The Storm God

Chapter 3841 Take a sharp turn! (Please subscribe!)

"What was that just now?"

Xiao Wang was still in shock, his eyes widened, and he asked blankly.

As for who to ask?


Darkseid of course.

Who told him to be Xiao Wang's current comrade-in-arms, and the realm strength is much higher than Xiao Wang, if you don't ask him, who will you ask?

It's just that Darkseid doesn't know about this issue either.

Because it's the first time I've seen him.


Although never seen.

However, based on the analysis of the existing intelligence data, Dakseid also faintly guessed another possibility, so he frowned and replied: "If the guess is wrong, the phantom just now may be the real body of the Black Death Emperor..."

"The Black Death Emperor himself?"


Darkseid explained to Xiao Wang: "Scarface once said before that these black-robed people are formed by using the body provided by my Apocalypse, combined with a trace of the original power of the Black Death Emperor."

"The person in front of me is the best among them. He has absorbed and fused most of the original power of the Black Death Emperor. He can be regarded as the strongest body of the Black Death Emperor."

"I think that the move just now should be because the other party inspired and absorbed the original power of the Black Death Emperor, so that such a terrifying power erupted."

"I see……"

Xiao Wang suddenly realized.

Then his face turned into surprise, and he said excitedly: "So, our cooperation just now has forced him to use his original strength to fight?"


Darkseid looked at Xiao Wang in astonishment, his eyes were full of doubts, obviously he didn't understand what the other party wanted to express.


Xiao Wang was suddenly depressed.

Seeing that Darkseid didn't seem to understand what he meant, he could only helplessly explain: "Mr. Darkseid, don't you know the importance of the power of origin to a person?"


Darkseid was silent.

To be honest, he really didn't know.

Because the Darkseid in front of him is not the deity, but one of Darkseid's avatars in countless multiverses.

So I don't know what effect the so-called original power has, after all, he doesn't have it at all.

Only occasionally heard of it.

To this.

Xiao Wang was also very helpless.

Seeing that Dakseid really didn't understand, he could only explain patiently: "I once heard from my husband that the power of origin means a person's foundation and wealth, but if it is used, even a little bit, it will Affect the overall strength and comprehensive strength..."

"In other words."

"The more the original power is used, the less cards and capital it will become. Of course, this refers to the situation where the original power has not been replenished, otherwise it is another matter."

"The guy in front of me is obviously the former."

"Now do you understand?"


Darkseid was stunned.

Immediately, his eyes were like lightning, and he stared directly at the black-robed boss opposite, and saw that the other party looked as usual, but his breath was obviously a little weaker than before.

Dakseid felt strange just now, but after listening to Xiao Wang's explanation, he fully understood that this was the reason.


Darkseid smiled immediately.

Especially when he saw that Aya had already driven the anti-surveillance mecha and successfully used the anti-matter cannon to blow up the scarface death black hole.

Darkseid's smile became even brighter.

"Black Lantern Corps!"

He narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "The situation is reversed now, I see how arrogant you are, leave them all to me!"


No more nonsense.

If he could do it, Darkseid never beeped, and another omega ray was blasted out, and he also rushed towards the black-robed boss.


After learning about the relationship between the original power and himself, Dakseid already knew how to deal with the black-robed powerhouse in front of him.

That is grinding!

Use your own stamina to forcefully consume the opponent to death!

After all, Darkseid's physical strength, endurance, and combat power are all second to none. The strength of a body, except for the omega rays, is the body.

Coupled with the fact that Xiao Wang is driving the brand-new anti-surveillance king mecha to assist in the battle, Darkseid can't believe that he can't kill the opponent.

To know.

Their strength can be restored.

And the speed is still very fast, but the original power of the black-robed boss is not. That thing must be bestowed by the Black Death Emperor before it can be restored.

But the current situation simply doesn't allow it.


Want to destroy each other.

Right now is the best opportunity, as long as the original power of the black-robed boss is severely consumed, he won't have to worry about killing him!


These are just theories.

Although the feasibility is very high, it is still unknown whether it will work or not, but Darkseid doesn't care so much.

Let's do it first.

To this.

Xiao Wang also expressed his approval and support with actions.

The anti-matter destruction light waves of the anti-surveillance king mecha, as if they don't want money, overwhelmingly lean towards the black-robed boss.

Dakseid took advantage of this opportunity of cover, rampaged all the way, shattered countless death vortexes, and finally succeeded in becoming golden.


It was a set of super combination punches, which stunned the black-robed boss at that time. Obviously, the opponent is not very proficient in melee combat, and is better at long-distance attack.

Now being personally attacked by Darkseid, the result can be imagined.

That's called a passive.


And the other side.

"Damn it!"

The death black hole was blown up, and Scarface was almost blown out of his lungs.

The little protectors around were all dismissed, and only she and Aya were left, facing each other tit for tat.

Looking at Aiya who was driving the anti-surveillance mech, Scarface was furious, and roared: "Aiya, this is the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse, it has nothing to do with you, why did you bother to come here?" Muddy water?"

The implication is that Aiya Gou is meddling with mice.


Aya sneered and said, "Scarface, you can't say that. You know, there are no permanent enemies in this world, only common interests..."

"And now, you have touched our interests, so we are here, but if you are willing to obediently hand over those stolen treasures, I can decide to let you go."



Scarface was silent, full of disbelief.

At the same time, she was secretly observing the battle situation so that she could make the best choice and seek good luck and avoid bad luck.


What I saw was sadness.

Outside, the dream realm of Morpheus, the God of Ones, became obviously richer after Sinestro entered.

Obviously, it was because of the help from outside that the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus freed up more power to control the dream realm against the man in black.

Nearby, the situation was even worse, densely packed sentinel hunters were slaughtering members of the Black Lantern Legion like melons and vegetables.

It's not that the members of the Black Lantern are not strong, but that the sentinel hunter who came this time is not an ordinary version at all.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

Coupled with the death of the sentinel hunter and the black lamp, the result is even more predictable, it is simply one-sided.


Nor are there exceptions.

Some of the elite Black Lantern members can barely resist a wave, but that's all.

after all……


Ants kill elephants more often, and individuals cannot fight against groups until their own strength has not broken through to a certain ultimate level.

In the end, the fate of these black lantern members is inevitable, the difference is only in the early and late.

Even the black-robed boss that Scarface is most proud of is now completely caught in a hard fight, being brutally abused by Darkseid in close quarters, with less attack and more defense, and there is no time to care about Scarface's situation.

Seeing these scenes, Scarface couldn't help but be filled with despair.


Obviously everything was calculated and it was about to succeed, why did it suddenly take a turn for the worse at the critical moment?

I can not be reconciled!


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