The Storm God

Chapter 3853 A sense of crisis! (Please subscribe!)

I have an idea in my mind.

The black-robed boss stopped the death-like promotion method, turned to the outside, and summoned Apa, the guardian of the black lamp who had just taken office.

to this day.

It has been more than ten days since he just returned to OA star.

While time seemed to pass slowly in the central total energy battery, it passed very quickly outside.

When he called Apa over this time, the boss in black robe just wanted to ask him, how is the recovery of the scarred face going?

after all……

She will be needed for a lot of follow-up work.

Especially the plan in the mind of the black-robed boss cannot do without the help of Scarface.


Appa was slightly taken aback.

Obviously, I didn't expect that the black-robed boss would care so much about the scarred face. It was nothing more than before, but now she has become a puppet of the undead, why is she still like this?

It's not scientific.


Doubts in my heart are doubts.

Apa didn't dare to hesitate a little bit about the question from the black-robed boss, and quickly replied: "My lord, I have almost recovered. Although the strength may not be as good as before, there is absolutely no problem in terms of comprehensiveness..."


For this result, the black-robed boss is quite satisfied.

After all, what he needs now is only scar-faced technological capabilities, not combat power, so it doesn't matter whether he has recovered his strength or not.

As long as Scarface can participate in normal scientific research work.

The black-robed boss nodded.

Then he told Apa: "I need Scarface to do some things, you go and bring her here..."


Appa turned and left.


Then he returned to the black-robed boss with a scarred face.

The black-robed boss waved his hand, handed Apa a data list, and ordered: "Here are some items I need, you go and prepare them for me, the sooner the better!"


The hard-pressed Apa spied in his heart, and had no choice but to take his orders and leave.

As for Scarface, he was taken to a secret laboratory by the black-robed boss, where a group of undead scientists had already prepared everything.

After blocking all the signals in the room, the black-robed boss ordered: "Scarface, from now on, your task is to create a body of the same standard for me, and someone will help you prepare for the rest... "


Scarface replied blankly.

Now she has completely lost her previous posture, and she is as if she is a walking dead, without emotion.

The only consciousness in her mind is to obey the order, tell her to go east, never dare to go west, and have a proper tool.

Although the consciousness and so on are subject to certain restrictions, the wisdom in life, as well as the technological capabilities possessed, etc., will not be affected in any way.

Even after becoming a puppet of the undead and a member of the Black Lantern, she is still the chief scientific advisor of this OA planet with her scarred face.

In order to make the experiment go more smoothly, the black-robed boss even did not hesitate to use part of his body as material for Scarface and other scientists to study and analyze.

As long as Apa has prepared all the required materials, Scarface can lead the black lamp science team to start working.


And at the same time.

In the small universe world, Bai Xiaofei, who was studying with great concentration, once again felt the special throbbing he felt before.

"what happened?"

"One time can be said to be an illusion, but twice is a bit outrageous, and the pulsation this time is obviously stronger than the last time..."

"Could it be that the Black Lantern Legion has made some progress, otherwise why would the original power of the Black Death Emperor fluctuate so strongly?"


Bai Xiaofei couldn't figure it out.

All kinds of doubts lingered in his heart, so that he could no longer concentrate on research.

He simply gave up temporarily, and with a flash, Bai Xiaofei came to the core area of ​​the mechanical field.


Bai Xiaofei had just appeared, and as the leader here, Aya felt Bai Xiaofei's existence.


She quickly came to Bai Xiaofei's side, and asked curiously: "Why are you willing to come out? Could it be that you have made some progress in your practice?"

"Roughly the same."

Bai Xiaofei laughed, and then got straight to the point, asking about Aya about the Black Lantern Corps.


Aya didn't hide anything, and immediately told Bai Xiaofei everything that happened at the mechanical fortress.


"The black robe is actually the incarnation of the Black Death Emperor. The only difference is that the original powers inherited from each other are different?"

"It's no wonder..."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized.

But immediately after, there was a new doubt.

He said to Aya: "Recently, when I was comprehending the way of death, I felt two explosions of the power of death. At first I thought it was an illusion, but I encountered it again in a few days..."

"Has there been any major movement in the Black Lantern Corps recently?"


Bai Xiaofei speculated that it might be that the Black Lantern Legion was carrying out some special operation, which led to the outbreak of the power of death.

In the end, Aya's answer made him even more puzzled: "No, according to my latest news, the Black Lantern Legion has been very honest recently. After all, Scarface has been killed. Without this Black Lantern Guardian, some kind of To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a group of dragons without a leader."

"Although Scarface has been transformed into a member of the Black Lantern, it will take some time to recover to the previous level, right?"

"Could the fluctuations sensed by Mister be caused by them using the power of death to restore Scarface?"


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head and vetoed: "I don't think so. After Scarface becomes a member of the Black Lantern, the general power of death can help her recover, but what I sense is the fluctuation of the original power of death. ..."

"So it should have nothing to do with her. I suspect it may be related to the black robe. After all, they lost a lot in this battle. In order to fight against Apocalypse and us, they may create a group of black robe masters again in case of emergency... ..."

"If that's the case, it's not good."


Although Bai Xiaofei did not participate in the Battle of the Mechanical Fortress, he was very clear about Darkseid's strength.

Even Darkseid is no match for the black-robed lord, even if Bai Xiaofei came in person, I am afraid it would be the same result.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel a huge crisis.

If the Black Lantern Legion once again created a group of black-robed troops and ran to deal with Kruga, or the mechanical field, would he be able to stop it?

Bai Xiaofei didn't know.

The only thing he knows is that it will definitely be a fierce battle.

And the one who loses is likely to be himself. Even if he wins in the end and beats the enemy away, his losses will be as heavy as those of Apocalypse.

With that in mind.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning slightly, and secretly said: "It seems that we must take precautions early, otherwise we won't be able to cry when the time comes..."


Aiya seemed to have guessed what Bai Xiaofei was thinking.

Suddenly he said: "Our Sentinel Corps has made some new progress recently, do you want to come over and see for yourself?"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became curious.

new progress?

what's the situation?

Looking at Aya's expression, it seems that the upgrade is quite strong. Could it be that there has been a rapid improvement on the original basis?

Think here.

He couldn't help being interested, nodded with a smile and said: "Seeing that you are so confident, it has aroused my curiosity. There is nothing important about it now, so let's go and have a look!"

Aiya was overjoyed immediately: "Sir, please come with me, I assure you, the result will not let you down..."


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