The Storm God

Chapter 3847 Transformation ring! (Please subscribe!)


Scarface was dumbfounded.

Obviously, he still doesn't understand how he ended up in this field.

It shouldn't be! In the beginning, it was obvious that I had the upper hand, so why did I become a prisoner in the end?

This unscientific.


She turned her head to look at Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

His eyes were full of anger and hatred, and he thought that if it wasn't for this boy, even if he lost, he would definitely be able to escape...

It's all his fault!


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't care about Scarface's glare.

After the outbreak just now, his injuries are even more serious now, and he must use all his strength to keep himself from being infected by the power of death.

But it's all worth it.

Scarface was arrested, and Tianqixing's treasure was taken away, and it was considered to be saved.

In this way, I can be considered to have a firm foothold on Darkseid's side, and it is not in vain to pay.

God is pitiful.

The current Oneiroi Lord Murphys has no choice.

How can you get enough resources to restore your strength if you don't perform well under the fence?

Don't force him to be helpless.


The heart of the Black Lantern Legion is well known to passers-by.

Whether it's for himself or for the sake of the overall situation, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has no choice but to go to the dark one way.


His efforts were not in vain.

Aya lived up to expectations, successfully defeated Scarface and captured him on the spot.

This made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, very comfortable.

"The rest is up to you!"

Murphys said weakly.


Regardless of Aya's reaction, she left the battlefield directly, hid in a corner, and went to heal her wounds secretly.

To this.

Aya didn't say anything.

After all, if it wasn't for his help just now, I wouldn't have been able to capture Scarface so smoothly.

It is understandable for people to retire now that they have achieved success.

As for the outcome of his injury?

Feel sorry!

Aya didn't care.

Who made the relationship between the two parties not so good in the first place.

If it weren't for the armistice agreement reached with Apocalypse, the two sides are still hostile.

at the moment.

Aiya wanted to know how many treasures Scarface had snatched from Apocalypse's mechanical fortress.

after all……

Their remuneration is directly linked to this.

The two sides are completely proportional.

That is.

The more treasures Scarface snatched away, the more rewards Aya and the others will get in the end, one-sixth of the total amount.

And you can choose at will.


The premise is that the selected baby should not be too excessive. For example, if there is a mother box system of Apocalypse, Darkseid will not let Aya and others go anyway.

After all, that thing is directly related to the foundation of Apocalypse.

No matter how generous Darkseid is, it is impossible to give away such a vital treasure, especially the mother box of the earliest version.

Other than that, it's another matter.

Because Darkseid was also snatched from others, except for some useful ones, most of them are just collectibles.

Using some useless collectibles in exchange for more value is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

The premise is that all the treasures can really be snatched back from Scarface.


Scarface is imprisoned.

Surrounded by the power of annihilation, you can't even touch it, otherwise you will be finished immediately.

Aya squinted her eyes, staring at the black light ring in Scarface's hand, and said with a smile: "Don't talk? It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with you anyway, the important thing is this ring!"

Scarface was shocked.

Aya's meaning is obvious, if you don't cooperate, an old hag, then I will directly attack the black lamp ring.

The Black Lantern Ring is of great importance. It can't help but seal all the treasures obtained from the mechanical fortress of Apocalypse, and it even hides some important materials looted by the Black Lantern Legion from other civilized worlds.

at the same time.

This black light ring is also different from other ordinary black light rings, it is an important link between Scarface and the Black Death Emperor.

Once it is removed, Scarface will not only lose all its power, but will also sever its connection with the Black Death Emperor.


Then she's really useless.

like a waste.

after all……

The Black Death Emperor is no longer what it used to be, with great power, and has many black robes as incarnations to walk around the world.

It doesn't matter if you lose a scar on your face.

To know.

In the Black Lantern Corps.

But many people are coveting the position of Scarface's guardian of the black lamp. Among other things, Apa, who was born as a guardian at the same time, is a strong competitor that cannot be ignored.

With that in mind.

Scarface immediately made a decision in his mind.

Seeing that Aya was about to stretch out his hands to be rough on him, and forcibly took off the black lamp ring, Scarface immediately raised his hands in cooperation.

She continued to surrender, and said with a smile: "Don't do anything! I surrender! I listen to you, and I will give you something..."


Looking at the scarless face, Aiya suddenly smiled brighter, and said in her heart: "It seems that Scarface is very concerned about this black light ring. Could it be that there is something more in it besides the stolen treasure?" Important existence?"

Think here.

She immediately chuckled, and ruthlessly interrupted Scarface who was pouring out the baby, and said, "Unfortunately, you promised too late..."


Scarface was shocked.

She was full of astonishment, and was about to say something.

But seeing Aya stretch out her finger, two annihilation lassoes jumped out from between her fingers in an instant, tying Scarface into rice dumplings.

Only the right hand wearing the black light ring was exposed.


Scarface was angry and angry.

She yelled at Aya for not quoting, trying to struggle and resist.

But it's a pity that she is now completely bound by the annihilation lasso, and she will be hurt by the annihilation force if she moves, and she is extremely miserable.

Aiya didn't care how Scarface reacted, she grabbed the black light ring in Scarface's hand directly with a big hand.


During this period.

The black lamp ring is not without resistance.

However, it is a pity that with the power of a mere ring, how can it possibly fight against Aya who is driving the anti-surveillance mech?

It was picked off by Aya almost instantly.

next moment.

The terrifying antimatter energy, like a tide, began to invade the defense of the black lamp ring, breaking its blockade.

If it was just Aya herself, then it would be difficult to do it, but who made Bai Xiaofei behind Aya.

Coupled with the huge computing power provided by the Hongmeng Dark System supported by Baikas, the cracking work can be described as quite easy and simple.

In the blink of an eye, Scarface's black light ring was successfully deciphered on the spot, and the power of death and darkness inside was expelled.


visible to the naked eye.

Under Aya's operation, this ring turned into a green light ring directly, and the power contained in it also completely became the power of will.

It is worth mentioning that this power of will is not the power of ordinary green lights, but comes from Bai Xiaofei's will power.

Only a boss like Bai Xiaofei can completely suppress and replace the law of death and the power of darkness imposed by the Black Death Emperor on the Black Lantern Ring, and transform it into other rings without damage.

If it were someone else, it would be a different matter.

Not only can it not be unlocked, but it may even be infected and assimilated by the power of the Black Lantern Ring, becoming the puppet of the Black Death Emperor!

Closer to home.

After successfully converting the black lamp ring, Aya immediately checked the contents inside, and all she saw was a lot of treasures.

And the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the latest version of the mother box system. The terrifying power contained in it immediately made Aya's eyes widen.

But immediately after, she sighed helplessly.


"It's impossible for this Darkseid to make us go. We can only be greedy and depressed. Let's see if there are other good things..."

"Hey, what is this crystal thing?"

"It looks like Kryptonian technology..."


Aya soon discovered another treasure.


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