The Storm God

Chapter 3840 The whole army attacks! (Please subscribe!)

So fast?

Darkseid expressed doubts about Aya's words.

He said that the other party must have been prepared long ago, and he just waited for the conditions on his side to relax, otherwise this would be too coincidental, right?


Just very upset!

After all, he was slaughtered just now, and anyone else would be uncomfortable.

However, Dakseid also knew that now is not the time to worry about these things, the most urgent task is to prevent Scarface from escaping.

As for the black-robed powerhouse in front of him?

Say it again!

You know, this guy's strength is not weak. Even if Darkseid is proud of his superhuman strength, he dare not say that he will definitely be able to win the opponent.

Because the level of strength has reached their level, but it is very terrifying. It may be easy to kill the opponent, but want to capture it alive?

That's almost impossible.

However, the opponent is still a member of the Black Lantern Corps, and death is not so easy. Compared with ordinary players of the same level, it is even more difficult to deal with.


From the beginning, Darkseid had no hope.

He just wanted to stop Scarface, snatch Apocalypse's treasure back, and then deal with the Black Lantern Legion severely.

As for what will happen in the future, we will talk about it in the future.

After getting an affirmative answer, Dakseid's mood immediately relaxed a lot, but his eyes and mind never left Scarface.

after all……

The opponent's black hole of death is almost finished.

There is a possibility of escaping at any time. Before Aya and others arrive at the scene, Darkseid must personally supervise and stop it.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, it will be him who suffers.

Fortunately, Dakseid's strength is still very strong. The steady stream of terrifying power has strengthened and imprisoned the power of law in this cosmic space, greatly reducing the formation speed of Scarface's death black hole.

If it wasn't for this, I'm afraid Scarface would have escaped long ago.

And the other side.

The defensive counterattack of the black-robed boss is also becoming more and more fierce and violent. Maybe the other party has also noticed that Darkseid seems to be preparing some conspiracy, so he did not hesitate to consume his original power and erupted with even more terrifying power.


The terrifying death vortex immediately multiplied several times.

Darkseid's burly figure was almost completely surrounded by the death vortex.

This is Dakseid, with a big killer like Omega rays, and can barely cope with the enemy's outbreak.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid GG would have been long ago.

But even so, Dakseid is not feeling well. After all, he not only has to deal with the black-robed boss, but also strengthens his strength, confines the space, strengthens the power of the law of the universe, and prevents Scarface from leaving.

With one mind and two purposes, in terms of wear and tear, of course it is amazing.

In a scene that was originally evenly matched, Dakseid couldn't bear it when the opponent exploded like this.

The active-passive relationship between the two parties began to tilt almost instantly.


The black-robed lord did not take pride in this, taking advantage of the victory to pursue or something, but put more power on weakening the law of space.

Obviously, he was buying time for Scarface to let him escape as soon as possible.

Scarface also exerted all his breastfeeding strength and gnashed his teeth to create a black hole of death.

Visible to the naked eye, the dead black hole, which hadn't grown much since just now, immediately showed obvious signs of expansion.


Dakseid suddenly screamed that something was wrong.

At this speed, the black hole of death will be fully formed in less than two minutes, allowing Scarface to leave with the babies.

Why aren't Bai Xiaofei's subordinates here yet? !


The result is here.

Huge circular magic space gates appeared one after another abruptly near the battlefield, directly breaking the deadlock on the scene.

follow closely……

Aya, Sinestro, Xiao Wang, and many top Lantern warriors, such as Mog, Walker, etc., all walked out of the space gate.

And behind them, there are densely packed high-ranking sentinel hunters, marching forward in unison.

"Mr. Darkseid, it seems that we are not too late..."

Aya was driving the anti-surveillance mecha, and said to Darkseid, whose face was obviously happy, with a smile: "Then, please enjoy our performance!"


It doesn't matter how the other party reacts.

Aya's mecha looked directly at the Sentinel Legion behind her, and ordered: "The whole army goes out!"


The sentinel hunters got the order, and Qiqi burst into a heaven-shattering cry of killing, and then immediately flew up, each rushing towards the members of the Black Lantern Legion, and began to execute the battle.


Sinestro is not to be outdone.

The yellow light ring and the green light ring on his hand flashed like the signal lights of a racing car, and a dozen top lantern men behind them flew out one by one, heading straight for the black light members near Scarface.

And he himself was not idle.

The target pointed directly at the terrifying dream realm outside the mechanical fortress.

Obviously, Sinestro had his eye on the black-robed man inside, determined to test the opponent's methods and abilities.

As for the black-robed boss, it was Aya and Xiao Wang's target.

They came directly to Dakseid's side, and instead of forming a three-talented formation indistinctly, they immediately put great pressure on the black-robed boss.

at the same time.

Aya's mecha detection device also immediately analyzed the current situation of Scarface: "Is he trying to escape?"

she asked knowingly.


Darkseid nodded, and then said: "Leave this to me, you go and stop her, no matter what, you can't let her leave this place!"


Aya didn't refuse.

Because of the limitation of her mecha detection device, the strength of the black-robed boss on the opposite side is far superior to hers, and there is no benefit in fighting recklessly.

One of the two can stay here to cooperate with Darkseid to deal with the black-robed boss, and there is no need for all three of them to waste time here.

after all……

Darkseid is not weak either.

Previously, it was only because of distraction that the opponent took advantage of the loopholes and gained the upper hand.

Now that Aya and other reinforcements have arrived, Dakseid's worries about the future have almost been relieved, and his combat power has returned to its peak. Coupled with the assistance of powerful reinforcements, it is definitely not a problem to fight against the black-robed boss.


Help goes to help.

It should be guarded or guarded, God knows if Darkseid will play tricks, and quietly come to kill with a knife.

After Aya secretly gave some instructions and reminders to Xiao Wang, she drove the anti-surveillance mecha directly towards Scarface.

And Xiao Wang released the anti-matter destruction light wave very simply, and shot wildly at the black-robed boss.


When Dakseid saw this, his eyes lit up immediately.

Immediately afterwards, an omega ray shot out, cooperating with Xiao Wang's anti-matter destruction light wave, like spiral twins, directly blasting into the death vortex of the black-robed boss.


Terrible explosions followed one after another.

The death vortex of the black-robed boss was smashed one after another, and the power of the energy rays of the two was gradually weakened.

At the end.

After all, they still failed to crush all the death vortexes, and when they were about 70% detonated, they completely disappeared.

It's not that the two of them are weak, but that the black-robed boss has exerted his strength again.

And this time, it was far more terrifying than before, and there was even a huge and terrifying figure behind it.

Even Dakseid felt very uncomfortable with the terrifying coercion possessed by that figure, as if a mountain was on his body, it was extremely heavy.

Xiao Wang was even more miserable.

Because of the terrifying coercion on the spot, they had to stop the emission of the anti-matter destruction light waves, and instead began to gather strength to resist the oppression of the coercion.

It can be seen how terrifying the other party is.

The two of them practiced their hands, and it was only then that they could withstand this wave of pressure bombardment, but this also led to the weakness of the follow-up attack.


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