The Storm God

Chapter 3846 Annihilation package! (Please subscribe!)

The anti-surveillance mech turned on the double star mode, but it was not just as simple as adding another new power.

The key positive and anti-matter forces restrain each other, and they are yin and yang. When there is a collision at the same time, an unimaginable terrifying force of annihilation will erupt.

That's what's really scary about it.


Aya called the double star mode the annihilation mode. It means that once entering this mode, all enemies will be completely annihilated.

Although some exaggerated words, but not nonsense.

Just like now...


As soon as the dual-star mode of the anti-surveillance mecha was turned on, Scarface, who was arrogant and domineering, immediately felt the danger.

Instantly stopped aggressiveness, and retreated decisively.

next moment.


The positive and negative material forces erupted at the same time, and an annihilation black hole beyond imagination appeared in the place where Scarface was just now.

Everything around the annihilation black hole disappears.

Including space and gravity.


Seeing this scene, Scarface couldn't help but gasped, stared wide-eyed, and exclaimed: "What kind of power is this? It actually destroyed a piece of void this time, and there is not even a trace of law power..."

She was a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, I felt it was wrong at the time, so I immediately retreated decisively.


I'm afraid that if you don't die now, you will be seriously injured.

Although I now have part of the original power of the Black Death Emperor, and my strength has become a lot stronger, it is not immortal.

Just like the attack just now.

I don't know what happened, but everything within a certain range was devoured and melted.

Space, laws, matter, particles...

Everything ceases to exist.

A complete vacuum has been formed. In such an area, I am afraid that even Lord Black Death Emperor cannot protect himself.

What kind of power is this?

Could it be annihilation?


Ordinary annihilation doesn't seem so scary, does it?

Scarface was puzzled.

As everyone knows.

The general interaction of positive and negative matter forces is naturally not so terrifying, but Aya's double star mode, regardless of the positive and negative forces, is not ordinary.

Let me talk about the antimatter force first.

Although Aya's mecha was transformed from the body of the anti-monitor king, its source of power was not only the original power, but also added the power of Mobius, the anti-monitor from another universe.

Don't underestimate this small variable.

It is definitely not as simple as 1+1 equals 2, just like the combination in Dragon Ball, the combination of the two has unimaginable explosive power.


The power of positive matter developed and created by Aya based on this power is almost at the same level as it.

Then integrate the special system ability of Tiejiaman, store the two kinds of power in different crystals, save and store power...

Once it erupts at a critical moment, the power is absolutely sour.

To know.

Even Bai Xiaofei was amazed and praised for a long time when he learned of Aya's invention.

Scarface, the old hag, was not beaten to death on the spot, it can only be said that her luck was extremely good.

don't you see...

Next to him, Morpheus, who was exercising kung fu to heal his injuries and force out the power of the law of death, when he saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out.

Obviously also shocked by Aya's methods.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't help asking.

It's a pity that Aiya didn't have time to talk to him at all, because the storage capacity of the power of positive matter was very limited, and it was thanks to Bai Xiaofei's help.

That is.

Once the double-star mode is turned on, it must be resolved quickly.

Otherwise, when the accumulated power of positive matter is exhausted and the enemy has not been killed, then something bad will happen.

As for the power of antimatter, there is no need to worry.

After all, the anti-surveillance mecha itself has the ability to extract anti-matter power from the anti-matter universe, and with the existence of the anti-monitor Mobius power bank, it can be said that there are as many as there are.

But isn't this a single antimatter force that cannot defeat the enemy?


After the double star mode is turned on.

Aiya immediately turned into a bloodthirsty berserker, driving the mecha, and outputting crazy output to the scarred face that was still in shock.

Annihilation high-frequency vibration knife.

Annihilation slaughter laser!

Annihilation Explosive Bomb!

Annihilation cloud!


All kinds of development methods and tricks of the power of annihilation were really used by Aya to the extreme, and the scars on her face were quite painful.

The arrogance and domineering just now, I don't know where I was beaten, there is only panic and fear, as well as timidity and anger.


"Damn little bitch! Where did she get such terrifying power, could it be that Bai Xiaofei gave it to her?"

"It seems that you really can't underestimate that guy!"


Scarface was terrified of being beaten.

Seeing that the large number of undead warriors she summoned couldn't survive even one round, and Aya's various annihilation methods gave them no scum left in seconds, she immediately felt like retreating.

It's not that she is really cowardly, but that she feels that the purpose of this trip has almost been completed, and there is no need to continue to stay.

These subordinates of Bai Xiaofei are more evil than each other.

Digging out some of the opponent's hole cards can be regarded as a windfall. If the hearts of the people are not enough, they may capsize in the gutter.

It took a lot of effort to search for all the treasures of Tianqixing, but you can't just accept it when you see it, and withdraw it when you need it.


Scarface thought it was beautiful, but the reality was extremely cruel.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was watching the show, and immediately saw Scarface's retreat, how could she succeed?

Taking advantage of Aya's continuous attack, Scarface was distracted, and immediately made a decisive move, and a small dream field directly hit Scarface's head.



After all, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was seriously injured, and was also infected by the power of the law of death, so even if the energy exploded, the dream realm would have no power at all.

Almost as soon as it hit Scarface, he was blown away by the explosive force of death, and Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, was backlashed again because of this, making his injuries worse.


Scarface also had a momentary pause because of this, and Aya seized the opportunity and directly blasted over with an annihilation meal.


When Scarface came to his senses, it was too late to dodge the defense. He shouted a word from Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and his whole body was overwhelmed by a series of annihilation forces.

at the same time.

An illusory figure of death also erupted from Scarface's body at the very moment, protecting Scarface in his body like Susano.


Annihilation Special explosions erupt one after another.

This figure of the god of death, who hadn't been staring at it very much, was blown up and down in an instant, and it became extremely damaged.

When the annihilation effect disappeared, the poor thing was still a candle in the wind, and there was only one poor wreckage fragment still protecting Scarface.

And the scarred face at this time was not completely harmless.

She was already disfigured, as if a piece of plump cake was stolen and eaten very quickly, her body was full of holes that had been swallowed up by annihilation.

Hands and feet, body, even head...

Without exception, they were all wounds, and the blood gushed out like a fountain, which was horrible.

If it weren't for the black lamp ring constantly releasing the power of death to help him recover from his injuries and stabilize his injuries, he might have been thrown into the street long ago.

But even so, the scar face's situation didn't get any better.

after all……

Her strength is not her own.

Most of it comes from the original power of the Black Death Emperor, and those original powers have been consumed just now to protect her.

This also caused Scarface's current strength to directly drop to a very terrifying level.

Not to mention the normal anti-surveillance mecha, even the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, who was wounded and wounded, was enough to easily defeat it.

The most important thing is.

At this moment, Aya had come to Scarface, and the anti-surveillance mech released a circle of annihilation cages, completely trapping her in it.

"Scarface, hand over the baby if you are sensible, and I can let you go!"

Aya laughed.


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