The Storm God

Chapter 3842 The black robe blew itself up! (Please subscribe!)

Even though the situation was dangerous, Scarface still didn't want to give up.

After all, these are all treasures that I have calculated with great difficulty, and they are also of vital help to the development of the Black Lantern Legion, so how could I give up so easily.

Absolutely impossible!


Scarface snorted coldly: "Aiya, you eat everything from inside to outside, if it weren't for me, would you be where you are today?"

"Don't think that now that you have a backer and cooperated with Darkseid, you can really control everything..."

"If you want me to give up, there is no way!"


That attitude is a firm one.

To this.

Aya was also speechless.

Seeing that Scarface is so stubborn, she just wants to kill her: "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude to you!"


The voice did not fall.

Aya immediately began to build a void defense barrier.

Once formed, almost all the rules inside will be controlled and mastered by Aya, such as completely sealing off Scarface's power of death and darkness...

Of course.

It is not easy to do this.

Because Scarface is not dead, during Aya's operation, she will try her best to resist and struggle.

Just like now.

After Scarface realized the danger, he opened it directly.

I saw the endless power of death and darkness emerging from her body as if it didn't require money.

And these forces transformed into a large number of undead warriors in an instant, and then charged towards Aya like a stormy sea.

On the other hand, Scarface himself turned around and ran away.

It doesn't talk about Wude at all.


Aya is not in a hurry.

It seemed that Scarface had expected this to happen a long time ago, and saw the anti-surveillance mecha she was driving, above her shoulders, suddenly opened, and the red strange light beads on the white hair on the dense trails lit up.

After the brightness of these lamp beads reached the extreme, they exploded violently, turning into two cascading red antimatter destruction light cannons with an extremely perverted range, instantly sweeping and sweeping away everything in front of Aya's eyes.

Regardless of the strength of these undead warriors summoned by Scarface, anyway, in this stormy torrent of antimatter, they have no ability to resist at all.

It was shattered almost instantly and completely disappeared without a trace.

Not only that.

The remaining prestige remained undiminished, and continued to rush forward like a broken bamboo, and went straight to the fleeing Scarface in frantic pursuit.


Scarface was shocked when he saw this.

Although she knew that the current Aya was very powerful, but she never expected that it would be so terrifying.


You must know that those undead warriors just now were condensed by Scarface with the power of death and darkness.

Its level is almost equal to the general final lamp.


In front of Aya.

But like ants, they were all wiped out in an instant.

Scarface really couldn't understand how Aya, an artificial intelligence, became so perverted and terrifying in such a short period of time.

Compared with the previous combat strength, it is simply a different person.

As everyone knows.

The anti-surveillance mecha that Aya is now driving has undergone numerous upgrades. It not only incorporates the power of part of the anti-surveillance Mobius, but also loads the anti-matter cannon and armor application of Tiejiaman.

Compared with the clumsy anti-surveillance mecha in the past, the current version is simply not known how many times stronger.

Don't say anything else.

Let's talk about combat ability.

Even if there is no anti-matter destruction light wave, Aya can beat N ordinary players of the same level by relying on her own pure force.

If this was done before, it would be completely impossible.

after all……

The anti-supervision king's body is really a bit bloated, and his combat power is almost entirely dependent on anti-matter energy. His defense and actual combat capabilities are a bit serious.

Otherwise, it would not be pierced by Aya at that time and replaced.

If it were the current version, I'm afraid that Aya would smash herself to pieces, and she wouldn't be able to cause even the slightest trace of damage to the anti-surveillance mech.

That's the awesomeness of it.

What's more, the current version also incorporates the super black technology of many other cosmic civilizations, and its combat effectiveness has exponentially multiplied.

Although Scarface, the guardian of the black lamp, has become a lot stronger, but compared with the improvement of Aya's anti-surveillance mecha, it is really not enough.


Only then did the instant kill and group annihilation scene just now appear.

But Scarface doesn't know about all of this. Her biggest feeling right now is shock, bewilderment, despair, fear...

The black-robed boss fell into a disadvantage.

The other top Black Lantern combat powers seemed to be held back by Sinestro and Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

Not to mention those ordinary members, in front of the elite sentinel hunters, they were swept away like wheat...

The only thing Scarface can rely on now is himself.

But facing Aya's attack, she has nothing to do. She can't resist directly, right?

To know.

Although Scarface is the guardian of the black lamp, in the final analysis, she is still a living intelligent creature, not an undead puppet transformed after death.

Therefore, the antimatter cannon released by Aya is still very deadly and dangerous to Scarface.


Scarface has only two options.

Either dodge, or fight hard. The former is obviously not enough time, but the latter is too risky...

what to do?

And just when she was in a dilemma.


The dream realm in the distance suddenly exploded.

At a critical moment, a man in black robe inside, for some reason, chose to self-destruct without hesitation using his own original power as the energy source.


There was the scene just now.

The dream realm was directly blasted away. Not only that, as the creator of the dream realm, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, also suffered a huge backlash and injury because of this. He vomited blood and his face was ugly.

The reinforcement Sinestro was also having a hard time.

after all.

That is the original power of the Black Death Emperor.

Even if there is only a trace of it, the power of the self-destruction is geometric. Even if Sinestro was on guard, he could not completely resist the shock of the self-destruction. Beggar outfit.

And he himself, more or less, suffered certain injuries.

Of course, compared to the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, it is obviously much better. Don't look at it as miserable, but it is actually a minor injury and nothing serious.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not the case.

It doesn't look very embarrassing, but in fact the injury is very serious, and the combat power plummets, almost falling from the decisive strong to the top combat power rank.

after all……

His strength has never been completely absent.

This time he was forced to fight, and then he was suddenly severely injured, and his injuries were added. If he could display 10% of his previous combat strength, he would already be in high spirits.

On the other hand, the black-robed man's team only lost one.

Although the remaining seven men in black robes were quite embarrassed, they all showed their unbearable faces, but due to the buff recovery ability of death and the power of darkness, their actual combat ability was not affected much.

Especially without the suppression and influence of the dream realm, their threat has become even higher.


The happiest person is scarface.

What do you mean when someone gives you a pillow when you doze off? This Nima is it.

Almost instantly, Scarface immediately thought of a solution, but he was in danger of being seriously injured, so he chose to resist Aya's antimatter cannon.

Not only that.

She even borrowed her strength to directly open the distance from Aya.

Then secretly ordered the few surviving black-robed men: "A few of you, five go over there and help the incarnation of Lord Black Death to deal with Darkseid, and the remaining two come to help me!"


Although these people in black robes may look very powerful, their actual status is not high. They are completely cannon fodder and tool people.

When Scarface gave an order, they immediately chose to carry it out without hesitation. They split into two groups and flew towards the black-robed boss and Scarface.


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