The Storm God

Chapter 3855 Huge threat! (Please subscribe!)


In the palace of the monarch.

Darkseid sits on the throne with a sad face.

Under his command, on the left is his confidant general and his second son Olean, and on the right is Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

The fact that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can stand in this position is enough to show that the previous battles have won Darkseid's favor and trust.

At least on the surface.


Orion opened his mouth, wanting to ask his father, but he was worried about the Black Lantern Legion.

As a result, just as he opened his mouth, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, shook his head and signaled him not to ask any more, because it was useless to ask.

Unless you can find a solution.

on this...

Orion was speechless.

Although he is conceited and talented, but in this matter, there is nothing he can do. After all, even his father can't easily defeat the strong man in black robe.

"I'm fine..."

At this moment, Darkseid spoke.

He glanced at Oneiroi Morpheus, and said calmly: "Oneiroi, it seems that you have recovered well recently..."

at this time.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has recovered more than half of his strength.

Not only that, the generals under his command have also gained considerable strength, their strength has improved a lot, and they have a small scale.


Hearing Dakseid's words, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, smiled, and said, "It's all thanks to the help of the monarch, otherwise I wouldn't be able to recover so quickly..."

"That's what you deserve."

After finishing speaking, Darkseid looked at his second son and asked, "I asked you to pay attention to the actions of the Black Lantern Corps and the situation of Bai Xiaofei. Is there any progress?"


Orion replied: "Bai Xiaofei didn't take any action, everything is as usual. As for the Black Lantern Corps, after Scarface's death, the position of guardian fell directly to Apa..."

"Recently, they seem to be collecting some special materials in the universe, so the expansion is very frequent..."

"This is the information found."


After finishing speaking, Orion showed a data file, which listed several main materials that the Black Lantern Corps was collecting.


As a result, Darkseid only glanced at it, then narrowed his eyes immediately, and then snorted coldly: "The ultimate demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer was indeed snatched by the Black Lantern Legion, and they still want to mass-produce it... "


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't know about the ultimate demon-like Black Lamp Destroyer. Hearing this, he couldn't help being curious, and asked, "My lord, what is that? Is it powerful?"


Darkseid hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he decided to tell the Oneiroi Lord Murphys what he really wanted, and explained: "Whether it is powerful or not, it depends on who it is..."

"At first, this was a project we developed in cooperation with the Black Lantern Corps. It was originally used to deal with Bai Xiaofei, but from the beginning to the end, this thing was used by the other party to create a sharp weapon for himself..."

"how do I say this?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, became more and more confused the more he listened.

This thing seems to be a synthetic monster, right? Where can it be great? Why is it worth the calculation of the Black Lantern Legion?

He expressed his incomprehension.


Darkseid didn't quite understand either.

But through all kinds of analysis in the past, he came to a vague conclusion, that is, this special body may be of great use to the Black Lantern Legion.

He still couldn't figure out the key point before.


After seeing the incarnation of the black robe, Darkseid finally understood that the ultimate demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer is probably the body that the Black Lantern Legion used as a container for the Black Death Emperor!

To know.

A terrifying figure like the Black Death Emperor was kept out of the wall.

It would cost a lot of money to come in, and the possibility is very slim, but the Black Death Emperor seems to have found a way.

And the man in black is the best proof.

It's just that the general body has limited strength and can only bear a little bit of the power of the Black Death Emperor.

Any more, and there is a danger of bursting.

But if there is a body that can evolve infinitely, and its strength is amazing enough, then that's another matter.

At the beginning, Darkseid had doubts about the purpose of the Black Lantern Corps' joint research, but because there was too little information, he couldn't figure out the key point.

He only knew that this thing was of great help to him.


Even if you understand everything, it is too late.

Apocalypse spent countless resources and efforts to create a product, but it became someone else's wedding dress. It is really annoying to think about it!

With that in mind.

Darkseid's killing intent surged immediately, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Olean, pass on my order, at all costs, to prevent the Black Lantern Legion from collecting those supplies, even if they are destroyed, they cannot be allowed to succeed! "


Orion led the way.

Morpheus, the Oneiroi who stayed in the hall, squinted his eyes and asked, "My lord, is this destroyer useful to the Black Lantern Legion, or will it pose a huge threat to us?"


Darkseid expressed his guess, and said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know how many of these may be true, but if one of them is correct, it will be a huge disaster that cannot be ignored for us!"

Darkseid is very clear about how powerful Doomsday is.

Even a normal Doomsday without a fully awakened gene lock is enough to defeat an elite Kryptonian warrior, and a fully awakened Doomsday is even more immortal and extremely difficult to deal with.

Otherwise, it wouldn't become one of the Kryptonian family's trump cards.

The ultimate demon-like Black Lantern Destroyer is the ultimate existence that combines the demon-like technology, the power of the black lamp, and the fully awakened Doomsday of the gene lock.

Even Dakseid is very afraid of this thing.

If the Black Death Emperor really chooses this kind of horrible guy as his container, or mass-produces the incarnation of the black-robed man...


Who else in this universe can fight against it?

After learning about the horror of the ultimate demon-like Black Lamp Destroyer, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't help being secretly surprised.

"Oh My God!"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a perverted guy in this world, with infinite evolution, coupled with the fearlessness of demons, and the immortality of the black lamp..."

"This thing is simply invincible!"


Even him.

I also have to admit that the ultimate demon-like black lamp destroyer is terrifying.

Just one is so difficult to deal with, if it is mass-produced and turned into an army...


Who can resist this? !

Thinking of this, even Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can't help feeling that this universe is too dangerous.

Not to mention that insidious and cunning bastard Bai Xiaofei, even the local natives are so perverted.


If I had known earlier, I would not have come here.

It's too late to say anything now, the plan for now is to quickly find a way to save yourself, otherwise once the plot of the Black Lantern Legion succeeds, it will be completely finished.

Think here.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't know why, but suddenly thought of Bai Xiaofei, and then suggested to Darkseid: "My lord, this matter is so important, I don't think we can just do it ourselves."

"We should also tell Bai Xiaofei and the others about the seriousness of the matter, so that they can help deal with the Black Lantern Corps."

"After all, in terms of the overall situation, we are all on the same front. Whether it is for the overall situation or for themselves, I don't think they can sit idly by!"

"And against the Black Lantern Legion, they also have an advantage."


this moment.

The thoughts of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, were unprecedentedly clear.

In an instant, the power of it was analyzed thoroughly, and these words also made Dakseid quite agree and moved.


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