The Storm God

Chapter 3838 Blackmail the apocalypse! (Please subscribe!)


After getting an affirmative answer, Aya and Sinestro were overjoyed, with sinister smiles on their faces.

"It's all right now, with Mr.'s approval, we can let go and do as much as we want, Sinestro, what do you want to do?"

Aya asked with a smile.

Sinestro smiled more restrainedly, but looked more sinister and cunning: "I'm not sure yet, we need to understand the situation over there first, otherwise we may suffer a lot!"


Aya agrees.

Then he said: "In that case, let's see what's going on at the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse first!"


Sinestro was suddenly surprised: "You have a way?"


Aya explained: "The communication device that Mr. gave to Darkseid also has a certain monitoring ability. As long as it is activated, we can see the situation over there..."


She has quickly activated the monitoring ability of the communication device in Darkseid's hand, and then a horrible picture immediately appeared in front of the eyes of the two of them.

"This is……"

The first time they saw the picture, Aya and Sinestro were taken aback, seriously doubting whether they had guessed wrong.

This dilapidated area full of wreckage and scars is the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse? Did you make a mistake!

Sinestro had led people to attack the mechanical fortress before, and even the defense and strength of Apocalypse there were definitely not simple.

But how can I imagine...

Today's mechanical fortress is completely a purgatory-like scene.

As far as the eye can see, apart from the endless debris, there are corpses of various demons, and parts of mechanical warriors...


The battle at the scene is not over yet.

Through the communication device on Dakseid's body, looking around, the first thing they saw was a black-robed boss exuding endless power of death and darkness.

He appears to be at war with Darkseid.

The two sides launched an unimaginable long-range attack on each other at a distance, and the surrounding void area fell into endless rage and chaos.

Totally different from other fights around.

Crazy, dangerous, deadly!



The most strange thing is that the two seem to be an attacker and a defender, and the protected person is the old acquaintance of Aya and Sinestro - Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp.


See this scene.

Aya and Sinestro were full of doubts. Scarface turned out to be a protected weak? Who is the black robe who fought Darkseid?

Could it be the source of the danger that Mr. mentioned before?

Could it be the legendary Black Death Emperor?

It doesn't look like...


The two looked at each other silently, their eyes full of surprise and doubt.

Aya first said: "Sinestro, this is an excellent opportunity, the Black Lantern Legion and Apocalypse are really fighting!"

"And looking at the situation at the scene, it seems that Apocalypse is still at a disadvantage, and may even have stolen some treasure from Apocalypse, so that Darkseid will not hesitate to ask me for help and keep him!"


Sinestro nodded in agreement.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, hehe said: "The identity of that black-robed strong man is also very suspicious, even if we are not his opponent, we can still detect the opponent's strength and details after we pass..."

"Combined with the remuneration given by Apocalypse, we won't suffer no matter what. The key is how we take advantage of the fire..."


The problem quickly came to a point.

Aya carefully observed the battle situation at the mechanical fortress, and analyzed: "At present, the power of the Black Lantern Legion is obviously dominant, and the cannon fodder is fine. The key is that the high-end combat power is relatively rich..."

"If we agree to Darkseid's request for help, maybe the main task is to stop the high-end combat power of the Black Lantern Legion, so that Darkseid can find an opportunity to get back the baby that was robbed by Scarface..."

"If this is the case, then the conditions for us to open it will not be too high. After all, Darkseid is not an easy person."

"It's not easy to blackmail him!"


Sinestro nodded upon hearing this.

He still agrees with Aya's analysis, because he thinks the same way, and it's even worse.

after all……

Sinestro has fought against Darkseid before.

He even has the terrifying strength of Dakseid, and even the opponent can hardly break through the block of the black-robed powerhouse, which shows how strong the Black Lantern Legion is.

If they agreed to Apocalypse's request for help, they would not be able to send weak people there, only high-end and above super combat power.

Because the situation over there is too dangerous.

If you don't have enough strength, you will give away your head if you go, and you may even be infected and assimilated by the enemy, making the situation even more unfavorable for you.

Considering the ability of the Black Lantern Corps, Sinestro's idea is to only send a few top Lantern masters to help.

The main force is the sentinel hunter under Aya's command.

after all……

Sentinel Hunter dies against Black Lantern.

Moreover, it is easy to manufacture. As long as there are resources, it can be mass-produced quickly. Even if the loss is heavy, it will not be too distressing.

But Lantern Man is not.

In addition to the scarcity of masters and the difficulty of developing blood recovery, once killed in battle, they may be assimilated by the enemy to become the top combat power in the black lamp.

They must prevent this possibility from happening.

Aya also understood Sinestro's concerns, and immediately said: "Don't worry, there are as many people on my side as you want!"

"The last time I participated in the battle, I didn't have time to demonstrate the power of my upgraded version of the anti-surveillance mech. This time, I can just make up for the regret!"


Sinestro thanked Aya first, and then said sternly: "To be on the safe side, I think it's best to put Xiao Wang on too..."

Xiao Wang, as the former anti-supervision king, has almost no one in comparison to the control and use of anti-matter energy.

Not even Aya.

after all……

She is just occupying the magpie's nest. In terms of real control ability, she is definitely not as good as the original anti-supervision king.

What's more, the current Xiao Wang is not what it used to be. The anti-surveillance mecha specially developed and manufactured for him also incorporates the anti-surveillance Mobius inside, and its strength is even more terrifying than before.

The strong man in black robe on the opposite side was too powerful.

In case Aiya loses, with Xiao Wang on one side to help out, the two sides join forces, at least they can guarantee each other's safety.

As for Sinestro?

The task he and his fellow Lantern men gave themselves was to deal with other high-end Black Lantern combat powers.

It's not that Sinestro doesn't want to challenge his limits, but that he doesn't want to have any accidents in the process of dealing with the black-robed powerhouse.

after all……

This is the strongest and scariest black lamp boss they have ever seen. God knows how terrifying the other party's dark power of death is.

As the commander-in-chief, Sinestro naturally does not allow himself to make such a mistake, so it is the most correct choice to deal with the other high-end black lamps who are more confident.

Only the existence of special intelligent beings like Aya and Xiao Wang can better deal with the terrifying powerhouses of the Black Lantern Legion.


Aya didn't have any objection to Sinestro's arrangement, and immediately agreed after hearing the words: "Let's do it!"

"Next, there is the issue of compensation."

"what do you want?"


Sinestro was silent.

He stared fixedly at Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp in the picture, and after pondering for a moment, he narrowed his eyes and said: "Since Darkseid is so nervous about the treasures that Scarface snatched away, why don't we ask for it on a conditional basis?" Part of it as payment?"

"That's a good idea!"

When Aya heard it, her eyes lit up immediately, and she laughed and said, "If you pick something that Darkseid can't let go of, then we can sit down and raise the price and ask for more benefits from the other party!"


Praise Sinestro.

Afterwards, Aya calmed down, and connected Darkseid's request for help, saying, "Mr. Darkseid, what's the matter?"


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