The Storm God

Chapter 3854 Sentry upgrade! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei and Aya came to a remote planet.

This is an uninhabited planet under the mechanical field, rich in minerals, and there are a large number of mineral bases built on the ground.

On the face of it.

This planet seems to be a place for mining minerals.

But in fact, this is a research base secretly built by Aya, and its main research content is the Annihilator system.


After returning from the war.

Aya immediately devoted herself to the development and modification of the Annihilator system, and soon achieved outstanding success.

follow closely.

She recruited a group of volunteers, collected part of their consciousness and related information, stored them in the newly remodeled Annihilator 2.0 system, and carried out experiments on a group of sentinel hunters.

Although at the beginning, various mistakes were made in the experiment, and the loss was not small.

But Aya was never discouraged. After repeated revisions and upgrades, she finally solved all the problems.


Bai Xiaofei came out.

And now, Aiya is going to bring Bai Xiaofei to witness the success of her own research and development, which is a congratulatory gift for Bai Xiaofei to leave the customs.

The research base is under the ground of a desert.

after entering.

With his powerful spiritual power, Bai Xiaofei felt the extraordinaryness of this base almost instantly.

"Aya, the defense level of this base seems to be no less than the core base of Dust Star, right? What research are you doing here?"

"It's so unscrupulous!"


he said in surprise.

Aiya didn't answer directly, Xiao Xiao bought a pass and said: "Sir, you will find out after a while..."


Bai Xiaofei was helpless.

With a wry smile, he followed Aya and moved on.

In a blink of an eye.

The two came to the bottom floor of the base.

Here, Bai Xiaofei saw a set of unfamiliar technological equipment, scanned it with his mind, and only felt familiar, with a slight sense of familiarity, but he couldn't tell what it was.

On the other end of the device, there are sentinel hunters one after another.

They stood in line, seeming to be receiving some kind of indoctrination from this set of technological equipment, and Bai Xiaofei was puzzled.

Because according to what he pointed out, all sentinel hunters didn't have such troubles if they wanted to add any skills or weapons.

You only need to let Bai Cass use the cloud sharing technology of the Hongmeng Dark System to directly mount it on the server of the sentinel hunter.

after all……

Sentinel Hunter has a high base.

It is almost the most perfect mechanical warrior developed by Bai Xiaofei. Even if there are any new technological breakthroughs in the future, it can be perfectly loaded and driven, which is very convenient.

But the equipment that Aya got, looks a bit...


Bai Xiaofei really couldn't understand, what kind of medicine was sold in Aya's gourd? Seeing Xiao Nizi's mysterious look, she refused to say anything, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to continue to investigate.

next moment.

His attention was placed on a sentinel hunter who had just received the indoctrination of the equipment. With his powerful spiritual power, he saw the sentry hunter thoroughly almost instantly.


I don't know if I don't see it, but when I saw it, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and said in surprise: "These sentinel hunters seem to have undergone some kind of hardware upgrade, are they equipped with the Yamozhuo drive system from the DC universe next door?"

Under Bai Xiaofei's primordial eyes, everything about Sentinel Hunter is invisible, and no detail can escape his detection.


Aya nodded.

Then he explained: "Although Sentinel Hunter's abilities are powerful and can simulate many abilities against different types of enemies, some abilities cannot be simulated and copied..."

"However, Yamozhuo's drive system has the ability to quickly upgrade and learn to evolve. The combination of the two can well make up for the lack of sentinel hunters..."

"Even the abilities of characters as strong as Superman, Flash, etc., the current Sentinel Hunter can copy them at will, or even fuse them into one..."

"However, these are not important. The most important thing is that these are just the basic prerequisites for another system."


Speaking of which.

Aiya looked directly at the set of technological equipment that made Bai Xiaofei somewhat unfamiliar, and explained: "This system is called Annihilator, and it is a top-notch technological product that Apocalypse scavenged from Krypton..."


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "It turned out to be a product produced by Krypton, no wonder it always feels a little familiar..."

"Then what is the capability of this set of products?"

"Transfer consciousness!"

Aya didn't continue to play tricks this time, but replied directly: "Not only that, but he can also transfer the ability of the consciousness ontology..."

The voice just fell.

Under Aya's signal, the metal material on the sentinel hunter who had just received the consciousness transfer melted and deformed instantly.

Under Bai Xiaofei's astonished gaze, this robot who was a genuine robot just now turned into an Octopus star.

Not only that.

It also showed Bai Xiaofei the various abilities and fighting skills unique to the Octopus Star, and at the same time possessed all the abilities that the Sentinel Hunter himself possessed.

But in Bai Xiaofei's view.

This sentinel hunter is not as simple as simply transforming, but has the special ability of the octopus star.

Like telepathy.


You must know that such abilities are generally only possessed by intelligent creatures, and it is impossible for robots or the like to possess them.

It turned out that Sentinel Hunter did it.

This is outrageous!

To this.

Even Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

"It's incredible!"



He couldn't help but praise again and again.

The excitement was beyond words, and he clearly understood what this technology meant to his army.

Aya, who got the compliment, suddenly became happier.

She continued to explain: "Sir, because of time, this Annihilator system has only reached version 2.0, so there are still many shortcomings, but as long as I have enough time, I will definitely make it more perfect and powerful……"


Bai Xiaofei had no doubts about this.

Hearing this, he immediately nodded in agreement, and praised: "Aiya, you have done a great job this time. With this thing, the combat power of our mechanical army will definitely increase several times!"

"Not only that, but the Annihilator system can also be applied to other aspects and fields, and the effect can be said to be great."

"Such a good baby, how did Darkseid agree to let you take it away? Could it be that his head is showing off?"


hear this.

Aya couldn't help laughing, and replied: "Sir, of course Darkseid didn't show off, it was just a little calculation by me, and the special circumstances at the time, so I had to let it out."

"If it were normal, it would definitely not be so easy. After all, the other party is not a fool, so why don't they know the terrifying function of the Annihilator system?"

"That's right!"

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei understood the key point. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Anyway, we've found a great treasure this time. Well done!"

In addition to praise.

In his mind, a storm of thinking immediately set off, and N kinds of upgrading and transformation plans were born for the almost finalized mechanical signboard of the Sentinel Hunter.

And all of this is because of the Annihilator system.


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