The Storm God

Chapter 3851 New body! (Please subscribe!)


Darkseid thought Aya would refuse.

Unexpectedly, the other party directly agreed, simply making Darkseid a little unbelievable, and he realized that he had been fooled.


The other party had already figured it out, and was just waiting for him to drill in...

So far.

Dakseid suddenly became even more depressed.

But also helpless.

after all……

The condition is that he opened it.

Whether it's the previous one or the subsequent one, it's all promised by him personally, if he regrets it again and again...

Then where does he put his face of the dark lord?

Due to the situation, no matter how unwilling he was, at this moment, Dakseid could only smash his teeth and swallow it.

No matter how hard and tired you are, you have to bear your own blame.


Aya showed a smile of success.

It provoked Sinestro and Xiao Wang next to her to keep giving her thumbs up, praising the eldest sister for her wit and strategizing.


Dakseid was plotted repeatedly, and his heart was extremely depressed.

After angrily throwing the Annihilator system to Aya, he directly issued an order to evict the guests: "The business here is over, and all your rewards have been given, now hurry up and leave!"

Obviously, he didn't want to see the faces of these cunning people again, lest he couldn't help but want to beat people up.


Aya didn't care about that.

Even if Dakseid didn't say anything, they didn't intend to stay any longer. After all, they just got a bunch of treasures, and they just wanted to study and make good use of them.


There was no courtesy either.

Aiya communicated with the Hongmeng dark system, opened the door of space, and brought the army back home with a full harvest.

As for Apocalypse's Darkseid and the others, they could only sigh bitterly at the ruined mechanical fortress, feeling extremely depressed.


OA star.

The death black hole suddenly appeared.

The big man in black robe walked out with a scarred face of the black light version, and on the opposite side of the black hole, there was another familiar person——

Former OA Star Guardian Appa.


Appa is the second-in-command of the Black Lantern Corps except for Scarface.

Of course, this is only in name. In fact, Apa does not have much military power. He is usually responsible for the construction of some Death Stars. Most of the younger brothers under his command are engineers and the like.

Only in critical moments will the superiors give some elite fighters with amazing combat power, such as the Battle of the Death Star.


Appa failed to grasp the opportunity and returned in a big defeat.

So much so that his reputation and reputation in the Black Lantern Corps declined instead of rising, and he was almost marginalized.

If it wasn't for his usefulness, he might have been kicked out a long time ago.

And now...

The black-robed boss appeared beside Apa.

This made him feel very strange, especially when Apa saw that the scarred face had completely transformed into a state of undead, he even couldn't help but feel a kind of fear in his heart.

what's the situation?

Is the Black Lantern Corps going to kill donkeys and cross rivers to tear down bridges?

Even the scar-faced majestic Guardian of the Black Lantern has become such a character, how will he be treated as a traitor?

this moment.

Appa suddenly regretted it.

Why did you lose your head at the beginning and take refuge in these demons and goblins?

It was too late to say anything now, and he could only take one step at a time. He only hoped that when he died, he would be happy.


Just when Apa was thinking wildly.

But the black-robed boss suddenly said: "From now on, she will be under your control. The position of guardian of the Black Lantern Legion will be in your charge for the time being."


Happiness comes too suddenly.

So much so that Apa wondered if he heard it wrong.

what's the situation?

Not to cross the river and tear down the bridge, but to improve yourself?

This is not scientific.

Could it be...

Is it because Scarface did something wrong?

never mind!

Those are not important now, the key is that I have finally come to the end of my hardships, you must know that the guardian of the black lamp is extraordinary.

Thinking of Scarface's arrogance at the beginning, Apa couldn't be more excited.

Because from now on, he will also have that status and power, and it is not in vain for all he has paid.


Appa responded immediately.

The black-robed boss ignored Appa's excitement and agitation, his face was as usual, and he ordered in a cold tone: "Although Scarface is dead, it still has a great effect on the Black Lantern Corps. I want you to use the fastest speed, to increase her ability..."

"at the same time……"

"The collection of emotional power and other work should also be paid close attention. As long as you do it well, you will definitely be rewarded. Otherwise, your seat will be the top."

"Go down and do something!"


The big man in black waved his hand, and Appa bowed, and then retreated out with a scarred face very interestingly.

In the entire room, only the black-robed boss was left.


He shook his hand.

A burly and domineering, but extraordinary, special body was thrown out of the ring by the black-robed boss.

It is the body of the ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer that was snatched from the core area of ​​the Apocalypse mechanical fortress.

at the same time.

The body of the black-robed boss began to drift away with the wind, like dust that had been corroded by time for a long time.

"Have you reached the limit?"

"It seems that a little bit of strength is already a little bit reluctant. I hope that the ultimate body in front of me can withstand more of my original strength..."

"Otherwise, we can only start building another body..."


Whispering to himself.

The billowing power of the dark source of death, mixed with a trace of self-awareness, directly submerged from the body of the black-robed boss into the body of the ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer.

next moment.

This ultimate modified body finally opened its eyes.


Su Ti's eyes looked like a normal person, but with the fusion of the consciousness of the black-robed boss and the original power, his eyes turned into a terrifying and gloomy look like will-o'-the-wisps.

Not only that.

The terrifying power of death and darkness, like a volcanic eruption, began to spew out of his body uncontrollably.


Just for a moment.

He then controlled his own strength, and then couldn't help showing a look of surprise: "It's completely endured, and it seems that it is far from reaching the limit of the body. It seems that the endurance of this body is far stronger than my own." Stronger than imagined..."

"Since that's the case, let's try it out and see how much power it can withstand the deity!"


With a brand new body, the incarnation of the Black Death Emperor came to the central total energy area of ​​OA star.

The central battery that used to be the total energy source of the green light has now completely become the total energy center of the black light.

The billowing power of death and darkness filled it, like a peerless beast trying to devour everything, full of ferociousness and terrifying aggressiveness.

Ordinary people are afraid that they will be affected by it before they get close, and they will directly turn into puppets of the dead and be completely controlled by it.

Only a few people can approach without being affected.

As one of the incarnations of the Black Death Emperor, there is no problem with this boss. On the contrary, the closer to the central total energy of the black lamp, the more exaggerated and powerful his strength increase and recovery will be.

it's not...

Just walked in a few steps.

Before the person arrived, part of the strength that the boss had lost before had already been restored to seven or eighty-eighth in an instant under the influence of the central energy.

When he walked in front of the black lamp energy center, he stretched out his right hand directly, aiming the black lamp ring in his hand inside.


In an instant, the terrifying power found an outlet in an instant. Like a sea rushing, it surged backwards and swarmed into the boss' body along the black lamp ring.

His new body began to swell visible to the naked eye.

Like blowing up a balloon, it grows in the wind.

follow closely……


It was completely exploded and turned into fragments all over the sky.


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