The Storm God

Chapter 3849 Fulfill the promise! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that her scarred face became like this, Aya was suddenly a little depressed and speechless, and said to herself: "Ma Dan, do I fulfill her by doing this?"

The scarred face before was still a person.

have weaknesses.

can kill.

but now……

After becoming a member of the Black Lantern completely, it might not be so easy to kill him.

Because of the scar face at this moment, he has completely become the slave of the Black Death Emperor.

A veritable Guardian of the Black Lantern.


The scar face that has just been successfully transformed, in terms of strength, is definitely not as good as before, even with the special care of the Black Death Emperor.

After all, the Black Death Emperor was blocked from the wall, unable to fully display his abilities, and now he can only act with the help of his avatar.

Even if Scarface became a member of the Black Lantern, he is now just an ordinary member. If he wants to regain everything he had before, he still needs special care from the Black Death Emperor.

But the current situation is so complicated, the black-robed boss will naturally not allocate his strength to Scarface, it would be tantamount to digging his own grave.


Everyone also had a tacit understanding and stopped the attack.

Dakseid, Xiao Wang, Sinestro, Aya, the four top fighters formed a semi-encirclement and confronted the black-robed boss.

Although there is only one black-robed boss, he is fearless.


"Dakseid, you are lucky this time, but next time, it may not be so. And you..."

"Originally, this matter has nothing to do with you. Since you insist on meddling in it, from now on, just wait for the revenge of our Black Lantern Legion!"

"You will regret it!"


full of threats.

It's a pity that Aya and the others didn't take this threat seriously at all. Sinestro even curled his lips in disdain, and mocked: "Stop talking nonsense, keep fighting if you have the ability..."


The black-robed boss fell silent for a moment.

He is not stupid.

In this situation, how can you not know that you are in a weak position?

Although his personal force is extremely strong, one vs three is no problem at all, but dealing with four at the same time...

Even five, it would be a bit choking.

not to mention……

The most difficult Bai Xiaofei didn't show up from the beginning to the end, which also made the black-robed boss very concerned.

In case the other party launched a sneak attack on him at a critical moment...

I'm really scared when I think about it.

With that in mind.

He immediately stopped hesitating.

With a cold snort, he swung the death scythe directly, cutting out a black hole of death, grabbing the scarred face that had just been transformed, and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Dakseid frowned slightly, but he didn't intend to stop him at all.

Because he knew that he couldn't stop it at all.

And it's not necessary.

after all……

The treasures of the mechanical fortress have all been snatched back.

Facing such an invincible powerhouse, it is best not to provoke them lightly until they have come up with a countermeasure.

The only thing he can do now is to stop the loss in time.

This is the territory of Apocalypse, and even Darkseid has no intention of blocking it, so Aya and others will not do anything unnecessary.


The big man in black robe left smoothly with a scarred face.

However, before leaving, the black-robed boss left a harsh word for everyone in accordance with the usual practice.

"When I come, none of you can escape!"

"Jie jie jie..."

That wanton smirk almost resounded throughout the battlefield.

And with the departure of the black-robed boss, the rest of the Black Lantern members also began to evacuate.

Those with stronger strength can escape directly through the wormhole.

The more common ones can only be forced to fly, but if the speed is a little slower, they will be ruthlessly killed by the pursuers behind.

so far.

The battle of the mechanical fortress finally came to an end.

And this moment.

The once majestic and majestic mechanical fortress has been completely reduced to ruins. There are only a few pitiful bases, and some core skeleton buildings are still stubbornly preserved.

The guards stationed here on the Apocalypse star suffered even more casualties, and the soldiers brought by Dakseid were also not much better. They were killed, wounded, and the loss was heavy.

On the other hand, with Aya and other reinforcements, the situation is much better.

Except for some damage to some sentinel hunters, the Lantern warriors had almost no losses, but killed many members of the Black Lantern, and the battle was fruitful.

Especially Aya.

Not only captured Scarface, snatched back the treasure, and even found some super items that are very effective...

It can be said to be quite rewarding.

To this.

Darkseid was also speechless.

Letting his former enemy see him in such a state of embarrassment naturally made him feel uncomfortable.

But no matter what, the victory over the Black Lantern Legion this time was thanks to these subordinates under Bai Xiaofei's command, and he must be thanked.

After briefly instructing his subordinates to deal with the follow-up matters of the Mechanical Fortress, Darkseid came to Aya and Sinestro.

"This time, thanks to your help, let's talk about the reward now."

Darkseid didn't have any nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Even so, what he actually meant was, shouldn't you return the treasure you snatched from Scarface to its original owner?


Aya pouted.

The boss nodded reluctantly, then took control of the ring he snatched from Scarface, and released all the precious items that belonged to Apocalypse in front of Darkseid.

next moment.

In front of everyone, a lot of various items were listed.

The mother box system is also impressively listed.


The resources that the Black Lantern Corps robbed from other civilized worlds did not belong to Darkseid, so Aya did not take out those things.

Dakseid also knew this well, and didn't say much.


Seeing that Aya was so straightforward and directly returned all the coefficients of the things that belonged to Apocalypse, Darkseid was still full of surprises and surprises.

He thought Aya would skip some.

It turned out not to be.


Aya seemed to understand Dakseid's mind, and immediately snorted coldly with disdain, and said: "We always convince people with virtue when we do things. Since we have words first, we will naturally not do those messy things!"

The implication is that Dakseid measures the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

It's a little diss to the other party.

To this.

Darkseid didn't care.

After a casual glance, I saw that the treasures released by Aya were almost all collected in the mechanical fortress, and there was nothing missing.

In addition to the lack of a special body.

He nodded slightly.


He casually asked Aiya something about the body.

Aya frowned and said, "I don't know what body you are talking about. There are all these things in the ring."

"Maybe before I get it, that body has already been sent away by Scarface..."


A look that you can believe it or not.


Although Dakseid was a little confused about the matter of the body, he didn't really care about it. After all, it had already happened, and it was too late to say anything now.

The plan for now is to start to solve the remaining troubles.


Give one-sixth of these treasures to the other party.

To be honest, Dakseid is very reluctant, but he is not a person who promises to promise, since he promised at the beginning, he will definitely fulfill his promise now.


With a big wave of his hand, he said with great arrogance: "According to the previous agreement, one-sixth of this is your reward..."

"Whatever you like, you choose yourself!"


Having said that.

But some of the more special and sensitive treasures, such as the mother box system, were directly drawn to him by Darkseid.

Meaning, except for these things.


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