The Storm God

Chapter 3845 Double star mode! (Please subscribe!)


Aya's face was solemn and she remained silent.

Staring at the various data constantly emerging on the mecha, he felt bitter in his heart: "This damned old witch is really hard to deal with!"

Even though she is driving an anti-surveillance mecha and possesses all kinds of black technology, it is still difficult to compete with it now.

There is no other reason.

Scarface's power at this moment is really too terrifying.

After merging the original power contributed by the two men in black robes, Scarface's current strength can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has risen steadily.

If it's just that, it's fine, the key is that she is still on the original basis, making her attack contain a more terrifying and profound power of the law of death.

This is what makes Aya most speechless and helpless.


Her antimatter powers.

In the face of this law of death, its power was almost weakened to the extreme.

It's not that the other party restrains the power of antimatter, on the contrary, the two sides have many similarities.

But it is also because of this that the effect of the anti-matter force becomes negligible, which seems to be repaying the body in the same way.

The key opponent once surpassed Aya in terms of quality and quantity.

This is very hard!


Facing Scarface's attack, Aya could only defend and dodge, being tough was purely foolish behavior.

However, her depression is not entirely because of this.

Another main reason is from Morpheus, the God of Dreams. This guy is too blatant and excessive in paddling.


As for the dodge defense.

Aya didn't forget to give Murphy, the God of Dreams, a hard look, as if to say: "You bastard, please be more serious even if you are acting, okay, this is too disgusting!"


As everyone knows, Morpheus, the God of Dreams at this moment, is also dumb and eats coptis, and he is suffering unspeakably. It's not that he doesn't work hard, but that he is really powerless.

after all.

His strength state is not at its peak.

Fighting back against several black-robed men alone, although relying on the Dream Realm, was also very exhausting.

As a result, a black robe blew himself up with his own power, and he was caught off guard and seriously injured.

A trace of the terrifying law of death originated from the Black Death Emperor has deeply infected his body. If he does not use his power to prevent the opponent from spreading, I am afraid that it will not be long before Morpheus, the God of Dreams, will become the opponent's puppet, turning into a A Black Lantern member.


The self-destruction of the black robe was not a simple break.

Its more important purpose is to unknowingly take down the bloody boss of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, so as to transform him into the strongest general on his side.


Even if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had residual blood, he could not be taken down easily, but the self-destruction of the black robe that simply inherited a trace of the original power of the Black Death Emperor was not enough to assimilate him.

after all.

He was born in the reincarnation space.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, just couldn't bear it. He was already bleeding, but he was severely injured by the bombing, and was even infected with the power of death. His foundation was damaged to a certain extent.

How could he care about other people in this situation?

I can hardly take care of myself.


Facing Aya's glaring gaze, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, could only smile wryly, and said helplessly, "Sorry, I can't protect myself now..."


Aya couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words: "I can't protect myself? What do you mean..."

While wondering.

Can't help exploring and inspecting the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Then it was shockingly discovered that a boss as strong as the Oneiroi Morpheus was also infected by the death power of the Black Lantern Legion.

"How can it be?"

Aya had an incredulous expression, but immediately thought of the big explosion before, and suddenly said: "Could it be because of that..."


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, nodded.

With a wry smile, he said: "It's also my fault for my carelessness. I didn't expect that Black Death Emperor to be so insidious and cunning. He would infect and assimilate me while self-destructing his origin. It's also my fault that I was too weak at the time. Otherwise, how could it be so easy in the period of complete victory?" Hired..."


Aya was silent.

Looking at Morpheus, the God of Dreams, whose face was getting uglier, he said in his heart: "Hey, you are already like this, so stop bragging about it, okay, let's quickly find a way to get rid of the power of death..."

Aya instantly understood the thoughts of the Black Death Emperor.

The level of strength of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is at the same level as that of Dakseid and Mister. Now that he has been severely injured, it can be said that it is a god-sent opportunity. If he can assimilate his infection, the strength of the Black Lantern Corps will increase greatly.

Coupled with these black-robed avatars, as well as the technology and body stolen from Apocalypse...


That's amazing.

Just thinking about it makes Aiya feel scared, even as an enemy, she has to say, such a calculation is really awesome!


The Black Death Emperor still underestimated Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

You know, the surroundings are born in the space of reincarnation, even Mr., can't kill him easily, let alone the Black Death Emperor, who can't come down to his own deity.

Just relying on the explosion of the original power of meaning, it is like a sneak attack on a powerful man like Infection and Assimilation...

Aiya can only say that the Black Death Emperor thinks too simply.



Aiya didn't know what she thought of, her expression changed suddenly, she looked directly at Scarface, and said in amazement: "The Black Death Emperor did not hesitate to explode his original power, the calculation cannot be so simple, there must be some deeper intention..."


"Or the strongest body on the other side?"

"What the hell is he trying to do?"


Aiya was puzzled.

But there is one thing, she can be quite sure, the terrifying guy, the Black Death Emperor, must be planning something.

Otherwise, the scarred face after becoming stronger should just run away with the baby, how could it be possible to stay where it is?

Could it be that because the strength has become stronger, it has become inflated, thinking that it can equalize the current strength and kill everyone?

How can it be!


Aya, who can't figure it out, the only thing she can do now is to hold Scarface alone as much as possible, and prevent the other party from getting close to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Not trying to protect him.

The key is that this guy's identity and strength are too sensitive. If he is really infected and assimilated by the Black Death Emperor and becomes a member of the Black Lantern, it will definitely be a huge trouble for Aya and others.


Even for the sake of the overall situation, she had to prevent this possibility from happening.

Even for this purpose, Aiya did not hesitate to expose her trump card in advance, controlling the anti-surveillance mecha to enter the double star mode.

The so-called double star mode, in fact, the principle is very simple.

The anti-surveillance mecha comes from the anti-surveillance king, and the source of power is the power of anti-matter. Whether it is the mechanical version of the anti-surveillance king or the anti-surveillance Mobius, they are all inseparable from anti-matter.

There are yin and yang in the world, and there are pros and cons.

Since antimatter can exist purely and independently, positive matter can also be purified to form another completely opposite force.

Generally speaking, everything in the world, as long as it is not the matter of the antimatter universe, can be called positive matter.

That's true, but it's not accurate.

Through research, Aya found some of the purest positive matter, and put it into the quantum oven for fusion and fission reactions, thus developing the power of positive matter that is completely opposite to the energy of antimatter.

In normal times, anti-surveillance mechas are driven by anti-matter power and attack means.

Only when encountering a strong enemy and being unable to resist, will the second set of positive material power be activated.

The positive and antimatter forces use the explosion at the same time, which is the double star mode.


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