The Storm God

Chapter 3848 Scarface tragic death! (Please subscribe!)

"The Annihilator system?"

Aya quickly understood the function of this strange baby, after all, Bai Xiaofei also had a lot of Kryptonian technology in his collection.

Therefore, it is not difficult to decipher and research by analogy, and with the help of the Hongmeng Dark System, it is easy to search for thieves.


Aya couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

Excitedly said: "You can actually transfer the consciousness of a Kryptonian into another creature. This thing seems very good!"

Her first thought was to use the Annihilator system to mass-produce a superhuman Kryptonian army.

after all.

The Annihilator system transfers not only the consciousness, but also the superpowers of the Kryptonians, which is against the sky!

To know.

Bai Xiaofei is not without technology to transfer consciousness.

But Bai Xiaofei does not have the technology that can transfer the superpowers of Kryptonians to others while transferring consciousness.

What he can do is to separate two steps, first transfer consciousness, and then carry out ability training, or copying, and strengthening.

Although the effects are similar, it is obvious that the Annihilator system is more time-saving and labor-saving, and it is almost in place in one step, which is very nice!


The Annihilator system is not for everyone.

There are also certain requirements for those who transfer consciousness and superpowers, but this is not a difficult task for Bai Xiaofei.

As long as there is cloning technology, any number of adapters can be created.

And, that's just the basics.

If the Annihilator system can be upgraded, for example, the consciousness and ability can be transferred to the Sentinel Hunter...


That would be a big deal.

Almost instantly, Aya understood why Scarface put the Annihilator system next to the latest master box of Apocalypse.

Obviously this thing is of great use to them.


Transfer the consciousness of the Black Death Emperor to a suitable body through the Annihilator system, so that the Black Death Emperor can cross the wall and come directly to this universe.

"It's really a good calculation!"

"It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes. It's unlucky for you to meet us, and it's cheap for us..."

"This thing belongs to us from now on!"


Aya had a big smile on her face.

The displeasure just now was immediately diluted by the powerful potential of the Annihilator system, and then he looked at other treasures with glee.

But alas.

Except for the mother box system and the Annihilator system, the rest of the babies don't have much effect on Aya.

At most, it is to provide some high-end combat power, provide some weapons and equipment, or technology in terms of technology...

And these, Aya does not lack.


Something is better than nothing.

Anyway, they are all prostitutes for nothing, so try to pick as many potential ones as possible, and it's worth the trip.


Aya divided the contents inside.

About one-sixth of the top treasures in it were allocated by Aya to his own pocket, and the remaining ones were to be returned to the other party in full according to the agreement with Darkseid.

To this.

Aya didn't feel bad either.

Because most of the ones left for Darkseid are collectibles, and she has almost wiped out all the ones that are really useful.


In addition to the treasures of the Apocalypse Mechanical Fortress in the ring, there are also many resources that the Black Lantern Legion plundered from other civilized worlds.

Because of the particularity of the Black Lantern members, these resources are almost all technological types, which can greatly enhance production and development.

Aya reckoned that these things must be related treasures that Scarface searched early in order to create more black lamp energy.

Although it doesn't help me a lot, I can't waste it in vain.

after all……

These are Aya's trophies.

It has nothing to do with Darkseid and Apocalypse, everything belongs to Aya herself.

Even if it is useless to take it, it must not be cheap for the Black Lantern Corps, and it may be used to build other Lanterns' equipment.

In short.

Aya is quick.

The harvest this time can be said to be quite rich.

And what they paid was just some simple labor, and the casualties were far lower than expected.

On the contrary, Apocalypse suffered heavy losses.

Not only was he attacked by the Black Lantern Legion, causing huge casualties, but he also paid one-sixth of the treasures of Aya and others as a reward...

Really hard work.


Aya doesn't care about Darkseid and Apocalypse.

After all, the two sides were enemies before, and even if the war has ceased now, it does not mean that they are friends.

Seeing that these guys who may become enemies in the future are unlucky, Aya is too happy to be happy.


As the opponent's reinforcement right now, Aya also knows that she can't be too obvious, otherwise it will be too unkind.

But how to deal with this scarred face made Aiya very tangled.

Just kill it...


There is no benefit at all, on the contrary, it will cause a violent reaction from the Black Lantern Legion, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But if you just let it go like this, or don't care about it, it's not appropriate.

Unless the other party comes up with certain benefits.

But is it possible?

To this.

Aya was skeptical.

After all, after several battles, Scarface's performance is really too stretched. If Aya were the Black Death Emperor, I'm afraid she would have been very disappointed with her.

Now that Scarface is captured, all the benefits are cheaper for Aya.

Will the Black Death Emperor save her?


Anyway, Aya is hopeless.

Think here.

Aya couldn't help but look to the other side. The extremely powerful black-robed boss was fighting fiercely with Darkseid, Xiao Wang, and Sinestro, and once had the upper hand, almost overwhelming the three of them.

"So strong!"

"It is indeed the strongest body of the Black Death Emperor. After fusing the original power of the five black robes, it is so terrifying..."

"If the Black Death Emperor came in person, I don't know what kind of pervert it would be?"



Immediately, Aya rolled her eyes, and she came to the vicinity of the battlefield with the scarred face that was bound tightly and couldn't move.


"Scarface has been caught by me, if you don't want to watch her get killed by me, you'd better stop!"


Aya threatened.

And the big man in black robe really stopped when he heard the words.

A pair of terrifying eyes full of death and darkness stared directly at Aya and the scarred face bound by the power of annihilation.


"Fusing the power of two black robes, you can't even deal with an artificial intelligence. Scarface, you really let me down!"


The black-robed boss snorted coldly.

The next moment, he waved the terrifying death scythe directly, and slashed towards Aya without hesitation.


To be precise.

It was the scarred face that was caught in Aya's hand.

Good guy!

The target of the black-robed boss is actually a scarred face. He is so ruthless and decisive. He clearly wants to kill the donkey and cross the river to tear down the bridge!

Aiya didn't expect the other party to be so disrespectful, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback. When he realized it, the death scythe of the black robe had already cut in front of him.

Just heard a "poof".

The annihilation lasso set by Aya was completely cut off by the black-robed boss.

Even the scarred face that was tied up was cut into two by the death scythe, and died immediately on the spot.

When he was about to die, he stared at a pair of big eyes in disbelief, dying with regret.

follow closely.

The billowing power of death and darkness spewed out from the severed wound on Scarface, turning into black mud and completely covering it.

The next moment, when the black mud subsided completely, the scarred face that had been cut in half returned to normal again.


Now she is no longer alive.

Instead, he was completely reduced to an undead puppet controlled by the Black Death Emperor, one of the actual members of the Black Lantern.


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