The Storm God

Chapter 3850 Way of death! (Please subscribe!)

the other side.

Somewhere in the small world universe.

Bai Xiaofei, who comprehended the original power of the Black Death Emperor, finally managed to penetrate some of the mysteries through unremitting efforts to study and decipher it.

"I see……"

"Is it the product of a certain will source in the chaos? It is somewhat similar to the demon god in the prehistoric period..."

"The only difference is that the Black Death Emperor masters the laws of death and darkness, while the other lantern beasts possess different powers of the emotional spectrum..."

"Speaking of which, if I didn't have the previous research on the power of the emotional spectrum, I am afraid that I would not be able to penetrate this trace of the original power of the Black Death Emperor so easily."

"It can only be said that all this is fate!"


Bai Xiaofei was filled with emotion.

The Black Death Emperor originated from the chaotic universe and is the embodiment of death and darkness. His only purpose is to return the existing universe to death and darkness.

Desires can be said to be quite pure.

It is somewhat similar to the purple sweet potato essence of a family planning committee. It has nothing to do with personal interests, but directly starts from the perspective of the entire universe...


Whether you agree or not is another matter.

Anyway, from the perspective of Bai Xiaofei's own interests, he will definitely not let this kind of thing happen.

Otherwise, he's still an ass.

Closer to home.

Through the study of the original power of the Black Death Emperor, Bai Xiaofei can be said to have a glimpse of the leopard, faintly aware of the terrifying strength of the Black Death Emperor.

simply put.

With Bai Xiaofei's current level, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Just a sliver of original power from others can easily create a master who is close to the realm of a god emperor. What kind of concept is this?


Anyway, Bai Xiaofei doesn't have this ability.

If the Black Death Emperor is willing to spend a lot of money, it is entirely possible for Fan to use a little more original power to create a super strong person who is comparable to Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid, or even worse.

But from this point, it can be proved that the level of strength of the Black Death Emperor must be at least two levels higher than that of Bai Xiaofei.

That is to say, the Black Death Emperor is at least a leader in the realm of the Venerable Realm.

As for what level of Venerable?

Feel sorry……

The realm is too different.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't guess too much.

The only thing he can be sure of is that the Black Lantern Legion is far more terrifying and difficult to deal with than he imagined.

To know.

So far, the Black Death Emperor has not come and appeared in a real sense. Everything is done by his younger brother.

Just like this, there is a chance to stir up the whole universe into a pot of porridge. Once the deity of the Black Death Emperor descends, what will happen?

"It seems that we must strengthen our strength as soon as possible, at least before the arrival of the Black Death Emperor, we must also achieve the level of a saint..."

"Otherwise, in front of the opponent, there is no chance of winning at all!"

"But how can we break through?"


Bai Xiaofei felt a little worried.

His current way is to cut the three corpses, and finally combine the way of returning the three elements to one, and prepare to achieve his own way.


The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

So far, Bai Xiaofei has only succeeded in beheading a good corpse, and only half of the evil corpse...

The three corpses are not yet completed, let alone the three-element unity.

It hurts to think about it.

But the enemies are stronger than each other.

First it was Morpheus, God of Dreams, then Dakseid, and now a fiercer and more perverted Black Death Emperor...


Can't call people alive!


Bai Xiaofei still has a lot of hole cards, even if the enemy is difficult to deal with, it is not completely impossible to win.

For example, his main body has been dormant and evolving all the time, and the exact strength of his avatar is unknown.

And the good corpse is also in the DC universe next door, comprehending the mysteries of the evolution of the infinite multiverse, making progress all the time.

Coupled with many other treasures, I dare not say what can be done to the enemy, at least the power of self-protection is still there.

But Bai Xiaofei was not satisfied with this.

after all……

It wasn't in his character to be beaten.

Bai Xiaofei prefers to take the initiative and feel in control of the overall situation.

With that in mind.

He suddenly had an idea.

Secretly said: "This trace of the original power of the Black Death Emperor involves the power of death and darkness, but it has some similarities with the power of divine books such as the Black Book of the Dead in the mummy world..."

"I don't know if these kinds of power can be fused together? If it is possible, will the brand new power be better than the Black Death Emperor?"

"Even if it's not as good, I'm afraid the difference is not too much. If I combine the other pure lands of the underworld I created, can I really create a real world of the dead?"

"This seems to be very interesting!"


The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more excited he became.

Soon, he couldn't help but entered the research again. As for the development of the outside world, he didn't know at all, and he didn't care at all.

At this moment, there is only one thing in Bai Xiaofei's mind, research, research, and research!

No matter what, you must perfectly integrate these types of death powers to form your own way of death.


at the same time.

outside world.

Apocalypse, mechanical fortress.

Aya and the others are still trading with Darkseid, to be precise, they are asking for their own reward.

It is understandable that the two parties have a word first, and get their own rewards according to their work, but there is some disagreement on one item.

"This thing doesn't work, you change it!"

Darkseid frowned.


Aya's attitude was even more resolute, without giving in: "Daxseid, I have retreated several times before, this time I can't say anything, this Annihilator system, I will decide!"


The item that caused the two parties to disagree was Krypton's Annihilator system.

Dakseid is not stupid, although this thing is just a decoration for him, and it is of no great use.

But for Aya, it is a very heaven-defying artifact.


Transfer the consciousness and abilities of some people into the body of the sentinel hunter, thus creating an even more terrifying mechanical army.

This point is not difficult for anyone with a little brain to guess, and Darkseid is no exception.


When seeing Aya choose this item, Darkseid immediately acted to prevent it, and wanted Aya to replace it with other items.

But how could Aya agree.

That's all for the mother box system, this Annihilator system must be obtained no matter what, even if it is a hard grab!

As if sensing Aya's thoughts, Sinestro and Xiao Wang next to him immediately put on a malicious gesture.

There is a kind of meaning that if Dakseid refuses to agree, they will fight and grab it directly.

Darkseid was also furious secretly.

these guys...

It's unreasonable to dare to challenge me...

Can't find death!


Anger turned to anger, but Dakseid did not lose his mind because of this, because he knew that if he really fought, he might not be able to get any advantage, and he might even be the one who suffered the loss.

After all, the opponent has a large number of people, but my own side is defeated, and the loss of combat power is extremely serious...

A hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

Dakseid's thoughts changed, and he quickly suppressed the anger forcibly, staring at a pair of eyes that were almost bursting out with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then use other things to top it!"


He waved his hand.

More than a dozen items that were stolen by Aya were directly gathered by Darkseid to his side.

The meaning is obvious.

Don't you insist on this Annihilator system?


Then use these things instead!



You have no choice.

Otherwise, it will be separated at once, and no one will feel better!


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