The Storm God

Chapter 3844 A terrifying blow! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately understood what Xiao Wang meant. Was he asking himself to help him, to deal with the most powerful black-robed boss with Darkseid?


To be honest, Sinestro fully approves of the power and terror of the black-robed boss, but he wants to join hands with Darkseid...

This is difficult for some strong people.

after all.

well known.

Sinestro and Darkseid have some grudges.

The last time the two fought, although it was only a brief confrontation, Sinestro was also beaten by Darkseid.

Now that the two sides have ceased fighting, and even came to help, it does not mean that the enmity between the two has been eliminated.


Consider the big picture.

Although Sinestro felt a little awkward in his heart, he didn't show it. He just frowned slightly and flew over.

Because he knew that the reason why Xiao Wang called himself instead of Aya was not a whim, but the only choice.


Aya's Anti-Surveillance King Mecha has some overlap in function and combat capability with Xiao Wang's Anti-Surveillance Mecha.

For top players, this means losing the unknown.

Although it can help Darkseid deal with the black-robed boss in the past, the effect will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Not so with Sinestro.

For one thing, he is a Lantern Man, and his abilities are fundamentally different from Aya's, and he can complement Darkseid and Xiao Wang very well.


There is a parallax monster in Sinestro's body, and it explodes with all its strength. Coupled with the willpower of the green lantern, the restraint effect on the black lantern is also very amazing.

Cooperating with Xiao Wang's anti-matter power, it can have an extremely considerable weakening and restraint effect on the black-robed boss, thereby enhancing the combat effectiveness of Darkseid, the main force.

For the overall situation, this is undoubtedly the best result.


Sinestro couldn't refuse.

Of course, even if he came to help Darkseid out of desperation, Sinestro's attitude should be there.

"I'm here for the overall situation, otherwise..."



Looking at Sinestro, whose face was full of reluctance, Darkseid also remained silent, saying nothing.

he knows.

In this situation, silence is the best result.

After all, the grievances between the two cannot be neutralized by just a few words. It is already very good if the two parties did not directly greet each other.

And this time.

The black-robed lord on the opposite side had also completed the fusion of the original power, and his aura instantly became even more terrifying.

In terms of appearance, there is not much change.


Behind him, there was a huge and domineering black figure indistinctly - the Black Death Emperor!

The black death emperor's face was blurred, his attire was like a god of death, and he was holding a death sickle with a devil's cry, which was very terrifying.

Everyone just glanced at it, and they felt like their souls were falling into an ice cellar, as if they were going to be hooked away by someone, and they had the horrified impulse to leave their bodies.

It can be seen that after merging the original power of the five black-robed men, the strongest body of the Black Death Emperor already has more power of the Black Death Emperor.

Otherwise, there would be no such terrifying power.

Just a phantom can have such a terrible influence on the powerful. If there is a real fight, the result can be imagined, and it will inevitably be more brutal and perverted.

"You all have to die!"

The black-robed boss laughed.

There was a bit of contempt on the skinny and thin face, and he didn't take Darkseid and the others seriously.

Gently raising the death scythe in his hand, countless death vortexes immediately formed out of thin air, like a flywheel, cutting towards Darkseid and the others in unison.

"What a powerful attack!"

"Xiao Wang, don't keep your hands anymore, this thing is not easy to mess with!"

"Play by ear, self-protection first!"


Facing the attack of the black-robed boss for the first time, Sinestro recognized the terror of the opponent at a glance.

It should be because the parallax monster in his body reacted immediately like a mouse seeing a cat.

This is also reflected from the side. Even if the black-robed boss in front of him is not the real Black Death Emperor, he already has a bit of the power and fear of the Black Death Emperor.

Otherwise Parallax wouldn't be either.


Dakseid next to him, when he heard this, was stunned for a moment, followed by depressed and speechless, secretly said: "This bastard, did you just act on purpose?"


Considering the relationship between the two parties, Dakseid was soon relieved, after all, he wanted something from others.

And it's still such an environment. If it was me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have put in all my strength from the beginning.

Now that the strength of the black-robed powerhouse has increased sharply, due to the crisis of the situation, this is no longer the time to care about personal grievances.

Because if you are not careful, you will really die.

Even if it is for self-protection, he must show his real strength to deal with the black-robed boss.

With that in mind.

Darkseid narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Sinestro again.

Although this guy's level of strength is much higher than his own, but he has a unique vision, and he can see the extraordinary death vortex at a glance...

It seems that it is also a master that cannot be underestimated.

look back.

Face those death vortexes again.

I saw countless death vortexes, spinning crazily, expanding and expanding, like terrifying flywheels cutting and destroying everything around them at high speed.

The cosmic void mentioned along the way was instantly torn apart into a terrifying storm of space-time turbulence, which is enough to show the horror of these death vortexes.

As for the three of them, they seemed so small and helpless like a small boat stuck in the vast ocean.


It's all what it seems.

In fact, whether it is Darkseid, or Sinestro and Xiao Wang, everyone has their own cards and trump cards.


Even though the situation was extremely dangerous, none of the three of them showed the slightest panic, they just frowned slightly.

follow closely.

Darkseid, the most powerful, launched a counterattack first.

You don't need to guess, but the first one to erupt is the familiar omega ray. After all, the power of this thing is very abnormal.

As long as Darkseide is willing to spend the money, its attack power can keep rising.

Just like now.

In order to break the situation, Darkseid obviously didn't keep it anymore. The two omega rays released from his eyes smashed and collapsed many death vortexes in an instant amid various unpredictable twists and turns.

And the rest of the prestige has not weakened in the slightest, on the contrary, it has full stamina, killing more and more fiercely, and there is a posture of wanting to give it a one-shot.


Awesome is awesome.

After all, there are only two omega rays, and the speed can't keep up, so even if they are invincible, they can't eliminate and stop all the death vortexes.

Just like two laser beams that can burn mountains and seas, blasting into the endless sea of ​​stars, they can only cause partial destruction.

Compared to the entire sea of ​​stars, it still seems a little small.


Sinestro and Xiao Wang are not the kind of people who just sit and wait for death. Darkseid has already made a move, so they are naturally not to be outdone.


Xiao Wang's anti-surveillance mecha, the engine was fully turned on in an instant.

The mech was instantly shrouded in a terrifying antimatter energy, its hands, eyes, and even other parts of the body, like a hedgehog, began to emit endless antimatter destruction light waves.

It's like a sun.

In the countless death vortexes, a terrible and dazzling infinite light suddenly burst out, melting a considerable amount of darkness and death.

Sinestro, on the other hand, perfectly blended the green light of will and the yellow light of fear together, and carried out the dual lamp ultimate mode.

With the parallax monster as the source of power, the whole person also erupted with an unprecedented special spectral power.

And these forces, as soon as they come into contact with the death vortex, will immediately cause terrifying damage to it.

Just like an ice cube meeting extremely hot magma, it is in danger of being melted and ablated in an instant.

It can be seen from this.

The power of the new spectrum, which combines the yellow light and the green light, has an unimaginable restraint effect on the death and darkness of the black light.

But alas.

Sinestro's level of strength, after all, has not reached the extreme level, so even if the power of the new spectrum has a strong restraint effect on the ability of the black lamp, it cannot turn things around in an instant.

It can only be barely enough to fight against it without falling behind.

But even so, the black-robed boss still showed a shocked and unbelievable expression, and whispered in his mouth: "This kind of power... can't be wrong, it is it! Although it is only a fraction of the degree, it is also extremely terrifying. Hate……"


"No matter what, I can't let that guy wake up! While this guy is still very weak, I have to kill the danger in the bud!"

"Especially there is a lantern beast stored in his body..."


Think about it.

The big man in black robe immediately made a decision.

next moment.

With a slight movement of his figure, the whole person disappeared in the same place in an instant, but beside Sinestro, a huge and terrifying death scythe suddenly appeared.

It is the phantom image of the Black Death Emperor.

And the black-robed lord, at the moment, is using his power, not hesitating to consume part of his original power, and unleashes the unique skill of the Black Death Emperor, trying to kill Sinestro with one blow.

At this moment.

Sinestro has just erupted with a wave of new spectral power, which shattered hundreds of death vortexes, just when the old power was exhausted and new power was not born.

Who would have thought that the black-robed boss would attack him unexpectedly.

And it came up with such a terrifying super-realm stunt, not to mention that Sinestro is not in a good state now, even at the peak of its heyday, I am afraid that he can't handle it.

after all.

This kind of trick is no longer simply an attack by the black-robed boss, but also contains the endless death and dark laws possessed by the Black Death Emperor.

As soon as he was locked by the death scythe, Sinestro felt that the parallax monster in his body seemed to be hit by a hold spell.

The energy supply immediately stagnated.

Even the green light of will seemed to be shrouded in endless death and darkness, appearing extremely weak and dim.

If it weren't for Sinestro's power, which came from Bai Xiaofei, which is fundamentally different from the power of ordinary Lantern Heroes, he might have turned into a mortal on the spot because of the power of the Black Death Emperor.

But even so, under the death scythe of the Black Death Emperor, he was still extremely small and powerless.

It's almost the only thing to do is to stand by and stare at the neck.



Here, when Xiao Wang saw that Sinestro was in danger, he was also unequivocal, and immediately rushed over regardless of his own safety.


Antimatter energy is like money.

All of them rushed towards the black robe, but unfortunately, although the phantom of the Black Death Emperor was an illusory and transparent existence, it possessed extremely terrifying defensive power.

Xiao Wang's anti-matter power blasted on it, almost all of it was blocked, and it didn't have even the slightest impact.


It's not useless either.

While receiving the attack from Xiao Wang's power, the black-robed boss seemed to have faintly sensed the difference in Xiao Wang's power, and even slightly glanced at Xiao Wang with his eyes, but that was all.

His determination to kill Sinestro in one fell swoop did not hesitate because of this, and he was still as firm and determined as ever!


On the nick of time.

Dakseid actually stood up, and saw him waiting with two scarlet eyes, horrifying omega rays continuously shot out from his eyes, twisting and deforming in the void, like a rope, he instantly pulled the black robe The big guy's death scythe was wound up strong.

The attack of the death scythe was also momentarily stagnant because of this.


The big man in black robe was slightly taken aback.

It seems that he did not expect that Darkseid would jump out to save an enemy at a critical moment. Anyway, if it were him, he would never do so.

Not only him.

Even Sinestro and Xiao Wang were very surprised and unexpected.

Of course.

Now at this time, they didn't bother to think so much, and took advantage of the opportunity when the death scythe was entangled and couldn't get close, they hurriedly exerted their strength.

A crazy assist.

And Sinestro gritted his teeth and exploded with all his potential, and under the influence of the death scythe, he was able to communicate with the parallax again.

I don't know how Sinestro communicated with the parallax monster, anyway, the latter soon re-inspired the will to fight.

at the same time.

Sinestro also obtained stronger power from Bai Xiaofei.

Then the power of the new spectrum exploded in an instant, and finally succeeded in blasting the oppression of the death scythe, and regained freedom.


At this time, Darkseid seemed to have reached the limit, the omega ray was withdrawn suddenly, and the death scythe of the black-robed boss almost brushed against Sinestro's body and slashed towards the rear.


Sinestro secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I finally got my life back, but this guy is really scary. He almost killed me with just one move. I don’t know how many hole cards and killer moves are left. It seems that we must be careful and deal with it carefully. up.

After absorbing the five original powers of the Black Death Emperor, the other party seems to have undergone some kind of qualitative change, and it must not be underestimated or careless!

And the other side.

After Scarface got a powerful increase in strength, he didn't even leave in a hurry, but instead launched a frenzied attack on Aya.

While fighting, he was still full of ambition, and laughed arrogantly and domineeringly: "Little girl, you were very majestic just now, go on, why don't you continue to show off, my aunt is waiting for you!"

"Come on, keep fighting!"


Extremely insane, his face was distorted.


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