fortress, I am afraid that we will not be able to do it, so I asked us for help..."

"This point, I am afraid that the master has expected it a long time ago, otherwise he would not have given Darkseid our communication device."

"The question now is, should we make a move? If we agree to the opponent, what kind of combat power should we send out, and what chips will we ask the opponent for?"

"After all, there is no free lunch in the world, and we are not philanthropists. We should get some compensation for risking our lives to rescue people!"

"What do you think?"


Sinestro is naturally on the same front as Aya.

Even compared to Aya, Sinestro is more ruthless, who let Apocalypse invade his territory before.

Since this vendetta can't be bloodshed for the time being, let's start with a wave of extortion, which can be regarded as collecting some interest.


Will this affect the layout of Mr.

After all, whether it is Sinestro or Aya, they are only under Bai Xiaofei's command, and it is not easy for them to make such a big decision.

Without any choice.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and then sent the question to Bai Cass, the controller of the Hongmeng Dark System.

"It's up to you to decide!"

Bai Cass didn't ink at all. After learning about the difficulties of the two of them, he immediately replied: "Mr. explained before retreating that during his absence, you can make decisions on your own."

The implication is, just go ahead and do it, even if it breaks the sky, I will support you!

It's very domineering!


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