The Storm God

Chapter 3839 Bargaining! (Please subscribe!)


Mechanical Fortress here.

Darkseid, who finally got the communication back, didn't have time to be happy, and immediately found out depressedly that the other party of the communication didn't seem to be Bai Xiaofei.


Darkseid, who was puzzled, couldn't help but reply with faith, and Aya also gave an affirmative answer.

And explained: "Excuse me, what's the matter?"


Darkside was speechless, so he could only bite the bullet and ask, "Where is Bai Xiaofei, I have something to talk to him about."

The implication is that you, a subordinate, are not qualified to talk to me.

at the same time.


The defense and attack of the black-robed boss didn't stop at all.

Fortunately, Dakseid is not a vegetarian. Even if he is distracted, he can still maintain the advantage of suppressing the opponent.

It was a sudden batch.


On the other side of the scar face, the condensation speed of the death black hole is also not slow, and now it has a certain embryonic form.

Going on at this speed, I'm afraid it won't take much longer to build up and escape completely.

Seeing this, Dakseid felt anxious in his heart.

What the hell, I finally made up my mind to find someone to help, but you just perfunctory me like this?

Aya pouted.

Then he explained: "I'm sorry, Mr. Darkseid, my husband has been in retreat since he came back, and now Mr. Sinestro and I are solely responsible for all external matters..."


Darkseid was silent again.

In his opinion, although Aya and Sinestro are quite strong, there is still a big gap from his own realm and strength.

In other words.

Letting these people come to the Mechanical Fortress might not cost much.

So there is some hesitation.

And at this time.

Seeing that Darkseid was silent, Aya said directly: "Mr. Darkseid, if there is nothing else, then I will hang up. After all, I still have a lot of things to do here."

It is clear that he is helping Darkseid make up his mind.

She couldn't believe it.

At such a critical moment, can Darkseid watch Scarface take away all the treasures of Apocalypse?

as expected.

As soon as Aya was about to hang up the communication, Darkseid became anxious immediately.


"I'm looking for your help, since Bai Xiaofei is not here, then you guys, as long as you can come to the Mechanical Fortress and help me stop the Black Lantern Legion, I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward..."

"How many troops can you send over there?"


Time is running out.

Darkseid also didn't care about arguing with Aya.

He directly stated his request and promised certain benefits, obviously he was ready to bleed heavily.

after all……

Compared to being taken away with all the treasures, being stabbed is still relatively light.

The two powers harm each other whichever is less.


On the other side, Aya smiled with a successful plot, and replied: "Mr. Darkseid, it is like this. We don't know the situation on your side at the moment, so we can't answer the question of the strength of the troops for the time being." Your accurate answer, if you can describe the enemy's power a little bit..."

Speaking unhurriedly, it is clear that it is intentional.

Anyway, they are in no hurry.


The longer the delay, the bigger their leverage.

In this way, Dakseid will be in a more passive situation, otherwise it would be almost impossible to ask for those treasures that were robbed as soon as he came up.


Darkseid is no idiot.

He can also feel some of Aya's intentions, such as delaying time, in order to plunder more benefits, and so on.


so what?

Now he is not qualified to negotiate at all.

If you want to recover the loss, you can only cooperate with Aiya and others, that is to say, you must pay for it.

The key is, how much is this payment?

With that in mind.

Darkseid was too lazy to bargain with Aya, and said directly: "Aya, we are all smart people, so there is no need to beat around the bush, just say the conditions, as long as it is not too much, I will agree to you!"


Aya was overjoyed.

He praised Dakseid and said: "As expected of the dark lord who is famous all over the universe, he is really handsome and majestic. If that is the case, then I will not go around in circles with you."

"Our condition is that some of the treasures that were snatched by the Black Lantern Corps, about one-third."


Someone said with a big mouth.


Dakseid fell silent upon hearing this.

The melancholy between the brows furrowed even more, and at the same time, the strength of the shot became significantly stronger, making it even more difficult for the opponent's defense to resist the black-robed boss.

the other side.

Scarface's black hole of death has already taken shape.

It's just that it's relatively small, only about the size of a washbasin, and it's not enough for Scarface to escape through it.

And to this extent, it is very difficult for Scarface to continue to expand, because Dakseid has already used his own power to confine and strengthen the power of the law of this cosmic space.

Just like turning the whole earth into granite, the difficulty for Scarface to dig a hole can be described as geometrically multiplied.

And the price is that Darkseid's power is being consumed rapidly.

Even with Darkseid's terrifying stamina and resilience, he was almost unable to hold on.

Considering that it is impossible for him to be imprisoned like this forever, Darkseid, who has no choice, can only grit his teeth and restore Aya, saying: "No, one-third is too much, one-tenth at most!"


Aya bargained: "At least a quarter!"

The two sides started arguing about it.

It's just that one of the two is leisurely and leisurely, while the other is suffering, exhausted physically and mentally, and is in a hurry.

that's all.

After a few rounds, Dakseid was completely impatient, and directly roared: "One-sixth, no more, if you talk about it, then just shoot it and break it up!"


Aya accepts it when she sees it, and immediately said: "Just one sixth, you said it yourself, don't go back on your word when the time comes!"


Dakseid was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing how readily Aya agreed, she suddenly felt that she had been cheated again, and the other party might have been waiting for her here.


None of these cunning guys are easy to mess with, and they really deserve to be the generals under Bai Xiaofei's command...

That's all!

One-sixth is one-sixth.

No matter how much you lose, it is definitely better than being snatched away by Scarface.

The big deal is to find a chance to get it back later.

Think here.

Dakseid suddenly felt better.

Then he asked Aiya: "When will you be able to dispatch troops, and how soon can you arrive at the scene? I am in a hurry. If you come late, all agreements will be voided!"

"rest assured!"

Aya showed a nonchalant attitude, and said with a smile: "Mr. Darkseid, please believe in our technology and ability. After all, it's not like we haven't been to the Mechanical Fortress, and the coordinates have already been saved."

"Just wait at ease!"

"Actually, Mr. Sinestro had already dispatched troops to condemn the general long before the communication was connected, and I was not idle either."

"Now the army is ready, just wait for Sinestro to bring people over, and then we can set off for the battlefield immediately."

"No more than a minute at the latest..."


The voice did not fall.

I saw Sinestro leading a dozen top-level Lanternmen, crossing the barrier of time and space, and coming to Aya.

Almost at the same time.

Xiao Wang also drove his brand-new anti-surveillance mecha, and came to the scene happily, and kept shouting: "Is there another battle? Great, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty." ..."

behind him.

It is a densely packed group of elite-level sentinel hunters who are fully armed. It seems that the scale is at least 100,000.

Seeing this scene, Aya suddenly smiled.

"They've arrived!"


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