The Storm God

Chapter 3852 Evolution upgrade! (Please subscribe!)


In the small universe world.

Bai Xiaofei, who was studying the way of death assiduously, inexplicably felt a familiar force, which seemed to erupt somewhere.

But when I sensed it carefully, it suddenly disappeared.

This made him very puzzled.


Bai Xiaofei put this matter behind him, didn't pay much attention to it, but put all his energy and focus on the way of death.

After his disdainful efforts, now Bai Xiaofei has some clues, combined with the Black Sutra of the Undead, the Golden Sutra of the Sun, the Book of Runes, and part of the original power of the Black Death Emperor...

Bai Xiaofei's understanding of the way of death has reached a certain critical point, and it only takes one opportunity to break through.

But it's a pity that he was still unable to deposit it, just short of this.

It's like hitting a bottleneck.

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei could only find another way out.

Put all your energy on the development of the pure land of the underworld.

At the same time, the power of death is rolling, covering the underworld, exaggerating the world, rewriting the rules, and specifying orders...

Under Bai Xiaofei's construction, everything in the underworld is developing rapidly, gradually taking on the legendary appearance.


This just refers to the environment, not the characters.

In fact, under Bai Xiaofei's command, there are not many younger brothers who can meet the requirements and practice the way of death.

Only the Dragon Emperor and the Egyptian High Priest, Imerton, were more suitable, and the rest were more or less meaningless.

after all.

They are all resurrected and cursed people.

In the depths of the soul, the feeling and understanding of death is different from ordinary people, coupled with the proficiency in supernatural power, it is undoubtedly the most suitable way to practice death.

But that's still a little bit off after all.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei intends to perfectly reproduce a world of the underworld, and the number of manpower needed in it is unknown.

Guanglongdi and Imerton are obviously not enough.

You have to recruit troops.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but secretly said: "How about recruiting some suitable people from the Black Lantern Legion to serve as natives of the underworld?"

If it were the same as before, Bai Xiaofei would naturally not be sure that he could forcibly transform the members of the Black Lantern into his younger brothers.

But it's different now.

Bai Xiaofei, who has comprehended a sliver of the original power of the Black Death Emperor, can also manipulate and influence some dead people to a certain extent.

Coupled with the blessing of powers such as the Black Sutra of the Dead, the Golden Sutra of the Sun, and the Heavenly Runes, as well as Bai Xiaofei's own powerful background...

The power of his way of death cannot be underestimated.

Even if he is not as good as the Black Death Emperor, he is definitely better than the so-called Black Lantern Guardians like Scarface.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help thinking of members of the Black Lantern.

You know, the members of the Black Lantern Corps have spread to almost half of the universe, with trillions of members.

Among them, there are many people who were awesome and coaxed during their lifetime.

Anyway, they have already been awakened by the Black Lantern Corps, and they are all ready-made candidates, why not grab them and use them for yourself?

It's shameful to waste, you know no!

not to mention.

Hanging around with Bai Xiaofei is better than the Black Lantern Corps.

At the very least, Bai Xiaofei will not deprive them of their own will and consciousness. As long as these younger brothers do things obediently according to the regulations, Bai Xiaofei will even give them various rewards, making them embark on a special road of prosperity and gain eternal life.

What's wrong with that?


Bai Xiaofei also doesn't force others to make things difficult for him. If the dead he recruits don't want to survive, but return to ashes, he won't force them either.

After all, twisted melons are not sweet.

Obtaining someone's body may not necessarily win the other's heart. For the sake of the overall situation, Bai Xiaofei will not dig a hole for himself.

Learn about the golden saints in the Saint Seiya Pluto chapter.

And it doesn't matter what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

OA star.

Near the central total energy battery of the black light.

The black-robed boss who had just obtained a new body was immediately exploded by the terrifying force of death, and the fragments bounced all over the ground.


He didn't die from it.

After all, this body is a combination of demon-like, doomsday, and black lamp abilities. How could it die so easily.

I saw those blasted fragments, like tiny worms, quickly gathered towards a certain fragment in the middle.

Then, after a while, a brand new body re-condensed and became stronger than before.

This is thanks to Doomsday's ability to evolve.

As long as he does not die, the body will evolve the ability to restrain the last time that caused the body to collapse and defeat the sky-defying ability.

Just like this time.

The reason why the black-robed boss blew himself up was because his body was not strong enough to withstand too much death force, so he was forced to explode.

Now that it has been reassembled into shape, the black-robed boss clearly feels that the physique of this body seems to have become stronger.

The original power stored in the body probably accounts for about nine tenths of the body's tolerance.

Any more and there is a danger of bursting.

And now.

After recovering from the self-explosion, the black-robed boss was pleasantly surprised to find that the proportion had directly changed to about three-fifths.

That is.

Now he can bear more power of death.

This is the terrifying evolution ability of this ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer. Just once, the black-robed boss is regarded as a heavenly man!

"What a strong evolutionary ability!"

"This is only the result of one time. If there are more times, does it mean that this body is very likely to accept a larger share of the original power?"

"It's better to act than to be moved, keep trying!"


The big man in black robe was very excited.

Then, without hesitation, he came to the total energy battery in the center of the black lamp again, stretched out his hand, and used the ring to receive the continuous power of death again.

follow closely……

After a while.


His body exploded again.

But this time, the degree of the body's collapse was far higher than that of the last time, and even some of the fragments completely dissipated during the collapse.

But even so, he still didn't die.

Under the blessing of the dual abilities of Black Lantern and Doomsday, a new round of recovery and evolution soon began.


Compared with the recovery speed last time, this time it was obviously much slower.

I don't know if it's because of the lack of some body tissue fragments, or because the evolutionary restraint method is more time-consuming...

In short.

until much later.

The body of the black-robed boss is only about half condensed, looking like a child, while the surrounding is a black substance like mud, which is constantly wriggling and gathering towards it.

And with the continuous integration and increase of black matter, its body is getting taller and taller, and at the same time, earth-shaking changes are also taking place inside it.

The most obvious feeling of the black-robed boss is that the "warehouse" in his body that can withstand the power of death seems to have grown bigger again.

It is precisely because of the continuous expansion of the "warehouse" that the recovery of the body is slow, but from a general point of view, the result is still very gratifying.

According to the speculation of the black-robed boss, after this evolution, his body can at least double the ability to withstand the power of death compared to the previous one, allowing it to accommodate more original power.

Although the effect is not as good as the first time, the improvement is still huge.

Because the increase of these original powers can at least increase his strength by about several times.

The only pity is that this kind of promotion method, which is almost a cheating version, does not seem to be able to continue forever.

The effect of the first two times is very obvious, but the further you go, the more inconspicuous it may be, or even completely ineffective.

after all……

The main cause of the collapse of the body has not changed much. No matter how abnormal the evolution ability of this ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer is, it is impossible to evolve infinitely according to one reason.

It can only be compensated and strengthened to a certain extent.

If you want to continue to improve, you can only change to other "death" methods, otherwise it is almost useless.


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